My first writing experience was after graduating from college. In 2007, our company had just organized a national agent conference in the suburbs and asked everyone to write a post-meeting speech.

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My first writing experience was after graduating from college. In 2007, our company had just organized a national agent conference in the suburbs and asked everyone to write a post-meeting speech. - DayDayNews


Good evening everyone, I am Lan Lin. Today I look back on my writing growth journey.


My first writing experience was after graduating from college. In 2007, our company had just organized a national agent conference in the suburbs and asked everyone to write a post-meeting speech.

My first writing experience was after graduating from college. In 2007, our company had just organized a national agent conference in the suburbs and asked everyone to write a post-meeting speech. - DayDayNews


I didnā€™t think much about it at the time. I just wrote it to complete the task. After writing it, I forgot about it. It wasn't until a few days later that a colleague from another department told me that it turned out that I didn't dare to jump rope. I was quite puzzled at first, how did he know such a secret thing? Finally, I realized that the speech I wrote after the meeting was published in the groupā€™s newspapers.

My first writing experience was after graduating from college. In 2007, our company had just organized a national agent conference in the suburbs and asked everyone to write a post-meeting speech. - DayDayNews


I took the newspaper and looked through it carefully, only to discover that it turned out that I was the only one whose post-meeting speech had been approved. I was indeed very happy at that time, and I couldn't help but smile.


I never thought that the words I wrote randomly would become typefaces in the group's newspapers. So I kept that newspaper, but I only cut out the article that contained my article. I no longer have the complete newspaper.

Until now, my post-meeting speech, which was cut out, is still well stored in my cabinet. but it still exists silently and does not have any other special meaning to me.


Time passed like this bit by bit until my daughter was born in 2014. I gave birth to my child by caesarean section in a hospital in Beijing. After giving birth to the baby, when I was in the ward, I didn't know what medicine the nurse gave me, which made me unable to breathe for a moment. This is the first time in my life that I have felt my own death.

My first writing experience was after graduating from college. In 2007, our company had just organized a national agent conference in the suburbs and asked everyone to write a post-meeting speech. - DayDayNews


Fortunately, I was awake at the time, and the nurse quickly came over and pulled out the needle, so I survived. So after experiencing this life and death, I cherish life very much and understand the meaning of living better.


The cause of this medical accident should be drug allergy, and the skin test may not be accurate. I still donā€™t know what medicine the nurse gave me after that, because after the caesarean section, my stomach hurt so much. I just got the painkiller injection and slept for a while. When I woke up, they gave me the medicine. Take this life-threatening drug.


Since I did not have a major accident and survived, I kept silent about this matter after I was discharged from the hospital.

Since then, I have been guarding the child and taking care of her personally. My writing journey started at this time. After my daughter was born, I bought a lot of parenting and educational books, and I started reading every time she fell asleep.


Every day I write a long paragraph of sharing text in the circle of friends, narrating it in the voice of my daughter. I wonder if this period of time counts as my pen practice?


In 2015, the year when Chage turned one year old, I officially started writing. My first work was a novel with a total of 186 chapters. Before writing this novel, I had no professional writing training. I just relied on my own feelings, using myself as the creative prototype, and combined with my life experience in my hometown, I adapted and extended many stories.


I published this work on both the starting point Chinese website and the Chinese vertical and horizontal Chinese website . At that time, I didnā€™t know that the work could still be signed, I didnā€™t know that writing could be monetized, and I didnā€™t know that on the way of writing, the author could communicate with other people. The author communicates with readers and literary friends, so I just mechanically write several chapters at once every day, a few days apart, and then upload them at the same time. After uploading, I turn off the computer and continue to spend time with my children. I have never paid attention to the various messages in the background and the editorā€™s contact information.


Because I feel that those have nothing to do with me. I just send out the works I write, just like storing things, and save them. I donā€™t know what value those works have. For me at that time, writing was a habit and fun after accompanying my children.


Later I heard about WeChat official accounts, and I registered 5 WeChat official accounts at once. I began to add short stories, short novels in addition to novels. At that time, I would post articles posted on the official account to Moments, and friends would leave me encouraging messages after seeing them. In this way, my identity gradually changed. Because I publish my work, friends in my circle of friends will automatically recognize me as a long-term writer.


In this way, I began to enter the literary circle. Made a lot of friends. One friend after another dragged me into various groups of writers, poets, painters... In this way, I added poetry to my original writing genres.


Therefore, it is recommended that new writers remember to publish their works after writing. Send it to Moments, corresponding groups, and major self-media platforms. Because for writers, only by actively presenting yourself can others see you and link to you. It doesn't matter if your writing isn't good, just finish it first and then make it perfect.


Never wait until you feel you are good enough before you start exposing yourself. Because not all gold can shine. If gold is always buried deep in the soil, it is doomed to a life of darkness.


Therefore, on the way of writing, learning to take the initiative to show yourself and present yourself is an essential way to move towards the future. Show yourself, not only in writing, but also in work. Bosses are very busy. Only when employees take the initiative to show themselves can bosses see it and employees have the opportunity to be reused.


I have been on the road of self-motivated writing and have never given up. Write modern poetry , ancient poetry, stories, and novels. Writing became my daily habit. What makes me continue to write should be a deep love and sense of accomplishment. Regardless of whether the work is good or bad, as long as it is completed, it is a pleasure and enjoyment for the writer. This silent sense of accomplishment will become the nourishment of love in life and breed sunshine and self-confidence.


Then in 2020, I met Teacher Qi Fanqi at Niu Rentang. The sharing guest that day was Teacher Qi. What Teacher Qi shared that night was a monetization channel for self-media writing, which was an unknown area on my writing journey.

Teacher Qi made me know for the first time that writing can be monetized, and there are so many channels for monetization. It was from that day that I realized that writing could still be monetized.


Teacher Qiā€™s simple and honest image left a deep impression on me. So, that night I connected with Teacher Qi and became her student.

After I learned about the monetization channels, under the leadership of Teacher Qi, I went to the emotional field of Toutiao. After receiving official training from the platform, I got the yellow V.

Later, I won three Qingyun Project Awards within ten days. Unfortunately, after receiving the last award, the Qingyun Project expired. I think I'm late. If I had known Teacher Qi earlier, maybe I would have gained more.

My first writing experience was after graduating from college. In 2007, our company had just organized a national agent conference in the suburbs and asked everyone to write a post-meeting speech. - DayDayNews


The three Qingyuns I won were all film reviews. When writing, I like to dismantle Qingyunā€™s articles. Print out the article you want to dissect and read it carefully. This is how I taught myself to write film reviews. I bought a lot of books related to movies and film reviews to help my writing, including personality psychology , social psychology, cognitive psychology, general psychology, etc. After

Qingyun ended, I also changed my writing field and started writing stories and essays. Because it was not perpendicular to my previous field, my yellow V was removed. But I have been working hard on Toutiao and have gained 33,000 fans on Toutiao so far. For almost a year, I have been writing ancient stories. I update two articles every day, and the number of words in each article is basically between 1,800 and 2,000 words. Basically, every article is a hit. Writing ancient stories allows me to revisit past classics. The following books are all my sources for writing ancient stories.

My first writing experience was after graduating from college. In 2007, our company had just organized a national agent conference in the suburbs and asked everyone to write a post-meeting speech. - DayDayNews


Thanks to those who insisted on updating daily in the past years, allowing me to get closer to books again and again.

Recently I felt that I had nothing to write about ancient stories, so I started to create in the local field. Looking at the real events that happen every day in society, some people may say that this gossip news has no meaning, but these are living life, the fireworks of the world, which let me know what is happening in society every day, and I have written about these hot topics that I know will come in handy when I write a novel one day.

As a creator, I choose to get close to the world and see the real world and people's dynamics. This also means I am far away from working behind closed doors. Therefore, the road to writing is never in vain. Every hot news event I have read has It helps my writing.


In 2021, with the encouragement and recommendation of Teacher Qi, I published my e-book, the novel "I Met You in the Red Dust". Before publishing, Teacher Qi also carefully told me what details to pay attention to. In my impression, Teacher Qi is an amiable sister who always gives people warmth and consideration. After the

novel was published and put on the shelves, every time I saw this novel, I was reminded of the years when I worked in a law firm and a publishing house. especially likes to read Teacher Qi's "Let the Soul Shine on the Road to Dreaming". This book records many of Teacher Qi's real experiences. I saw how difficult it was for Teacher Qiqi to go all the way. Her growth experience was so inspiring.

It turns out that all the past can be turned into paper. All the sadness in the past can be turned into the power of happiness in the future. Life is not a journey in vain, every step counts.

My first writing experience was after graduating from college. In 2007, our company had just organized a national agent conference in the suburbs and asked everyone to write a post-meeting speech. - DayDayNews


So, what I want to say to those novices who have not yet started writing is that writing is not as difficult as imagined, it just requires a heartbeat to start. A guide on the writing journey. Slowly turn what we have experienced into words.


There was a time when, as a mother, I updated 10,000 words of novels every day. Every day, I would get up early and write 5,000 words and write 5,000 words in the evening. Some people think it may be difficult, but it is not that difficult. When you write more words, writing becomes easier. Of course, this accumulation of word count does not mean anything. What is important is the quality of the work. Therefore, I suggest that you not only write every day, but also keep updated, and more importantly, enter.


As long as you work hard enough, an iron rod can be ground into a needle. For writers, reading through the four major classics, Tang poetry and Song poetry, and famous prose are essential basic skills for writing. Reading prose helps your writing to be beautiful and smooth.

Teacher Qi wrote about the story of Bala and Xue Xiaochan in her book "On the Road to Dreaming, Let the Soul Shine". Because Bala liked Teacher Xue Xiaochan, she chased her all the way and read all her works. .

For me, one of my favorite writers is my fellow countryman Bai Luomei. I have almost all of her books. I will read it over and over again, some books have been read more than ten times. I also have a few books written by teacher Xue Xiaochan, and I like them very much. They are very well written and down to earth.


So for writers, finding books by authors they like, buying them, reading them over and over again, reading them aloud, and then learning from them and imitating them is a particularly good way to improve their writing skills.

My first writing experience was after graduating from college. In 2007, our company had just organized a national agent conference in the suburbs and asked everyone to write a post-meeting speech. - DayDayNews

Writing has changed a lot for me personally. It has made me very busy and fulfilling. There is always not enough time every day. There is always too much knowledge to learn, many books that have not yet been read, and many stories and experiences that have not been written.


Finally, what I want to share with you is that in , all experiences can be turned into words, and all words are shadows of our past. Just like now, after so many years, I told the story of when I gave birth to a child.


It is precisely because of that life and death experience that I cherish every day of my life more. In addition to reading and writing, writers must pay attention to their physical health. They must maintain sufficient exercise and adequate sleep every day. They must not overdraw their health and go to bed early and get up early. I usually go to bed before ten o'clock in the evening and get up at five o'clock. Run 6 to 8 kilometers every day and play ball for an hour.Except for special days of the month.


Looking back on the writing journey I have taken, I deeply confirm that writing is the best destination for me in this life. As a writer, I have felt the indescribable tenderness. The future for writers has endless possibilities. As long as you persevere, everything will fall into place. The author has cultivated a tough but soft heart.


Every day that I live, I slowly express in words everything I have experienced in this life, every scene and thing I have seen, which is the deep love in my heart. I hope that you, who have also experienced the trials of life, will boldly analyze yourself in the text, search for your past self, and meet your unknown self. I will keep going on the road of writing

. Meet a better self and see a more beautiful scenery. There is no such thing as being born extraordinary, only luck created by oneself. There is no genius in

. Itā€™s just that some people know their own preferences, their potential and advantages, have clear goals and deep obsession, and move forward all the way. day after day, year after year, will eventually succeed. A temporary hobby turns into a lifelong specialty. They all know that if the direction is right and the rhythm is right, what should come will come sooner or later. Done first, then perfect. Letā€™s encourage you all!

My first writing experience was after graduating from college. In 2007, our company had just organized a national agent conference in the suburbs and asked everyone to write a post-meeting speech. - DayDayNews

Text | Picture: Lan Lin Xiaozhu

About the author: Lan Lin Xiaozhu, a native of Jiangxi, Capricorn. The signed author of brief book , the signed author of palm reader , the content taster of Toutiao, the operating officer of Qifanqi Business School... He won the 2007 Best Newcomer Award from Beijing Education Media, and the 2017 Hundred Cities and Hundreds of Jiangxi Division Readers' Favorite Poet Award, 2020 Toutiao Qingyun Project Award, 2021 Fourth World Most Beautiful Love Poetry Competition World's Most Beautiful Love Poetry Award... I have worked in a publishing house and a law firm in Beijing, opened a bookstore, and published The text of his past works has exceeded 5 million words... In 2017, he published a personal poetry collection "Love in the World", and in 2021 he published an e-book and novel "I Met You in the Red Dust"...

ā¤ There is scenery in the eyes, but there is no right or wrong in the heart. The text is Fuliu, waving to wait for the return of springā¤

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