The case I want to bring to you today is: An old lady from Henan opened a supermarket and took advantage of "human greed" to make a profit of 1.8 million yuan a year. If you are in business, don't know how to do activities, and lack cash flow, then you must take a good look at to

The case that

will bring to you today is: An old lady from Henan opened a supermarket and took advantage of "human greed" to make a profit of 1.8 million yuan a year. If you are in business, don’t know how to do activities, and lack cash flow , then you must take a good look at today’s case. Blood Song is a one-and-a-half-step approach, and you will definitely earn much more than you currently do by working hard in a small shop. .

Case Background

This supermarket is in Henan. The owner is under 60 years old. His surname is Liu and he is known as Aunt Liu. Since Aunt Liu opened the supermarket, many single old men in the town want to have a second love with Aunt Liu. After all, no matter old man or young man, who can refuse a rich woman? It's just that Aunt Liu is not interested. In her heart, making money is the most important thing.

The business model we are going to talk about today is the routine used by Aunt Liu in the supermarket. We call it the "Carrot Law". It is no exaggeration to say that this business model is quite powerful, otherwise Aunt Liu would not be able to earn 1.8 million a year.

Many bosses now say that if business is not easy to do, there is nothing they can do if God does not provide them with food. Indeed, the past two days can be regarded as the cold winter era for physical stores, and countless physical stores have closed down. However, is the reason really due to external factors such as the market and the epidemic? Not necessarily, otherwise, why can others make money but you can't? To put it harshly, isn't it because you have no ability?

Take peer competition as an example. If there is competition, there will definitely be winners and losers. Why can others win, but you have to be the loser? Does this mean that you are more incompetent than others? None of you have the skills? When you lose, have you ever thought about why customers choose him instead of you? What are his strengths? Can you create a more cost-effective way of doing business?

Not much to say, today I will tell you about Aunt Liu’s marketing routine. After reading Aunt Liu’s method, everyone must not complain about this or that. Other people’s experience is the ladder to your success. Learn how others make money.

plan introduction

Aunt Liu's marketing plan is really simple, but the effect is not bad, and in terms of locking customers, it really has the customer in hand, and she doesn't need to do anything, and the customer will beg for nothing. Lai Fei wants to come to her store to spend money. Just like that, do you think Aunt Liu can not make money?

How did Aunt Liu do it?

1. Give eggs for free, no money required;

2. Return all the money spent by customers to customers.

With just two tricks, does it seem like Aunt Liu has suffered a big loss? However, let me tell you, this is the brilliance of Aunt Liu. On the surface, she is losing money. When the customers see it, your boss is losing money, so I must have made a lot of money. As a result, customers come to the supermarket to spend money, fearing that you will not suffer enough losses. But as everyone knows, customers who come into the store are like "turtles in a urn" and have fallen into Aunt Liu's trap.

Profit Analysis

There are more than 400 practical plans like this in the column below, and they are real, effective, and easy to copy. Just click on the column card below to unlock and learn.

Let’s talk about the first point first: eggs are given to customers for free and no money is charged. What’s going on?

Aunt Liu proposed: As long as customers join the community, they can receive three eggs for free. To be honest, who wouldn’t like this free gift? After all, greed is human nature, so there were still many customers who joined the community at that time.

When customers come to collect eggs, do they come to the supermarket? If a customer happens to need to buy something for home, should they just buy it directly from Aunt Liu?

At the same time, Aunt Liu also proposed: If customers are willing to spend 20 yuan to become a member of the supermarket, they can not only get 20 yuan of eggs for free, but also get 20 yuan of no-threshold consumption. The activity is obviously more attractive than the first activity, so most of the customers who came to the supermarket at that time chose the second method.Since

has attracted so many customers to become its members, Aunt Liu must let these member customers play a role and make money for herself, right?

So, Aunt Liu proposed: After becomes a member customer, you can introduce relatives and friends to join the community. As long as each person is successfully introduced, the introducer can get 10 eggs.

Why does Aunt Liu want to attract so many people into the community? At this time, I have to tell you about Aunt Liu’s final routine.

Aunt Liu Every Sunday night, she will distribute red envelopes three times in the group, and grab the three luckiest customers. No matter how much money they spend in the supermarket this week, Aunt Liu will directly use the money spent by the customers. Return to customers in the form of cash red envelopes. If does this, is it equivalent to the customer not spending a dime this week?

You see, as for ordinary bosses, they only know how to wait for customers to come to the store. And what about smart bosses? By grasping human nature, customers have been able to voluntarily come to the store to spend money. This is the difference between a smart boss and an ordinary boss.

Aunt Liu’s plan not only solves the dilemma of no customers, but also locks customers into the store for long-term consumption. Isn’t it very clever? It is precisely because of such a plan that Aunt Liu was able to make a profit of 1.8 million a year and make a lot of money.

Today’s case only intercepts a small part of the course below. This set of cases has at least three profit points. After reading this, you will know why it is so easy for smart bosses to make money. You can directly copy these methods and apply them to your business. At the same time, the course covers more than 380 stores and more than 600 sets of activity templates. There is always one that suits you. It is real, effective, and easy to copy. You must learn it.