The team-building task has initially yielded results. Hello everyone: I am a primary school physical education teacher, a primary school football coach, and a full debtor. He opened a restaurant in partnership with others and was eventually defrauded of 1.5 million. He originally

The team task has achieved initial results

Hello everyone: I am a primary school physical education teacher, a primary school football coach, and a full debtor. He opened a restaurant in partnership with others and was eventually defrauded of 1.5 million. He originally lived a carefree and happy life. In order to pay off the debt, his current life can be said to be difficult and difficult to move forward. Not long ago, I accidentally learned that you can make money through self-media on the platform. My initial ideals are: first, I want to earn some income through self-media to supplement my family income. Two: Use the platform as an opportunity to talk about personal feelings, share your successes and failures, and express your true inner world. Thank you for your continued attention, and I also hope that we can get out of the predicament as soon as possible and get ashore as soon as possible under your witness. People who are also in the same world are welcome to like and follow. If you don't like it, please mark it. 1. Basically resolving difficulties. I arrived at school early this morning and felt much more relaxed. I have almost completed the final summary and the like. Today we mainly classify students’ classes and contact information, and also set up a training group. We print out QR codes and send them to students to take home, so that their parents can join the group. The overall task is completed well, and students are willing to come to train during the summer to experience it. I also need to prepare a training plan in advance, try to seize the training time, and achieve new improvements during the holidays. Thank you all fans and friends for your continued attention. I will continue to share my summer training work in the future. 2. Family life is moving forward steadily. My son’s cold is better today, but he is still coughing. Today is his 12th birthday. I would like to thank my friend for the birthday cake. Due to financial problems, we can only send simple and ordinary wishes. Happy birthday son! Today we talked about the rent of the store and tried to solve part of it, but there is really no other way. Every day’s income is used to pay off the debt. When faced with the debts around us, we should try our best to speak kindly and try our best to solve them. At the same time, we should also thank our friends who understand us. We will work hard and get it done.

It's late, I'm getting ready to go to bed because I've been delayed a lot today... A day between three o'clock and one line is full of bitterness and challenges. Cherish the moment, do it and cherish it... Thank you all for your continued attention. I am more willing to get out of the predicament under your witness and come ashore as soon as possible... Good night!

To be continued...