The sun sets in the middle of the night and I cherish the stars at night. The dogs bark and my heart is restless. After falling into a dream, you wake up three-thirds of the time, and your body is free and your shadow becomes clear. Peeping into the drunken moonlight and dreaming


Cherish the stars at sunset and night,

The dog barks and the heart is restless.

fell into a dream and woke up three minutes later,

was free and clear.


drunken moon whisk in the dream carving building,

beauty mistook several people.

The wind disturbs the remaining candle beads and curtains, and

explores the fragrance, crispness, moistness and tranquility.

The Long March

iron cavalry flew like arrows,

strings were full of arrows shooting to the southwest.

was lost for three or two nights, and

fell into a dream with no explanation.


html February The moon is falling and the bamboo leaves are whirling in the cold,

The bamboo leaves are whirling in the cold wind.

The wind breaks the round mirror and collects the dense waves,

The dense waves collect the mirror and the full moon sets.

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