The fireworks of Shanghai are not only hidden in the cafes in the streets and alleys, but also exist on the outdoor running tracks, showing their vitality in the coming and going of people. The summer solstice has passed, and keeping fit has become a top priority for many people.

The fireworks of Shanghai are not only hidden in the cafes on the streets and alleys, but also on the outdoor running tracks, showing their vitality in the coming and going of people.

The summer solstice has passed, and keeping fit has become a "top priority" for many people. The "General Sports Cup" 2022 National City Fun Race, organized by All-China Sports Federation and Vanke Enterprise Co., Ltd. , has covered 350 cities across the country since its online launch on April 28, attracting nearly 840,000 people. people signed up to participate.

Among them, Shanghai is one of the five cities with the most active registrations for LeRun. Employees, their families and partners from Vanke Enterprise , as well as running enthusiasts from all walks of life, are also the ones who love "grouping". city, the number of running groups formed leads other cities across the country that participate in fun running.

Sports balance work and life

This year’s National City Fun Run has not only upgraded its specifications, but also further expanded its scale because it is not limited by space and form. Participants adopt the cloud model of "running separately offline and checking in online", and check in the same "Happy Run" card in different cities.

Official data from the "General Sports Cup" 2022 National Urban Fun Race shows that among the top three cities with the largest number of runners after 22:00, Shenzhen, Beijing and Shanghai rank in the top three. It is not difficult to find from this data, which is called "the city with the most night owls", that the contestants from Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen are really working hard.

Screenshots of LeRun participants checking in

"The fun of running at night is that you can see a different side of the same road." 26-year-old Xiaobai works as a planner in an advertising company and was roped into the LeRun group by her friends. She spends all her time during the day She contributes to her work and opens and clicks at night to complete tasks. “Running and relaxing is also a good way to relax,” she said.

Among the portraits of Lepao participants, there are many like Xiaobai, who work hard and live seriously at the same time. Among the contestants, 57.4% are in the 26-40 age group, and the proportion of women is twice that of men.

Building a Vibrant City Together

The "Shanghai National Fitness Implementation Plan (2021-2025)" points out that national fitness is an important aspect of the people's yearning for a better life, an important way for the general public to enhance their physical fitness and health, and an important part of Shanghai's construction of a global Important content of famous sports cities.

actively responded to the call for national fitness. Vanke launched and hosted the approximately 5-kilometer city fun run in 2013. The original intention was to get more companies to pay attention to the health of their employees and advocate a sunny and active working lifestyle. Today, Fun Running has gradually developed into a series of Fun Running events including urban Fun Running events, community Fun Running events, university Fun Running events, and runner-centered high-quality full marathons.

In order to enable everyone participating to develop the habit of exercise, the "General Sports Cup" 2022 National Urban Fun Race has a carefully designed competition system, which is divided into individual competitions and team competitions. The individual competition has 5 levels set up every month, with each level targeting a simple and easy 5 kilometers. The last level sets the corresponding target kilometers according to the month (May-September). Team competition participants can choose to participate in two competition formats: monthly target system and PK system.

In addition, the event will set up a city PK competition, combined with real-person level-breaking activities, integrating running, listening, playing, shopping, showing, and prizes. While running, you can also subscribe to an exclusive running playlist and get your own exclusive medal. And certificates, sports peripheral products, discover urban fireworks in happy sports.

column editor: Li Ji Text editor: Yu Honghao

 special topic 

Source: Author: Lin Lin