Do you know who the richest man in the world is now? He is young, promising, handsome and rich. The richest man in the world has given birth to a baby again! He really deserves to be the richest man. Not only does he have more money, but he also has more sperm.

2024/06/0907:39:33 news 1385

Ba Po will test you first.

Do you know who is the current richest man in the world ?

is the Tesla boss who just acquired Twitter -


Do you know who the richest man in the world is now? He is young, promising, handsome and rich. The richest man in the world has given birth to a baby again! He really deserves to be the richest man. Not only does he have more money, but he also has more sperm. - DayDayNews

This brother can be described as -

A young, promising, handsome and rich man.

But! Today, the eighth grandma is not talking about getting rich.

But the melon behind him -

Those love histories that are more exciting than building cars !

Do you know who the richest man in the world is now? He is young, promising, handsome and rich. The richest man in the world has given birth to a baby again! He really deserves to be the richest man. Not only does he have more money, but he also has more sperm. - DayDayNews

Just today, an American magazine broke the news that -

the richest man in the world has given birth to a baby again!

This time it is a pair of twins , who were secretly born in November last year.

In addition, the child’s mother is not his ex-girlfriend.

but a subordinate in his company !

Do you know who the richest man in the world is now? He is young, promising, handsome and rich. The richest man in the world has given birth to a baby again! He really deserves to be the richest man. Not only does he have more money, but he also has more sperm. - DayDayNews

The eighth mother-in-law made a calculation -

Musk had not broken up with his ex yet, he was cheating on him!

plus these two children.

Musk is already the father of nine children .

Do you know who the richest man in the world is now? He is young, promising, handsome and rich. The richest man in the world has given birth to a baby again! He really deserves to be the richest man. Not only does he have more money, but he also has more sperm. - DayDayNews

The number of these babies is more than his Tesla models!

is truly worthy of being the richest man. not only has more money, but also has more sperm..

Then today, the eighth mother-in-law will give you a glimpse -

Who are the mothers of the children .

Do you know who the richest man in the world is now? He is young, promising, handsome and rich. The richest man in the world has given birth to a baby again! He really deserves to be the richest man. Not only does he have more money, but he also has more sperm. - DayDayNews

First, let’s talk about his first wife-

Justin Wilson.

Do you know who the richest man in the world is now? He is young, promising, handsome and rich. The richest man in the world has given birth to a baby again! He really deserves to be the richest man. Not only does he have more money, but he also has more sperm. - DayDayNews

There is a story. The process of getting acquainted with each other is quite idol drama .

At that time, the two were still young college students -

was enjoying the campus life of Queen's University in Ontario..

Musk, a rich man, was wandering in the library.

happened to meet Justin, an ordinary young man.

Do you know who the richest man in the world is now? He is young, promising, handsome and rich. The richest man in the world has given birth to a baby again! He really deserves to be the richest man. Not only does he have more money, but he also has more sperm. - DayDayNews

At that time, Justin was sitting in the corner reading a book.

Musk glanced at it -

was suddenly attracted by the luminous girl and stared there for a long time.

came to his senses, and he immediately ran over to ask her for her contact information.

Unexpectedly, Justin ignored him.

Do you know who the richest man in the world is now? He is young, promising, handsome and rich. The richest man in the world has given birth to a baby again! He really deserves to be the richest man. Not only does he have more money, but he also has more sperm. - DayDayNews

This rejection immediately aroused his desire to conquer -

Oh, you will definitely become my woman, we will see!

So Musk stalked her.

After learning that Justin also liked exploring the universe -

he kept flirting with her and chatting with her about the stars and the moon.

Who can resist the affection and single-mindedness of the young master?

Before long, Musk chased the goddess.

Do you know who the richest man in the world is now? He is young, promising, handsome and rich. The richest man in the world has given birth to a baby again! He really deserves to be the richest man. Not only does he have more money, but he also has more sperm. - DayDayNews

In 2000, the two got married and gave birth to a child.

Unfortunately, he only stayed on earth for two months -

suddenly stopped breathing in his sleep.

By the time my mother realized something was wrong, it was already too late.

Do you know who the richest man in the world is now? He is young, promising, handsome and rich. The richest man in the world has given birth to a baby again! He really deserves to be the richest man. Not only does he have more money, but he also has more sperm. - DayDayNews

The sudden departure of the child -

brought a very heavy blow to the couple.

Justin was so frightened that he did not dare to have children anymore.

But Musk still wants to have a baby -

Since his wife is unwilling, then find someone else to give birth to !

Do you know who the richest man in the world is now? He is young, promising, handsome and rich. The richest man in the world has given birth to a baby again! He really deserves to be the richest man. Not only does he have more money, but he also has more sperm. - DayDayNews

So, he found someone else to carry the child as a surrogate, twice!

The first time was a pair of twins , and the second time was triplets .

The five children are all boys.

You don’t need to contribute to the co-authorship, you’re so rude.

Do you know who the richest man in the world is now? He is young, promising, handsome and rich. The richest man in the world has given birth to a baby again! He really deserves to be the richest man. Not only does he have more money, but he also has more sperm. - DayDayNews

But it’s not surprising.

Musk claims to be -

Human beings cannot be allowed to become extinct, I want to save world civilization!

So he set an example and gave birth to babies like crazy.

Regardless of whether his wife wants to take care of the child or not, he insists on having a baby!

He also forced Justin to give up his career and concentrate on raising his children at home.

Do you know who the richest man in the world is now? He is young, promising, handsome and rich. The richest man in the world has given birth to a baby again! He really deserves to be the richest man. Not only does he have more money, but he also has more sperm. - DayDayNews

Although Musk had made great progress in his career at that time.

But he is busy with work every day -

How can he have time and energy to take care of his wife and children.

In the end, it was not all left to my wife to take care of.

Do you know who the richest man in the world is now? He is young, promising, handsome and rich. The richest man in the world has given birth to a baby again! He really deserves to be the richest man. Not only does he have more money, but he also has more sperm. - DayDayNews

Justin couldn't stand it anymore -

She didn't want to spend all her time on her family.

plus Musk’s machismo is getting more and more serious.

This life is really unbearable!

In 2008, she filed for divorce.

Do you know who the richest man in the world is now? He is young, promising, handsome and rich. The richest man in the world has given birth to a baby again! He really deserves to be the richest man. Not only does he have more money, but he also has more sperm. - DayDayNews

His wife is gone and the company is facing bankruptcy.

Musk felt -

People all over the world are targeting him and trying to step on him.

So he threw away his previous innocence and single-mindedness.

While focusing on his career, he also did not forget to play with women!

Do you know who the richest man in the world is now? He is young, promising, handsome and rich. The richest man in the world has given birth to a baby again! He really deserves to be the richest man. Not only does he have more money, but he also has more sperm. - DayDayNews

The divorce didn’t take long.

He quickly hooked up with 18th-tier actress and Ph.D. in physics Riley .

Do you know who the richest man in the world is now? He is young, promising, handsome and rich. The richest man in the world has given birth to a baby again! He really deserves to be the richest man. Not only does he have more money, but he also has more sperm. - DayDayNews

In the eight years since I met her -

the two of them even staged a sadomasochistic drama of "Second Marriage and Second Divorce"! The reason why

had the first divorce.

Just because Musk cheated on another female star during her marriage -

Cameron Diaz.

Do you know who the richest man in the world is now? He is young, promising, handsome and rich. The richest man in the world has given birth to a baby again! He really deserves to be the richest man. Not only does he have more money, but he also has more sperm. - DayDayNews

separated for a while.

In 2013, Musk and Riley bumped into each other again.

The two of them felt that -

this encounter was destiny arranged , and God wanted them to get back together.

Just like that, they rekindled their old love and got married again.

Do you know who the richest man in the world is now? He is young, promising, handsome and rich. The richest man in the world has given birth to a baby again! He really deserves to be the richest man. Not only does he have more money, but he also has more sperm. - DayDayNews

even though it’s been so long at once.

Musk still has no desire to have a baby with her.

Even if Riley doesn’t have to give birth, she can still become a mother without pain..

Because when it was Musk's turn to take care of the baby -

she had to follow behind as a nanny to help take care of the child.

Do you know who the richest man in the world is now? He is young, promising, handsome and rich. The richest man in the world has given birth to a baby again! He really deserves to be the richest man. Not only does he have more money, but he also has more sperm. - DayDayNews

did not last long.

Do you know who the richest man in the world is now? He is young, promising, handsome and rich. The richest man in the world has given birth to a baby again! He really deserves to be the richest man. Not only does he have more money, but he also has more sperm. - DayDayNews016 , the two still separated.

At that time, Riley took Do you know who the richest man in the world is now? He is young, promising, handsome and rich. The richest man in the world has given birth to a baby again! He really deserves to be the richest man. Not only does he have more money, but he also has more sperm. - DayDayNews0 million US dollars to go alone and beautiful.

while continuing to study her quantum physics .

is working part-time in the entertainment industry.

Do you know who the richest man in the world is now? He is young, promising, handsome and rich. The richest man in the world has given birth to a baby again! He really deserves to be the richest man. Not only does he have more money, but he also has more sperm. - DayDayNews

Of course, during this period Musk is still a dog can’t change and eats shit !

Before she could get over Riley, she was getting involved with Amber .

is right, that crazy woman who has been fighting with Depp for several years.

And Amber didn’t have a clean break with Depp at that time.

In other words -

These two people not only cheated on each other in marriage, but also had sex with each other!

Do you know who the richest man in the world is now? He is young, promising, handsome and rich. The richest man in the world has given birth to a baby again! He really deserves to be the richest man. Not only does he have more money, but he also has more sperm. - DayDayNews

and Musk divorce certificate is available.

immediately made his relationship with Amber public.

However, the two did not get to the point of getting married, and they separated within a few months.

Do you know who the richest man in the world is now? He is young, promising, handsome and rich. The richest man in the world has given birth to a baby again! He really deserves to be the richest man. Not only does he have more money, but he also has more sperm. - DayDayNews

But not long after the breakup.

A new face appeared next to Musk-

a girl named Grimes.

Do you know who the richest man in the world is now? He is young, promising, handsome and rich. The richest man in the world has given birth to a baby again! He really deserves to be the richest man. Not only does he have more money, but he also has more sperm. - DayDayNews

You may not believe it when I tell you -

This girl and Musk fell in love online.

I didn’t expect that Mr. Ba also started online dating like ordinary people.

Maybe he was tired of playing with the actresses, so he wanted to do something different this time.

So he chatted with Grimes.

Musk was deeply attracted by the hotness and uniqueness of the little sister.

The president once again fall in love...

Do you know who the richest man in the world is now? He is young, promising, handsome and rich. The richest man in the world has given birth to a baby again! He really deserves to be the richest man. Not only does he have more money, but he also has more sperm. - DayDayNews

just one year after the official announcement of their relationship.

Grimes bore him a sixth child -

X Æ A-Xii.

You read that right, this string of Martian characters is the baby’s name.

Don’t ask Ba Po how to read it, Ba Po doesn’t know it either.

Do you know who the richest man in the world is now? He is young, promising, handsome and rich. The richest man in the world has given birth to a baby again! He really deserves to be the richest man. Not only does he have more money, but he also has more sperm. - DayDayNews

Although the two have a child.

Musk still did not spare any time for mother and son.

Just in September last year, the two broke up suddenly!

But judging from Grimes' description -

This is a separation, but it is not completely separated.

They still have feelings for each other, but they want to play their separate ways.

Do you know who the richest man in the world is now? He is young, promising, handsome and rich. The richest man in the world has given birth to a baby again! He really deserves to be the richest man. Not only does he have more money, but he also has more sperm. - DayDayNews

Until the end of last year, they broke out again -

Grimes's second child was born!

However, the child was born through surrogacy.

Lao Ma doesn’t want a boy this time.

So he got a girl out -

was called Exa Dark SiderĂŚl, and his nickname was Y.

Do you know who the richest man in the world is now? He is young, promising, handsome and rich. The richest man in the world has given birth to a baby again! He really deserves to be the richest man. Not only does he have more money, but he also has more sperm. - DayDayNews

Although Grimes is still dreaming about giving Musk a third and fourth child.

But Musk is no longer interested in her.

Not long after my daughter was born.

He announced that he had nothing to do with Grimes.

Then regained his love for the actress -

turned around and fell in love with the Australian actress Natasha .

Do you know who the richest man in the world is now? He is young, promising, handsome and rich. The richest man in the world has given birth to a baby again! He really deserves to be the richest man. Not only does he have more money, but he also has more sperm. - DayDayNews

But that's not right -

added up here, there are only seven children .

Who gave birth to the twins who suddenly appeared?

At first, no one could figure out who the child’s mother was.

It was not until the American media uncovered a document that the mystery was revealed.

Do you know who the richest man in the world is now? He is young, promising, handsome and rich. The richest man in the world has given birth to a baby again! He really deserves to be the richest man. Not only does he have more money, but he also has more sperm. - DayDayNews

The file above shows -

Musk is preparing to change the surnames of the two babies.

He wants to change Zelis to Musk.

And this person named Zelis is the child’s mother.

Then what is her background?

Do you know who the richest man in the world is now? He is young, promising, handsome and rich. The richest man in the world has given birth to a baby again! He really deserves to be the richest man. Not only does he have more money, but he also has more sperm. - DayDayNews

Soon, the paparazzi picked out this mysterious woman.

Her full name is Shivon Zelis.

is currently a senior executive in Musk's Neurolink company.

Although Zelis is not a glamorous star.

But based on her appearance and background -

is not inferior to Musk's predecessors at all!

Do you know who the richest man in the world is now? He is young, promising, handsome and rich. The richest man in the world has given birth to a baby again! He really deserves to be the richest man. Not only does he have more money, but he also has more sperm. - DayDayNews

At the same time, she also followed Musk all the way.

This one is seven years old !

I have to admit -

The women Musk likes are all very capable..

Except Amber, of course.

Do you know who the richest man in the world is now? He is young, promising, handsome and rich. The richest man in the world has given birth to a baby again! He really deserves to be the richest man. Not only does he have more money, but he also has more sperm. - DayDayNews

Then again.

When did this woman get together with her boss?

Didn’t that Neptune always have a rightful owner?

First of all, the twins were born in last November.

and are ranked before little Y, .

Do you know who the richest man in the world is now? He is young, promising, handsome and rich. The richest man in the world has given birth to a baby again! He really deserves to be the richest man. Not only does he have more money, but he also has more sperm. - DayDayNews

Going back we can find out -

He probably hooked up with a female subordinate at the beginning of Do you know who the richest man in the world is now? He is young, promising, handsome and rich. The richest man in the world has given birth to a baby again! He really deserves to be the richest man. Not only does he have more money, but he also has more sperm. - DayDayNews1.

But he hadn’t broken up with Grimes yet!

In other words -

This person cheated again !

Do you know who the richest man in the world is now? He is young, promising, handsome and rich. The richest man in the world has given birth to a baby again! He really deserves to be the richest man. Not only does he have more money, but he also has more sperm. - DayDayNews

Well, for rich people -

getting married, cheating, and having children are all commonplace.

Besides, can he take care of so many children?

is obviously not possible.

Do you know who the richest man in the world is now? He is young, promising, handsome and rich. The richest man in the world has given birth to a baby again! He really deserves to be the richest man. Not only does he have more money, but he also has more sperm. - DayDayNews

Although he sells his father persona in front of everyone.

But children can still tell what is true and what is false.

Just last month -

His eldest son Xaiver clamored to sever the father-son relationship with his biological father.

not only changed the original name to Vivian, also changed the gender to female !

Do you know who the richest man in the world is now? He is young, promising, handsome and rich. The richest man in the world has given birth to a baby again! He really deserves to be the richest man. Not only does he have more money, but he also has more sperm. - DayDayNews

Even when he went to the Vatican to meet Rome Pope Francis -

he didn't go with him, only the other four older children were there.

Do you know who the richest man in the world is now? He is young, promising, handsome and rich. The richest man in the world has given birth to a baby again! He really deserves to be the richest man. Not only does he have more money, but he also has more sperm. - DayDayNews

Alas, it seems that the Musk family's father-son conflict -

is even more serious than we currently know!

As for whether Musk will continue to have children in the future?

He will definitely not stop!

Do you know who the richest man in the world is now? He is young, promising, handsome and rich. The richest man in the world has given birth to a baby again! He really deserves to be the richest man. Not only does he have more money, but he also has more sperm. - DayDayNews

But this kind of behavior without much discipline when it is born -

The eighth mother-in-law expresses great contempt!

It is undeniable -

He is indeed a very smart and successful businessman.

However, he is by no means a qualified father or husband!

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