What does the rural saying "the poor move their homes, the rich build their graves, and the business fails and open their doors" mean? Does it make sense? In rural areas, what the elderly teach future generations often comes from their own experience and the teachings of their pr

What does the rural saying "the poor move their homes, the rich build their graves, and the business fails and open their doors" mean? Does it make sense?

In rural areas, what the elderly teach future generations often comes from their own experience and the teachings of their predecessors, and is best expressed in the form of proverbs. Today, I heard a novel proverb: "The poor move their homes, the rich move their graves, and when times are bad, they change their homes." It sounds nice, but when farmers think about it, something seems wrong. Can farmers afford to relocate? Why do rich people move their graves? And what does wealth have to do with the entrance to your home? The answers to these questions will be given below.

First of all, as to why the poor want to move, although they don't have much money, it is very easy for them because they have nothing to move. In addition, poor people are prone to superstition and feel that the place where they live is unlucky, so they naturally want to change to a place with better feng shui and better luck. When poor people live in one place for a long time, they are more likely to be disliked by those around them. Exiled peasants were forced to move out.

In peasant families, things are done according to the teachings of the ancestors, as well as according to the principles and blood relationships of the ancestors. Some people have made a small fortune for themselves through diligent and conscientious work, although their ancestors were not diligent and did not accumulate a lot of wealth. These wealthy people, even though they are living reasonably well, are considering changing the location of their ancestors' graves. This is the idea of ​​the older generation, but people nowadays do not have such superstition. They just believe in their hearts and want to serve their ancestors. One of the ways is to move the grave, because after your parents die, you cannot be filial to them.

Many farmers are very particular about the construction of their houses. According to them, family wealth has a great relationship with their houses. If a family's financial fortune is not good for a long time, it may be related to the entrance of the house. People live in a house for a long time, and if the door faces the west or a lower mountain for a long time, it may cause long-term harm to the farmer's health. Too much sunlight or too low terrain will make family life difficult, and may even lead to high humidity, which can be said to close the road to wealth. How can we be lucky when our health is gone and we are lethargic?

This statement only describes a phenomenon. Farmers themselves still have to weigh how to make a choice, whether it is right or wrong. There may be superstitious ideas, but there is also scientific analysis. The circumstances in which a person lives can affect their physical and mental health, but most people simply seek emotional comfort after death. Whether it makes sense or not, farmers can do little to change what they believe is right in their hearts.