No need to rush, no need to shine, no need to be someone else, just be yourself. -- Woolf Each of us is a unique individual. In life, we don't have to force ourselves... we must learn to love ourselves, make friends who make you happy, love people who won't make you cry, and go w

You don’t have to be in a hurry, you don’t have to be radiant, you don’t have to be someone else, you just have to be yourself. -- Woolf

Each of us is a unique individual. In life, we do not have to force ourselves... we must learn to love ourselves

Make friends who make you happy, love people who will not make you cry, and go to yourself Go in the direction you want to go and fulfill your dreams no matter how big or small. Life should be beautiful and gentle, and so should you. -- "NetEase Cloud Hot Review"

Now please take a deep breath, relax, and start a Zentangle journey with me. Before painting, I will share with you the creative patterns and grid patterns. Today's creative patterns are feathers and fragments 5

All Tools:

pencil white charcoal marker pen syringe pen paper pen rectangular paper brick

Steps are as follows:

1. Use pencil to draw dark lines, through the illustration Zentangle pattern feathers

2. Color with markers, just use your favorite color.

4. Finally, add shadows with pencil, highlight the highlights with white charcoal, and sign your initials

The work is completed. Have you learned how to do it? Thank you for meeting me!