In the sales industry, reputation is very important. Good reputation can increase conversions and increase sales. In the e-commerce industry, electronic word-of-mouth is equally important. In online transactions, consumers cannot understand product information and features as the

In the

sales industry, word of mouth is very important. Good reputation can increase conversions and increase sales.

In the e-commerce industry, electronic word-of-mouth is equally important. In online transactions, consumers cannot understand product information and features as they do online, and can only rely on graphic and textual information from online product reviews to further make purchase decisions. Data from

shows that more than 90% of consumers will first read product reviews when making a purchase decision, and 63% of consumers said that purchase decisions are affected by praise ratings and reviews.

The importance of product reviews as electronic word-of-mouth in improving conversion rates and increasing sales is self-evident.

So how to use product reviews to serve the conversion rate of independent websites? Today, Ueeshop’s self-built website platform will share a few opinions.

1. Product evaluation and trust are closely related.

On the one hand, product evaluation can provide consumers with more product information and improve the purchasing experience. On the other hand, it can improve consumers' sense of trust and guide and stimulate consumers to make quick purchasing decisions. .

It is worth mentioning that negative reviews cannot be deleted for the sake of trust. Ueeshop recommends that sellers keep a certain number of negative reviews. If they are all positive reviews, it will not be conducive to the establishment of trust and may easily lead to suspicion. You can put good positive comments at the front and negative comments at the back, so that the impact of negative comments is relatively small.

2. The evaluations of influential people are more influential than the evaluations of ordinary consumers.

Influential people refer to people who have a certain appeal in the niche market of the product and can increase the sales of this audience group.

promotes and encourages them to evaluate products, which can effectively expose the product, enhance the product's presence and popularity, and help improve the conversion rate.

can guide fierce influencers to leave reviews on products through some reward mechanisms. For example, provide them with free products or services, give away coupons, pay commissions, etc.

3. Product optimization and marketing

Product reviews reflect consumers’ true feelings about the product to a certain extent. Responding to questions in reviews can establish a good corporate or product image, and feedback issues in reviews to the upstream of product production to upgrade and transform products to make them more in line with consumer needs, thereby improving product quality. sales volume. In addition, marketing information will also be included in the comments, which can help us adjust our marketing strategies, make targeted adjustments, and improve the conversion rate of traffic.

4. Get more product reviews

Invite consumers to review products one to two weeks after receiving the goods. You must have a good attitude when requesting reviews. If you are unwilling to leave a review, ask the reason and make a reasonable solution. Methods to enhance consumer favorability and satisfaction.

Remember not to invite comments too frequently, as this can easily offend consumers. A frequency of one to two weeks can increase the likelihood of leaving comments.

improves the quality of the product. Good quality can make people sincerely praise it when receiving an invitation, instead of rejecting it as the first reaction. The better the quality, the greater the number of positive reviews, which will help increase sales.

and above are the practical information shared today. If you think it is useful, try it quickly~

Ueeshop focuses on foreign trade website building, serving cross-border e-commerce B2C and export trade B2B, providing reliable and efficient website building tools that are helpful for long-term business development and overseas Marketing plan to help China’s high-quality products sell to the world. Cross-border sellers are welcome to experience products and services.