Although I hate to admit it, this world is so cruel. After we graduate from school, we will be invisiblely divided into three, six or nine levels by society. The higher our academic qualifications, the more respect we can get from others. If our academic qualifications are too lo

2024/05/2111:54:32 news 1971

Although I don't want to admit it, the world is so cruel. After we graduate from school, we will be invisible divided into three, six or nine levels by society.

The higher our academic qualifications, the more respect we can get from others. If our academic qualifications are too low, we may even be discriminated against in some aspects. These are the prices we have to pay for not studying well back then.

Recently, some netizens revealed that even seems to need a degree in to go to a wedding banquet. What's going on?

Although I hate to admit it, this world is so cruel. After we graduate from school, we will be invisiblely divided into three, six or nine levels by society. The higher our academic qualifications, the more respect we can get from others. If our academic qualifications are too lo - DayDayNews

Eating a table will also be divided into academic qualifications. The bride will be assigned a wine table according to her bachelor's degree, master's degree and doctorate, which has caused heated discussion. The ending is reversed.

Paying attention to academic qualifications is a good thing. It can encourage the whole society to learn humbly and strive to improve themselves, but too much emphasis is placed on it. There is something paranoid about academic qualifications. Even in some cases, academic qualifications discriminate against .

Recently, a netizen went to a wedding banquet. He originally wanted to simply have a meal and have fun together, but he did not expect that he was secretly discriminated against by and . What happened?

Although I hate to admit it, this world is so cruel. After we graduate from school, we will be invisiblely divided into three, six or nine levels by society. The higher our academic qualifications, the more respect we can get from others. If our academic qualifications are too lo - DayDayNews

The problem also starts with the bride’s arrangements. At the wedding banquet of the newlyweds, in order to distinguish the classmates with different academic qualifications, the bride put the name and academic qualifications of each classmate on the name tag, and also assigned them to different students. wine table.

For example, students who are PhD classmates with the bride are arranged to a table. Undergraduate students or master's students are not allowed to participate at this table. Therefore, netizens feel that there is some degree of discrimination in it.

Although I hate to admit it, this world is so cruel. After we graduate from school, we will be invisiblely divided into three, six or nine levels by society. The higher our academic qualifications, the more respect we can get from others. If our academic qualifications are too lo - DayDayNews

Could it be that now needs to check academic qualifications just to have a meal, and divide people into 369 and so on? ? In this way, the relationship between people becomes even more unfamiliar. The most important thing is that there is a feeling of disrespect for people with low education.

Just when everyone felt very angry, the outcome of the matter was reversed. It turned out that the bride said that she had a good relationship with her classmates at different stages when she was in school, so this arrangement was to prevent from strangers. Awkward.

Although I hate to admit it, this world is so cruel. After we graduate from school, we will be invisiblely divided into three, six or nine levels by society. The higher our academic qualifications, the more respect we can get from others. If our academic qualifications are too lo - DayDayNews

In other words, students are assigned to a wine table according to the undergraduate, master and doctorate, so that there will be no strange students sitting at the same wine table who do not know each other, and there will be no common topics problems.

I have to say that the bride’s arrangement was indeed very delicate and careful. Although she was accidentally misunderstood, the motivation behind it was still very heartwarming. At the same time, we should not think that the bride is discriminating against people with lower education levels.

Although I hate to admit it, this world is so cruel. After we graduate from school, we will be invisiblely divided into three, six or nine levels by society. The higher our academic qualifications, the more respect we can get from others. If our academic qualifications are too lo - DayDayNews

Because academic qualifications are something you strive for yourself. if you study hard, your academic qualifications will be high, and others will look at you favorably. How others look at you is entirely the result of your own efforts.

Even if others don’t mention the issue of academic qualifications explicitly, after we become a member of society, we will find that is actually related to academic qualifications . Have you noticed it?

Although I hate to admit it, this world is so cruel. After we graduate from school, we will be invisiblely divided into three, six or nine levels by society. The higher our academic qualifications, the more respect we can get from others. If our academic qualifications are too lo - DayDayNews

After graduation, when you are in these situations, you will pay special attention to academic qualifications

Although we are separated from our student status, the impact of academic qualifications and learning experience on everyone is inescapable. The first is that when we are looking for a job, employers will pay great attention to academic qualifications.

General employers directly customize a hard threshold of and based on academic qualifications. If you do not exceed this academic qualification, you are not qualified to step into the HR office, let alone participate in interviews.

Although I hate to admit it, this world is so cruel. After we graduate from school, we will be invisiblely divided into three, six or nine levels by society. The higher our academic qualifications, the more respect we can get from others. If our academic qualifications are too lo - DayDayNews

So what is the purpose of studying hard? Perhaps it is for the first round of selection when they first enter society. Academic qualifications are like a big net or a big sieve, which directly eliminates those who are not qualified in .

Secondly, when taking the exam, academic qualifications are also very important. Some students may be confused. Doesn’t the exam not depend on academic qualifications? As long as the score is enough, wouldn't it be possible to be selected smoothly?

Although I hate to admit it, this world is so cruel. After we graduate from school, we will be invisiblely divided into three, six or nine levels by society. The higher our academic qualifications, the more respect we can get from others. If our academic qualifications are too lo - DayDayNews

In fact, the impact of scores and the impact of academic qualifications coexist. Take civil servants as an example. If you want to be a civil servant in a popular city, or a civil servant in some central government agency, then you must at least have a

85 degree.

The civil service examinations of some important institutions directly stipulate that only top 985 students such as Tsinghua University, Peking University or Renmin University are eligible to apply. Only from this can we see the importance of learning.

Although I hate to admit it, this world is so cruel. After we graduate from school, we will be invisiblely divided into three, six or nine levels by society. The higher our academic qualifications, the more respect we can get from others. If our academic qualifications are too lo - DayDayNews

In addition, when evaluating professional titles and promotions, academic qualifications are even more important. Many people have no achievements in their lives because they fail in academic qualifications. Because of your low academic qualifications and low starting point, has never had the chance of promotion or salary increase for you.

On the other hand, those who have received graduate degrees or Ph.D.s have a much higher starting point than us after entering the workplace. They may be directly the leaders of undergraduates. It is useless even if undergraduates work for a few more years than them.

Although I hate to admit it, this world is so cruel. After we graduate from school, we will be invisiblely divided into three, six or nine levels by society. The higher our academic qualifications, the more respect we can get from others. If our academic qualifications are too lo - DayDayNews

Therefore, some people always think that a master's degree is necessary. Is a doctoral degree really necessary? From this point of view, even a mixed diploma is very necessary, and it is well worth wasting those few years.

At the same time, as long as those who can successfully graduate will almost never be mixed up, because our graduation qualification review is still very strict, so we must force ourselves, let ourselves go further on the road of learning.

Although I hate to admit it, this world is so cruel. After we graduate from school, we will be invisiblely divided into three, six or nine levels by society. The higher our academic qualifications, the more respect we can get from others. If our academic qualifications are too lo - DayDayNews

Today’s topic: Do you think the bride’s classification of academic qualifications is correct?

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