It can be said that every inch of land in Beijing is precious. The closer to the city center, the higher the land price. Many celebrities own many luxury houses in Beijing, and the most conspicuous one is the Wangfu Century Building, which is close to the Forbidden City. Its owne

Every inch of land in Beijing is precious.. The closer to the city center, the higher the land price. Many celebrities own many luxury houses in Beijing, and the most conspicuous one is the Wangfu Century Building, which is close to the Forbidden City. Its owner is Wang Zhicai. Many people may feel strange when talking about Wang Zhicai, but when it comes to his wife, Qinggege Wang Yan, you will know that Wang Zhicai is more than ten years older than Wang Yan. Many people in society think that Wang Yan married for money. Give him , but what few people know is that Wang Yan was not particularly famous when they got married, and Wang Zhicai's business was not as good as it is now.

Wang Zhicai's mother was the daughter of a prince of the Qing Dynasty and was a descendant of the royal family. If he had been in the Qing Dynasty, his mother would have been considered a qualified . However, such royal relatives ceased to exist with the fall of the Qing Dynasty, but their Life was still better than that of ordinary people, but it began to decline later on. There was not much difference between and ordinary people's lives .

Wang Zhicai’s mother’s innate royal temperament has always been with him . When Wang Zhicai was born, his family lived in extreme poverty, but under his mother’s guidance since childhood, he always wanted to become a successful person and recreate the family’s legacy. Brilliant, Wang Zhicai worked in a state-owned watch factory when he grew up. With his intelligence and smooth handling of people, he quickly gained the respect of the factory boss.

Later, he quit his job at the watch factory, and with the first pot of gold he earned, began to do reselling business in Hong Kong. The place where he lived in Hong Kong was very simple. At that time, housing prices in Hong Kong were very expensive, and real estate was In the emerging industry, he met his first wife in Hong Kong. At that time, his first wife Wang Lu had just lost her husband and inherited a large inheritance. The Wang Lu family was also a business family. The poor boy Wang Zhicai obtained his future father-in-law. He appreciated and arranged a marriage between him and his wife.

After getting married, he felt that the real estate industry would definitely develop vigorously in the future, but at that time he did not have so much money to develop real estate. With the support of his wife Wang Lu, he was ready to make a big splash in the real estate industry . He did not go to Shenzhen, but After returning to Beijing, he believed that Beijing would definitely develop very well in the future.

After returning to Beijing, with the help of his mother, he successfully obtained the land and established the Wangfu Century Building. His career was successful, but his marriage was in crisis. Wang Zhicai has been busy with his career in Beijing all year round, while his wife Wang Lu has been Living in Hong Kong and being apart for a long time, their relationship became weaker and weaker. Later, the two divorced, and their son Wang Shuo was raised by Wang Zhicai. Although he divorced his ex-wife, they still had a cooperative relationship . All the time, the two were peaceful. get along.

After the divorce, Wang Zhicai put all his energy into his career., and his career territory expanded day by day. In 1995, Wang Zhicai met Wang Yan, who had just graduated. Wang Yan’s teacher was an old acquaintance of Wang Zhicai. He introduced Wang Yan to When she met Wang Zhicai for the first time, Wang Yan didn't even know what Wang Zhicai did. They both liked each other.

After the first meeting, Wang Zhicai lost information . It turned out that after the first meeting, Wang Zhicai went to Australia on a business trip. He changed his nationality to Australian. Changing his nationality does not mean that he is not patriotic. He just For the better development of the company, except for himself, everyone else in the family is Chinese. Once, Wang Yan fell and fractured during filming and was admitted to the hospital.

Wang Yan was resting peacefully in the hospital. Suddenly one day many gifts were sent to his ward , and then Wang Zhicai walked in. Wang Zhicai had just returned from Australia when he heard that Wang Yan was injured, so he came to the hospital to visit without stopping. Wang Yan, Wang Yan was quickly discharged from the hospital under the careful care of Wang Zhicai.

After being discharged from the hospital, their relationship gradually warmed up . In 1997, the two registered their marriage. Shortly after the marriage, the financial crisis hit, and Wang Zhicai's business was also greatly affected. At this time, Wang Yan has been accompanying Wang Zhicai. around him, Wang Zhicai sold several properties in Australia in order to survive the crisis, and Australian banks also provided him with loans. He finally survived the crisis. Wang Yan has always been by her husband's side. She also told her husband: Even if he goes bankrupt, she will support him through filming. Wang Zhicai was deeply moved when he heard Wang Yan's heartwarming comfort.

Although Wang Zhicai often travels abroad on business, he cares about his wife very much. often goes to visit Wang Yan. Wang Yan became popular in the second part of "Huan Zhu Ge Ge" aired in 1999, starring Qing Gege, but this did not matter at all. It affected the relationship between the couple, but the couple became happier. Later, Wang Yan gave birth to Wang Zhicai’s second son, named Qiuqiu, and Wang Yan was also different from the stepmother in public perception. He and his stepson Wang Shuo The relationship is also very harmonious. Wang Shuo and Big S's ex-husband Wang Xiaofei, Liu Tao 's husband Wang Ke , and Wang Yu, the son of the former Shanghai mayor, are known as the four young men in Beijing.

Wang Yan stayed with Wang Zhicai during his most difficult period. After having a son, she was even willing to stay behind the scenes and quit the big screen. She took care of her husband and children at home and took good care of the family, so that Wang Zhicai had no worries. Wang Zhicai also understands his wife's hard work and is not afraid of rumors. Their life is extremely happy.