A little girl born in the 1990s bought a supermarket worth RMB 500,000 without spending a penny, and successfully collected RMB 650,000 in one month. Borrowing other people's stores to make money for yourself is the best model to use during the epidemic. There is no other model.

90, a young girl bought a supermarket worth RMB 500,000 without spending a penny, and successfully collected RMB 650,000 in one month. Borrowing other people's stores to make money for yourself is the best model to use during the epidemic. There is no other model. If you are short of money or resources and want to start a business, this empty-handed model is worth learning from.

Under the epidemic, there are stores everywhere that are losing money and need to be transferred. Find a store with a good location, decoration, and all aspects, and talk to the boss one by one.

Your business is not doing well. I have a way to help you start it. I don’t want your salary. If you make money, we will give you 50/50. If you lose money, I can first give you a deposit of 30,000 yuan, which will be deducted directly. If the cooperation is completely terminated, your boss will not suffer any loss inside or outside.

The cooperation time is one month. Whether we will continue to cooperate after one month and how we will cooperate will be calculated based on success. If we talk to several companies, there will always be a hard-working boss who cannot bear the pressure of continuing to lose money and is forced to accept it. After

obtained the operating rights, it directly launched an activity that customers could not refuse: if you deposit 500, you will get 500 and get 500 back. The 500 given by

is 500 eggs, and the 500 returned is a one-time cash return of 500 yuan. No customer can refuse this kind of activity. It directly drove the customer flow in five days and directly collected 650,000 yuan.

Many people think that giving away 500 eggs will give you a one-time return of 500 yuan in cash. If you do this, you will definitely lose money. But what I want to tell you is that it is just the opposite. Just because you are giving away eggs, you will get a one-time return of 500 yuan in cash. Cash, this event, makes money, you know why?

It’s very simple. You can get these 500 eggs twice a week and you can get three each time. Here comes the interesting part. In order to avoid losses caused by customers taking the eggs and leaving without consumption, we have added a new gameplay here. I think this gameplay is the most applicable and awesome trick in the brick-and-mortar store entrepreneurship class on the left. Friends who are brick-and-mortar friends can learn it carefully.

When customers don’t have enough for three eggs, or want to consume other products, tell them that they don’t need these three eggs, and then they can deduct 7 yuan when they spend 30 yuan or more.

You see, it usually costs up to 5 yuan to buy 3 eggs, but now it can be used as 7 yuan, which greatly increases the chance of customers continuing to spend. Increased our profitability.

As for the 500 yuan that will be directly refunded, let me give you a hint here. After mastering the above content, I will explain it to you in detail in the next article. If you want to quickly realize profits in business, you must learn to change your thinking and use borrowed thinking to make money that others cannot see. This is the only shortcut to wealth for ordinary people who have no money and no connections.

If you are an entity owner, or plan to start a business, I suggest you study the following course. The course covers more than 380 stores and more than 600 sets of activity templates. There is always one that suits you. It is real, effective and easy to copy. You must learn it.