Do you dare to face yourself 20 years from now? Does Xiong Lei dare to face his son 20 years from now?


Today I posted a micro-headline, which caused more than a thousand comments:

This content is indeed controversial:

I really want to do this: I will put all Xiong Lei’s speeches and related pictures today. Save it and post it online in 20 years if I'm still alive. The source of

information is Xiong Lei's own Douyin, Toutiao, Weibo, etc., as well as her conversation records with others. After all, the curse words were spoken by her own mouth.

Assuming that this is indeed a success, what will Yao Zikai feel when he sees his mother's past performance when he grows up?

The above two pictures are examples.

Some people agree, some strongly disagree, saying that this will harm children.

"You're right, support! Everything you've done, good or bad, leaves traces, and it is impossible to deny it. If necessary, make it public and tear off its disguise to reveal its true colors!"

"Xiao, don't Do things that hurt the world for the sake of traffic. Don't build your own interests on other people's wounds."

also advised:

"It is wrong to bear in this matter, but I still hope that the children can grow up healthy and not be disturbed. Mother Xu I will still feel sorry for the child, after all, it is the child of the child raised by myself, and I hope he will have a better life."

I replied:

"No one is going to interfere with the healthy growth of her child. If there is, it is actually herself. What kind of results will her actions have? As an adult, as a mother, doesn't she know? Everyone should learn to bear the consequences for their own words and deeds."

I think this matter is meaningful, The assistant has already done it.


Because of this idea, I also looked back 20 years ago.

In 2001, I just left the bank.

I checked the article directory of the year and found that from February 6th to July 1st, no articles were written, so there was no detailed record. The article "Flowing Water Today" describes the feeling of leaving the bank for eight and a half years after receiving the layoff quota. After a period of time, I remember going to the library, so I read a lot of books, and it was very complicated. Then, I was recommended by a former colleague to go to the bank. A company that represented Lenovo Computer went to work for two months, and it was generally a happy life.

"Flowing Water Today" written on February 5th was actually written on February 2nd and posted on February 5th:

In the past, I always envy Sanmao's opportunity to read a lot of books because he dropped out of school at home. wish fulfillment. Reading, listening to songs, writing, and studying every day, life goes by so fast, even faster than when I go to work. The concept of time has also become peculiar, indifferent to the day of the week, ignoring the specific date, waking up every morning feeling short of time, and the day will pass in a hurry. When today turns into yesterday, it immediately becomes distant and unfamiliar, as if it were a long, long time ago. After a few days, I flipped through the calendar and realized that it was not a few days.

vaguely thinks of work units and offices, and now I have to use "former" or "former" as the attribution. I entered the unit at the beginning of 1992, and moved into the new building in March of the following year. I still remember that in one of my offices, a wind chime was hung on the window, jingling, and knocking away those days of freedom. Then he moved to the fourth floor, and when he was about to leave, he moved back to the original office on the second floor. Where to start and where to end is really nice. How like a reincarnation. And now my identity is beginning to blur, homeless? Maybe so. Although I actually rarely go out, I only travel in books. The sense of spiritual wandering is the same as that of the homeless.

After the Spring Festival, the eighth day of the first lunar month, in previous years is the end of the annual holiday, this year is the middle of the long holiday.When I went back to my work unit to say New Year's greetings to my old colleagues, I felt so strongly that I was a guest on the road and the office between the corridors that I was still familiar with, but it was only a moment of sadness. Why am I not a guest in this world? Since the big things are not rigid, why care about the small things? Still a banquet.

html Two years ago, I moved my work home and spent two days sorting it out. I checked the imprints of the past nine years, and looked up many forgotten memories, but I tore it up and threw it away. It's not that I'm not scared and sad to realize that everything is over, but in life, how can there be a way back? How can there be too much dreadful time? Once you step out, it's forever. How many times have I reminded myself that I am an adult and that I am responsible for any of my choices. Pain and joy are carried on one shoulder. The years of

's growth have marked a new stage since then. When I came home, the short ten days, because it was separated by a Spring Festival and because of a life-and-death affair, turned out to be as long as decades. What's more, this year's birthday is the Spring Festival. Such an obvious day, people want to forget and ignore. Every year, the usual sad birthday, this year is especially strong, the youthful feeling of the whole year can not match the old feeling of this day. It is not until a period of time has passed that I am surprised and frustrated to know that I am old, and I am also surprised and delighted that I am old, because I feel younger than I was twenty years old, and because I was twenty years old and imagined that it is not like this now. At that time, I thought I can't live now, I didn't think that I can still live now. At the age of 20, you don't know what youth is, and youth is wasted when you don't understand. Then joy gradually prevailed, and it was another rebirth.

Counting down the transitions in life, the context is so clear, I never thought that I could have such a quiet mood, I never thought that I could recall and analyze the past so calmly. Who said growth is not a good thing? The difference in thinking makes the past farther and farther away, and it doesn't look like the life that I have lived through. I am also surprised by this. I was once considered a person who indulges in nostalgia, but now, which is old and which is new? Every day is different, every day the sun is new, new sadness and joy. What the flowing water reflects today is actually not the predecessor of Mingyue. The previous self was too unfamiliar, and he was completely different from today. No, I'm not a person who nostalizes the past. I always feel that the past self is not good, selfish, willful, ignorant, arrogant, sensitive, small, indifferent, fragile, do not know how to cherish, do not know how to tolerate, do not know how to respect, no grateful.

is the truest and closest thing only to today's self.

Today, I don't want to think about what will happen tomorrow. I know that I am working hard and trying my best. Even if tomorrow can't be realized according to my dream, I have nothing to regret. Today, I try not to touch any sadness and pain, but I hope to be happy with all my heart, and leave the mystery to be revealed tomorrow. Although that day is fast approaching, it is something I can do nothing about. Perhaps the best attitude is to wait with peace of mind.

For me, this running water today is the whole of life.

——In the past 20 years, I have worked in two small companies, then I left my job, went to Beijing to get married, my family suffered great changes, my brother-in-law died in a car accident, then I went to work in Jinan, and then went to Suzhou. In the middle, my mother died of a serious illness, and then I went to Working in Shenzhen and becoming a freelancer after a few years, the family affairs are embarrassing.

has gone through the vicissitudes of life to this day, the passion has not changed, and the spirit is better than the past.

20 years ago, I didn't know I would become like this, I feel relieved.

I don't have the confidence to live 20 years later. After all, I'm roaming everywhere, and the risk factor is high. Tomorrow or accident, I don't know which will come first.

But this will not be a hindrance. For example, this wish after 20 years will be written in the will and let the children help me realize it. In addition, some fans told me, let me make a backup, in case I hang, you can help me publish.


I have no personal grudge against Xiong Lei, Du Xinzhi and Liu Mingyang.

Some people say that I do it for the traffic, and I don't defend it, because traffic is an objective fact, but if there is no traffic, do you not do it? Won't.

Someone said that I framed Xiong Lei. I don't recognize that. Because she said the words, she did the things, and I just collected them.

"You have the right to remain silent, but everything you say will be in evidence." I often think of this quote. Although I don't believe in Christianity, at the end of my life, I will also have the last judgment. Many of the gains and losses in this life may not be controlled by myself, but by the environment. However, as an adult, I have independent thoughts and free will, and I cannot take the environment as the basis. Excuse me to indulge my desires, and I take responsibility for every word I say and every action I take.

The 28-year change of life incident is a social and public incident, which has been separated from the scope of family affairs. I saw someone on the Internet saying that when family members go to the hospital to give birth to children, they have specially increased the number of people to go with them.

who makes them live in anxiety?

At 9:00 on May 8th, Xu Min, Yao Shibing, and Guo Wei sued Henan University Huaihe Hospital for infringement in the Kaifeng Drum Tower Court.

I have always believed in the words of Kant: "There are only two things in the world that can deeply shock our hearts, one is the vast and brilliant starry sky above our heads, and the other is the lofty moral law in our hearts."

Morality The law is a deterrent, a powerful constraint.

When I was in high school, my parents told me, let me pay attention to the classmates who like to smoke and fight in the school, I should be careful to avoid it, I am a good boy, I really do this, and I send From the bottom of my heart, I think my parents' reminder is right.

For those students, does this count as discrimination and cold violence? Maybe.

After I started working, an acquaintance once asked me about a colleague's character and said that someone introduced the colleague to his cousin, but I heard that she was a good friend with a girl with a bad reputation. Ask me about it. I said that although the two have a good relationship, they are really different people. I didn't make much of it, just telling the truth about my feelings. The acquaintance is relieved. Later that colleague married her cousin.

Some people's moral laws are used to demand others. Once their own interests are violated, they will use a set of standards.

For example, those who support Du Xinzhi and Xiong Lei, if they have a daughter, would they like her to marry into a family like Du Xinzhi and Xiong Lei, and have a mother-in-law like Du Xinzhi and Xiong Lei?

99% of the time, they don't want to.


Actually I am also very frustrated, discouraged and disappointed sometimes.

Those who are familiar with the Internet will see the black hands behind many events.

If you compare Xiong Lei's previous speech with the recent micro headlines and articles, it is not difficult to find: the difference is too big. In the recent content, even if Xiong Lei took the writing speed training class, it has progressed too fast.

's attack on Xu Min is not just about all kinds of materials that only close people can get, and then distorting them, but also in line with the rhythm, wave after wave of containment, echoing and attacking, these things are not only good at nightclubs Xiong Lei can do it.

When I was looking for relevant information, I saw She Zongming's speech, which seemed very familiar. After thinking about it, it turned out that it was the reporter who disclosed the privacy of Tang Lanlan's household registration in the Tang Lanlan case in 2018. It has not changed at all in the past few years. . And Liu Mingyang really deserves to be friends.

Regarding the Tang Lanlan incident, I once wrote an article "What should be sought is not Tang Lanlan, but conscience".

The Internet has memory, but human beings themselves are forgetful. The blood on the human blood steamed buns has not yet dried, and a new round of singing and dancing has begun. And when the media people who were once hailed as the light of justice also participated in the carnival of money, power and traffic, using skilled spring and autumn brushwork, deep manipulation of the Internet and public opinion, Pili Yangqiu, referring to the deer as a horse, helping the emperor to abuse the news, Forget about ethics, don't say "let the powerless be strong, let the pessimistic move forward" is just empty words, the powerful damage they have is enough to make ordinary people who are not familiar with the Internet into a disaster.

However, the sad thing is that such people still live a particularly nourishing life, which makes people feel pessimistic and gloomy at times, and I don't know whether to believe that there is justice and light in this world.

wandered several times, but I still choose to believe it.

And, instead of passively waiting, it is actively moving on this path.

Some people only have interests in their eyes, and they forcefully want to occupy things that are not their own.

But, not everyone does.

We can't watch "Above the Cliff" and grieve for the martyrs, while being a sophisticated and slick person who has nothing to do with ourselves and hangs high.

I don't ask others to hold my own standards, but I can't do that myself. I am not a lofty ideal of "I recommend Xuanyuan with my blood", but an ordinary person, but ordinary people also pay attention to social responsibility. When

responded to a person's question, I said:

"As a person with a sense of justice, I can't stand it, can't I? If everyone is like you, how will this society develop? Do you have children? You want your children to live In a society where right and wrong are indistinguishable?"

I don't want my children to live in a dark society where right and wrong are indiscriminate and power is rampant.

Speaking of this, it is necessary to recommend the movie "Anti-Black • Decisive Battle", in which the gang forces combined with power to bring disaster to one side. It is not fictional. The Sun Xiaoguo case is even worse than in the film. We hope to live in a society where travel is safe and children don’t need to be full of panic. This should not be an extravagant request.

html In 220 years, many things will change, but there will always be some things, which are perseverance and perseverance.

I may not live 20 years from now, but I am not afraid that my wish will not be fulfilled.

I believe that if I live 20 years later, I can still face myself proudly and say: "Autumn water, good work!"