Games are an easy way to warm up the training site. Trainers can accumulate more games and have them at their fingertips during on-site training, allowing them to interact as they wish. Trainers must consider the characteristics of students before using games and choose different

2024/05/2111:53:32 news 1689

games are an easy way to warm up the training site. Trainers can accumulate more games and have them at their fingertips during on-site training, allowing them to interact as they wish.

trainers must consider the characteristics of the students before using the game and choose different games according to different students. For example, if the logistics staff are shy, they are not suitable for using explosive games, while the sales staff are very open, which is not suitable for quiet games.

below recommends some simple and effective games that can be used as opening interactive games.

(1) Game opening - "Hello opening"

"Good morning everyone!"

The first type: good

The second type: Very good + warm applause

The third type: Very good

The fourth type: Very good +YES

The fifth type: good + very good + very good + getting better and better

(2) Game opening - love encouragement

You can ask students to give feedback on your greetings, and make appropriate selections and evaluations based on the characteristics of the students. application. The guiding words can be: Hello all excellent friends, in order to have a good standard in the next few days, it is necessary for us to unify the greeting method. When I ask "Hello everyone", everyone can answer me, "Very good" + warm applause. have you understood? If it is clear, we are now ready to practice it again.

(3) Game opening - "Drawing Test"

Some games require the use of graphics and tables, such as the drawing test game.

Preliminary preparation:

Games are an easy way to warm up the training site. Trainers can accumulate more games and have them at their fingertips during on-site training, allowing them to interact as they wish. Trainers must consider the characteristics of students before using games and choose different - DayDayNews

(1) Print out the picture and give each person one copy;

(2) Put the picture below into the slide PPT and use animation so that everyone cannot see the text.

Games are an easy way to warm up the training site. Trainers can accumulate more games and have them at their fingertips during on-site training, allowing them to interact as they wish. Trainers must consider the characteristics of students before using games and choose different - DayDayNews

(3) Let everyone create on the graphics. The guidance is as follows:

"First we will do a test. It will take you three minutes to draw it into the graphics you want, that is, you can draw lines on it. Let's get started. .”

(4) Write adjectives in the first box, such as beautiful, sunny, hot, enchanting, etc.

(5) After everyone has finished, ask several students to introduce themselves according to the requirements on the PPT. The guidance is as follows:

"Now let's see what the first one is. Let's ask two partners to use this sentence pattern. Read out the words you wrote and introduce yourself. "

Note: After the students fill it out, display the text in the second space on the PPT, and then ask everyone to say one by one: "Hello everyone, I am so-and-so, My partner is...(beautiful/intelligent...)" It depends on what he fills in.

explanation: Everyone will continue to talk, and everyone will also find and compare the differences. In this process, we can create a happy learning atmosphere, and we can also observe the status of the students to easily discover the highlights of the students.

(4) Game opening - "What kind of little animal am I?"

The first step is to give each group a large white paper, the second step is to give each team a large white paper, and the third step is to ask them to summarize the most representative Draw some small animals, and in the fourth step, let the students come on stage to explain why and explain them one by one.

(5) Game opening - "Nine-square grid interaction"

distributes an A4 paper to each student. Please draw a nine-square grid horizontally and vertically, write your name in the middle, and write requirements in the other eight grids, such as Evaluation of the environment, expectations for the course, confusion about the training topics, etc. After completion, set a time and ask everyone to look for people with the same words in the grid and sign their names in the corresponding grids. When time expires, the person with the most signatures wins.

(6) Game opening - "Making Table Cards"

Each student is given an A4 paper and marker to see how they make their own table cards, based on the exquisiteness, fixation, speed, etc. To evaluate the merits and demerits of students.

(7) Game opening - "Self-introduction"

The self-introduction here is everyone's self-introduction, not the teacher's self-introduction. Many students don't know what to introduce, so just list some preliminary frameworks.

is as follows:

(1) What is my name.

(2) Where I come from.

(3) What is your current position?

(4) What are my personal hobbies.

(5) What is my happiest thing in 30 days.

(6) What are my expectations for the course.

(7) Applause and encouragement.

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