Today's weather forecast: Today is the sixth day of June. Since the beginning of the first day of the new year, the summer weather has not yet entered. The weather is like a fire. The sun is shining brightly and it is very humid. People are hoping for some rain to cool down the s

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Today's weather forecast: Today is the sixth day of June. Since the beginning of the first day of the new year, the summer weather has not yet entered. The weather is like a fire. The sun is shining brightly and it is very humid. People are hoping for some rain to cool down the s - DayDayNews

Today's weather forecast

Today is the sixth day of June. Since the first day of the new year, it has not yet entered the summer . The weather is like a fire, with the sun shining brightly and the humidity high.

People are hoping for some rain to cool down the steamer. Although the weather forecast said there would be rain every day, the rain just wouldn't come. Every day, the weather forecast announced what time it would rain, but it was postponed bit by bit until the sun was shining brightly, and the day was over.

Is this like us modern people, who say that we should study hard and work hard to do something, but in the end we just don’t do it?

My daughter is 13 years old this year. An adolescent girl is half an adult and half a child. Although she is reasonable, she is sometimes confused.

There is something in my heart that I want to tell her, a few truths that a person must understand when he grows up:

1 You are more reliable than anything else

No matter how good other people's co-pilots are, they can't compare to being able to control the steering wheel yourself.

As the saying goes: The mountain will fall, but the water will flow. In life, you still have to rely on yourself.

heard such a story.

The school is on holiday, and the mother snail takes her little snail on a trip. After not walking far, the little snail complained that the shell on its back was too heavy and asked if it could stop carrying it.

The mother told him: "My child, because our bodies have no skeleton support, we can only crawl, but not very fast, so we need the protection of this shell."

The little snail listened disapprovingly and pointed to the earthworms crawling slowly on the ground next to it. Said: "The earthworm brother has no bones and can't climb fast. Why doesn't he carry this hard and heavy shell?"

The mother said: "That's because the earthworm brother can drill into the earth, and the earth will protect him!"

The little snail He curled his lips and looked up again to see the caterpillars on the branches. Asked: "What about Sister Caterpillar ? She has no bones and can't crawl fast. Why doesn't she have to carry this hard and heavy shell?"

Mother smiled and bumped the little snail with her tentacles. "That's because Sister Caterpillar can Turn into a butterfly, the sky will protect her."

The little snail cried, "We are so pitiful, the sky does not protect us, and the earth does not protect us."

The mother stopped smiling and told him, "That's why we have shells." , We don’t rely on heaven or earth, we rely on ourselves.”

People, no matter what stage you are in, there is nothing wrong with relying on yourself.

How can a bird soar in the sky without leaving the nest? Living behind others is like a frog in warm water, it will gradually mature.

2 Failure to keep a promise will be more resentful than not allowing it.

If you promise others, you must keep it. Promising others but not being able to do so will bring resentment to others far greater than the annoyance brought to them when they refused in the first place.

Never make a promise easily.

Napoleon once said: I never make promises easily, because promises will turn into irreversible mistakes.

What you promise is just as important as what you owe others.

At the 1995 CCTV Spring Festival Gala, Guo Donglin teamed up with Hongmei, Li Wenqi to appear in the sketch "Speak if I have anything to say".

truly shows an honest person pretending to be smart in order to get ahead, fearing that others will look down on him. When others asked him to do something, no matter how difficult it was, he would always do it.

queued up all night for two sleeper tickets. Not only did he endure hardship, he also made a series of jokes.

requires prerequisites for problems that cannot be solved by itself.

Note: Be true to your words and have results in your actions.

3 Determine your life goals sooner rather than later

Life is a race that is treated with a spiritual attitude and has the meaning of travel. If you want to be ahead of others, you must first set your goals, see what you are suitable for, what you like, set the track early, and start ahead of others. Only then can you be far ahead of others and achieve success.

American automobile king Henry Ford was 12 years old when he happened to see a steam-powered car when he drove a carriage into the city with his father.

He was very curious and suddenly thought that since steam could be used as power, it should also be possible to use gasoline. He wanted to try it.

From then on, he set the goal of completing a gasoline-powered car within 10 years.

He left home and went to the industrial city Detroit where he became a basic mechanical apprentice and gradually gained a deeper understanding of machinery. Although the work was very hard, he never forgot his dream.

continued to work on his research after get off work every day, and finally succeeded at the age of 29. At the

test drive conference, a reporter asked: "What is the key to your success?" Ford thought for a while and said, "Because I have ambitious goals, I can succeed!"

4 Live in the present

Don't think about the past or the future . Experience cherishing the moment, and being lucky is bliss.

Let’s tell an old-fashioned story. A man encountered a tiger in the wilderness and ran away. The tiger had been hungry for several days. This man panicked and ran to a cliff.

He jumped up with all his strength, grabbed the wild vine hanging down from above, and looked at the roaring tiger below. He just breathed a sigh of relief when he saw two mice eating the wild vine above. Seeing that the withered vine was about to break, the man lost all hope. Suddenly, he saw a delicious strawberry on the green branches on the cliff in front of him.

So, he put the strawberry into his mouth, and the sweet buds spread in his mouth. It tasted so delicious!

Speaking of which, what happened to this person later? Two versions:

First, Orion arrived following the roar of the tiger. He had been tracking the hungry tiger for several days. He shot the tiger to death with one arrow and saved the man.

The second is that this person was reincarnated with this sweetness and became a good baby who can laugh at birth.

5 Although the details are small, the power is huge

Guiguzi once said: I want to be thorough, but I also want to be detailed. However, the essence of thoroughness lies in caution.

Nails must be familiar to everyone and are a necessity in life. But there are times in history when a country was destroyed because of a nail.

In 1485, on the Bosworth Wasteland in central England, the British King Richard III and Earl Henry launched a decisive battle. This war was related to the life and death of the country.

On the eve of the battle, Richard III asked the groom to prepare horses for him. The groom asked the blacksmith to shoe the horseshoes. When nailing the fourth horseshoe, it was discovered that a nail was missing, and the groom reported the situation to Richard III.

But he had no time to care about the fourth horseshoe and hurried onto the battlefield. It was this little nail that he ignored that changed the fate of Richard III. When

was charging into battle, the horseshoe suddenly fell off, causing him to be thrown off his horse and captured by the enemy. As a result, the war failed and the country was destroyed.

Any small plot may change your life. In life, every little plot gathers into history.

6 Make yourself irreplaceable.

Irreplaceability is always your best bargaining chip to stay in the company.

Bai Yansong once said: A person's value and social status are directly proportional to his irreplaceability.

During the Renaissance, whether a painter could stand out largely depended on the sponsors he found.

Michelangelo was undoubtedly lucky. The patron he found was Pope Julius XII. Michelangelo had the arrogance of a literary man, and coupled with his own talent, he was not afraid of Julius XII at all.

Because he is confident that if he leaves this sponsor, he will find another one. So, when they were building a marble monument, the two had different opinions and had a quarrel.

Michelangelo was angry and threatened to leave Rome and find other sponsors. People who didn't know Michelangelo's details thought that the Pope would definitely drive him away, but the fact was exactly the opposite. Not only did Julius XII not blame Michelangelo, he also urged him to stay.

Because he knew Michelangelo's strength and knew that the other party would soon find another patron, but he could not find another person who could replace Michelangelo. Michelangelo in the

story is a famous artist with superhuman talent. In his field, no one can compare, making him irreplaceable.

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