The word "free" always attracts people's attention no matter where it appears. Take the tea house industry as an example. Many people always need some cashier systems to help reduce management pressure and loopholes in their daily business processes. Many restaurant cashier softw

The word "free" always attracts people's attention no matter where it appears. Take the tea house industry as an example. Many people always need some cashier systems to help reduce management pressure and loopholes in their daily business processes. Many restaurant cashier software on the market range in price from a few hundred to several thousand. Some merchants have small stores and limited budgets, so it is easy to be attracted by some "free cashier software". Today, let’s talk about the tricks in these free cashier software.

1. Free functions attract, paid functions induce

Many teahouse cashier software functions on the market are similar, especially some basic functions, which are available in many systems. Therefore, some merchants will use the word "free" to attract merchants. After the system is downloaded, it only has some simple accounting functions. Then merchants will be induced to purchase other functions during their use. For example, a pop-up window suddenly appears, which can display the number of openings this month, the actual number of accounts received, the number of missed orders, etc. When a merchant clicks in, they will find that they need to pay a fee.

When these functions are purchased, functions such as " tea artist reservation", "self-service scan code billing" and "inventory management" will appear later. The fee paid for each function may only be a few dozen yuan, but over time, merchants will find that if they want to obtain more functions, they need to pay more. It is like "boiling a frog in warm water" and the fees accumulate. , which is equivalent to purchasing a complete system, and the after-sales service is not complete. Compared with paying for the complete set from the beginning, paying by function is not worth the gain.

2. Piracy

Why is piracy rampant? It’s because these pirates don’t need to pay or pay very little cost, especially the free tea house cashier software, which is probably a pirated software created by some merchants who want to gain traffic. In other words, they use other people’s labor to succeed. , to earn traffic fees for themselves, so when merchants download it, they will spend a lot of traffic, and the memory will also occupy a large proportion, while the genuine software may only take up more than ten megabytes of memory space.

3. Viruses

In addition to some software developers, there are also some criminals who use things like tea house cashier software to induce merchants to download, but there may be some viruses. When a merchant downloads, installs and uses it, some of its internal data will be modified, and it is possible that the merchant's running accounts will quietly flow into other people's pockets.

Of course, this does not mean that you cannot use free things, but you should use them with caution! Whenever you are more vigilant and less tempted to take advantage, there will be fewer obstacles.