#EntertainmentFocus# It’s all caused by the celebrity effect: My good friend who was usually very good stopped talking to me because of the celebrity. What happened is this: One day, a writer friend who likes to write poetry sent me a message. A poem by a well-known local writer.

2024/05/2511:30:33 news 1440

#EntertainmentFocus# It’s all caused by the celebrity effect: My good friend who was usually very good stopped talking to me because of the celebrity. What happened is this: One day, a writer friend who likes to write poetry sent me a message. A poem by a well-known local writer. - DayDayNews

What happened is this:
One day, a writer friend who likes to write poetry sent me a poem by a well-known local writer. As a postscript, he said, I read a good poem, it is exquisite and has profound meaning...
I read it But I don’t think there is anything new in this poem by this well-known local writer, let alone that it has a profound meaning. I haven’t memorized all the
poems, but it’s roughly like this: I lifted something/It’s a thing/Why is it a thing/It’s very heavy/Maybe it’s light/I lifted it/Put it down/How could it be a thing…
I didn't see any innovation, nor did I understand the implication.
So, I told my friend that I regretted not recording what I said when I was drunk. Otherwise, if I had compiled it and included the name of a famous writer, I would definitely win a world award -

#EntertainmentFocus# It’s all caused by the celebrity effect: My good friend who was usually very good stopped talking to me because of the celebrity. What happened is this: One day, a writer friend who likes to write poetry sent me a message. A poem by a well-known local writer. - DayDayNews

My friend said, This poem is different, I read it as ethereal!
I say, ordinary people can tell the difference between a plate of cake and a bowl of shit!
friends also said that it is a different perspective of appreciation.
I said, Coat Brother ’s 30 yuan military coat was sold for 510,000 yuan. Is the quality of the clothes good? Also, Jack Ma wrote the word "Hua Zen" in , and it sold for a sky-high price of 4.68 million. Is it because his handwriting is unparalleled?
friends say that I am stubborn.
I said, this is the celebrity effect! I really can’t praise the works of many famous people.
friends said that this writer has published more than a dozen poetry collections! I said
, as long as you are willing to pay, you can produce 10,000 or even 100 million copies...
friends say I am stubborn!
I said some people are so stubborn that they don’t even recognize themselves!

#EntertainmentFocus# It’s all caused by the celebrity effect: My good friend who was usually very good stopped talking to me because of the celebrity. What happened is this: One day, a writer friend who likes to write poetry sent me a message. A poem by a well-known local writer. - DayDayNews

Our conversation is over and my friend is no longer talking to me.
I am too lazy to pay attention to her.

Alas, why? I really don’t know, is it worth hurting a friend’s friendship for the sake of writing a piece for a famous person?

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