Ten years of life and death, without thinking, unforgettable - Su Shi In the eyes of many people, female stars are unattainable. Let alone contact with female stars, even getting a photo with them can make many people excited for a long time. Is it true that ordinary men have no

Ten years of life and death are uncertain. Without thinking, you will never forget it - Su Shi

In the eyes of many people, female stars are unattainable. Let alone contact with female stars, even getting a photo with them can make many people I have been excited for a long time. Is it true that ordinary men have no chance to meet female celebrities in this life? A Chinese young man has successfully crossed this mountain.

This Chinese guy is a chef. He successfully married an Indian female star in 9 years, and his experience is simply more exaggerated than a romance novel.

Love at First Sight

Norman is a native Chinese. His family is very ordinary. His parents are typical working-class people. They are not as good as those above, but more than enough than those below. This makes Norman's life since childhood relatively stable, but there are unforeseen circumstances. , just when faced with life choices, Norman had a fierce quarrel with his parents.

In the eyes of most parents, their children should become doctors or lawyers. This way they will not only be respected, but also have many future development directions and high income. But in Norman's heart, he has actually been growing up since he was very young. I already had a dream, that is to be a chef.

At first, Norman's parents were very angry about their son's choice and often quarreled, but this could not change Norman's mind at all. After school, the first thing Norman opened when he got home was not the homework but the recipe. It can be said that He was obsessed with cooking. Faced with this situation, Norman's parents stopped persuading him and simply sent him to a chef cooking school.

After coming to the chef school, Norman was finally able to get in touch with what he liked. In the process of making different dishes, he became deeply obsessed with the cooking of Indian dishes, and therefore had the idea of ​​​​going to India to study, but Going abroad is not an easy task, and the cost alone is beyond his ability to afford.

For this reason, he chose to go to India alone, working and studying at the same time. After arriving in India, although the job was not smooth at the beginning, fortunately he met a Chinese boss and successfully helped her gain a foothold in India. , and a series of things happened next.

After gaining a foothold in India, Norman began to study Indian food seriously. In order to better understand Indian food, Norman began to understand the Indian language and Indian culture, but Norman did not expect that he would be with him from now on. India has an indissoluble bond.

One day Norman was helping in the restaurant, and suddenly he found a table of people eating that was very lively. Driven by curiosity, he went over to take a look, but this sight made Norman completely overwhelmed. It turned out that the group was there Among the people, there was a very beautiful woman. Norman didn't dare to think that there was such a beautiful woman in India. He just stayed where he was. He didn't react until his colleague called him.

At this time, his colleague introduced to him that the beauty who fascinated Norman at first sight was none other than the Indian female star Bennuff. Interestingly, due to Norman's reaction, Bennuff also noticed this look. Silly chef.

Norman's Confession

Bennaf is not an ordinary star. She is a well-known beauty in India. Her status is probably equivalent to that of Gong Li, who was very popular back then. . Bennaf has attracted everyone's attention since she was a child. She is only 7 years old. She is the queen model of major advertisers. After grew up, Benaf became the box office guarantee of Indian film and television dramas. No matter which actor or director she collaborated with, the film and television dramas she shot would become a hit. Behind her The total box office is very impressive.

And Benaf is not a simple traffic star. After her success, she never gave up her studies. She is an outstanding star who pays equal attention to acting skills and strength. A female star and a chef are implicated in fate at this moment. together.

Norman liked the beautiful Benave very much, but he also knew that his abilities were limited. If he chose to get to know Beneff at this time, the most likely thing would be that after getting an autograph, the two would part ways, and then go their separate ways. There was no connection, so Norman made a decision in his heart, that is, to study cooking seriously and slowly gain Benedict's love.

Since then, Norman has been practicing his cooking skills like crazy. Not only has he mastered basically all Indian dishes, he has also developed a proficient English. All of this has become a prerequisite for him and Benedict to gradually become familiar with each other. , as a native Indian, Benaf often eats different delicacies from different countries, but her favorite is definitely Indian food. Maybe it was the last time Norman left an impression on her. From then on, Benaf I come to this restaurant often.

If you want to capture a woman's heart, you must first capture her stomach. With her superb cooking skills, Benave has become a loyal fan of the restaurant. Basically, she will come to the restaurant to dine whenever she has free time, and every time When Benave appears, Norman will ask him to take the spoon. The friends in the restaurant also see Norman's intentions. Although they are not optimistic about Norman, they want to support him from the bottom of their hearts.

In this way, Norman and Bennave gradually became familiar with each other, and Bennave also became Norman's prisoner. Because of the food, although the two only chatted occasionally, they gradually became familiar with each other. After the two got acquainted, Norman finally plucked up the courage to get Bennave's personal contact information, which allowed the two to finally start to get closer to each other.

After having personal contact information, Norman learned more about Bennave. Although Norman had already known Bennave in detail before, he did not know that Bennave was there until the two started chatting privately. Behind the glamour, there is also its own bitterness. Because there are too many characters that are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, Benave has gradually fallen into an endless loop. No matter what kind of role she plays, everyone still remembers the original role. For an actor, It is tantamount to a death sentence.

During that time, Bennaff was in a very low mood, and Norman comforted her very carefully. The relationship between the two gradually became closer, and Norman also plucked up the courage to confess, but Bennaff did not agree.

Lovers eventually get married.

For Norman, Bennave is very fond of him, but Bennave herself also has deep concerns, because the cultural backgrounds of the two are very different, and the professional differences between the two are very different. This becomes The gap between the two people is difficult to please. Take the simplest meal as an example. As an Indian, Benedict is used to eating with her hands, while Norman has always used traditional Chinese chopsticks.

Regarding Benneff's rejection, Norman felt that none of this was a problem, and Norman quickly found a solution. In order to be worthy of Bennaff, Norman Valley plucked up the courage to resign, went out on his own, and opened a restaurant. restaurant, and insists on dedicating a period of time every week to cooking for Bennave. Noda’s visit seems to have become Bennave’s private restaurant.

Sometimes when Benavee was filming in other places, Norman would make a special trip to visit the crew to cook for her. The delicious food made Beneffe in very good condition, and her career also improved significantly, but although this moved Beneffe , she still doesn’t want to face her love head-on. In Benave’s view, this is the rising period of her career, and she cannot interrupt her career because of love.

However, Norman is also an infatuated person. After being rejected again, he did not give up. Instead, he chose to continue waiting. This wait was a full 6 years. During these 6 years, Norman worked tirelessly. Even if he doesn't get any feedback, Norman never has forever.

Finally, Benave was moved by Norman's sincerity. The two established a relationship and soon decided to resolve it. At this time, Beneff no longer had those scruples. After confirming the relationship, Beneff directly Norman publicly announced the news of his upcoming marriage on his own social platform, , which also caused Norman to receive a lot of online attacks. Almost all Indians could not accept a Chinese marrying their goddess.

This feeling of resistance not only appears among a large number of Indian people, but even Bennave's family does not like this Chinese young man very much. After all, the cultural differences between the two countries are too great, but Norman has gained through his own actions. With the approval of Bennaff's parents, Norman blurted out all his likes and dislikes about Bennuff when facing Bennuff's parents. At this time, Norman could be said to be the person who knew Bennuff best in the world.

Although Norman successfully gained the trust of Bennaff's parents, Bennaff was also very uneasy. She was afraid that Norman's parents would not like her. Although she was a big star, as a woman, facing It is natural for the future mother-in-law to be nervous, and Norman was not an ordinary person at this time. His restaurant business was very prosperous, and after a few years, his net worth was incalculable.

However, this was all a false alarm. After coming to India, Norman's parents were completely satisfied with Bennaff. After all, Bennaff was impeccable in both appearance and identity, but Norman's parents couldn't figure it out. How did my son, who only knew how to cook, win the favor of a big star?

With the blessings of everyone, Norman and Bennave finally entered the palace of marriage. In order not to embarrass Bennave, Norman chose an English wedding throughout the whole process. At the wedding scene, Bennave told the story with tears in her eyes. She was not a proud person, and she had seen Norman's dedication to her over the years, but she was still unwilling to let go of the persistence in her heart.

But Norman expressed everything with his actual actions. It took 9 years from the first time Norman saw her to the two of them getting married. How many people would spend 9 years for their lover? Well, , so soon after the two confirmed their relationship, they decided to get married, because the two already knew each other very well, and nothing could stop them at this time.

After getting married, the two were still struggling in their respective fields. Although Benave was afraid that she would lose influence because of marriage, it turns out that the happy life after marriage made her acting skills better and she also gained More attention, all of which he didn't have when he was single, and Norman's business soared because of his marriage to Benedict, and he became one of the most successful Chinese in India.

But everything is unstoppable in the face of love, and the two soon held their wedding in Mumbai .