Today is the day when I started writing headlines and made my first cash withdrawal, 106.07 yuan, 393 works, and an average of 0.27 yuan per work. From April 20 to today, there are a total of 70 days, with an average of 1.52 yuan per day, which seems pretty good. In fact, many wo

Today is the day I started to withdraw money for the first time when I started writing headlines, 106.07 yuan, 393 works, and an average of 0.27 yuan per work. From April 20 to today, there are 70 days, an average of 1.52 yuan per day, which seems not bad.

In fact, many works in the early stage had no profit. In the first month, the profit was only 13 yuan, which shows that there was huge progress in the second month. The number of fans of

has also reached 926. I didn’t pay much attention to the number of fans after I became a fan, but some friends took the initiative to contact me and I was willing to help each other, so I followed them. It is very close to 1,000 and will definitely be reached in July.

How did I start creating Toutiao? When I was browsing short videos, I saw a blogger who said that he first started doing self-media on Toutiao. He posted updates every day like a circle of friends. Gradually, he gained more fans and made more money. more and more.

I happily registered the headline account , and found that it was synchronized with Douyin , so the displayed time was 147 days, but actually I started writing on April 20, the first day, and today it is 70 days.

My original intention was to write some parenting articles, share some insights from daily life, and some reading notes, travel records and so on. After all, I have two children. I have read a lot of parenting books and followed a lot of parenting public accounts.

The ideal is very plump, but the reality is very skinny. Not many people read the articles I wrote with great enthusiasm, so I started copying books, but no one read them for a few days. Later, after I passed 100 followers and made a few cents in profit, my confidence greatly increased. Start trying to write hot news materials.

is indeed much better, at least the reading volume can be hundreds. I stayed up during lunch break every day, wrote headlines, and interacted with each other. I stayed up late at night to write when my children were asleep. As a result, I only earned 13 yuan a month. But I love talking and writing so much, so just keep going!

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of the second month, there were two small hits. One was about the experience of buying a house, and the other was about losing money in the stock market. Both of them had an impression volume of more than 300,000 yuan, and earned about ten yuan. , which gave me great confidence, and I started to follow hot topics and write micro headlines every day.

I feel so tired while writing. I have to find materials, read hot topics, and interact with each other every day. There is not enough time, and I can't write ten articles every day like others say.

Writing five articles a day is already exhausting. At this time, I paid attention to Aunt Wang's account. She specializes in writing questions and answers. She writes three questions and answers every day, and her income is in the triple digits. I started trying to write Q&A again.

Because the unit price of Q&A is relatively high, I have written dozens of Q&A. Currently, there is only one popular one, which is the one I pinned to the top with more than 300,000 impressions. The current revenue is 17 yuan. I continue to recommend it every day, and the revenue is also updated. .

But I am still determined to write more Q&A in the future. Although the probability of Q&A becoming popular is not as good as that of micro headlines , after Q&A becomes popular, it can continue to be displayed, recommended for a long time, and generate profits every day.

My recent income has been between one and two, most of which are Q&A income. And I find that writing Q&A is not as tiring as writing micro-headlines. There is no need to find materials for Q&A.

As long as you choose a topic that suits you, you can write about topics related to your own experiences and people around you, and you can write quickly.

I have made up my mind to focus on Q&A in the future, occasionally write some articles, and less on micro headlines. The advantage of micro-toutiao is that it can be written quickly, with any number of words, and it is easy to maintain daily updates.

does not set too high goals for myself. My last goal was to achieve a daily income of more than one yuan, and my goal in July is to achieve a daily income of two yuan. Yuan or more, take your time, come on!

Newbies can learn from it. Forget about the big names, we newbies can also try more various themes, write a little bit in various styles, and then slowly find what suits us and stick to it. It’s impossible to make money to support the family by this. Let’s work hard and earn two to three hundred a month, which will be treated as a bonus. How great. Come on, friends! #I am creating in Toutiao#​