After ten years of sharpening a sword, the emphasis on internal strength has been passed down from the earliest times to the present. Now in the store, "internal strength" reflects its powerful influence and super power. Putting it on Taobao means paying attention to the details

2024/05/1220:54:32 news 1707

After ten years of sharpening a sword, the emphasis on internal strength has been passed down from the earliest times to the present. Now in the store, "internal strength" reflects its powerful influence and super power. Putting it on Taobao means paying attention to the details page, or paying attention to the product, doing a good job in internal skills, and strongly creating hot products, which can make the store popular.

After ten years of sharpening a sword, the emphasis on internal strength has been passed down from the earliest times to the present. Now in the store,

So in what aspects is the internal strength manifested? How to do a good job in internal strength? This time I will share with you the absolute tool for creating a hit: internal strength.

1. Internal strength is generally reflected in the store

1. The overall structure of the store, including store decoration, layout, product style positioning, etc.

2, details page, including baby's pictures, description, selling points, etc.

3. Regarding product quality, style selection and seasonal adjustments, first prepare for promotional activities. Changing styles and doing promotional activities can help the store accumulate popularity. No matter how good a product is, it cannot be popular all year round. There is always a point where people’s demand is concentrated, and there is also a point where people have less purchasing power.

If you want to do a good job in store internal strength, you need to pay attention to the purpose and key points:

After ten years of sharpening a sword, the emphasis on internal strength has been passed down from the earliest times to the present. Now in the store,

2. Cleverly improve internal strength

1. Product title

Set the title in multiple dimensions. Every word is the key. Do a good job of keyword analysis (search and conversion), and industry Analyze hot word lists and product titles to find the search volume and growth trend of main words and secondary words at this stage.

2. Details page layout

The details page is one of the important factors affecting the conversion rate. A good details page can attract customers to place orders. The details page contains a lot of details, so if you want to make an excellent details page, you must understand a lot of information, such as understanding customer psychology, product selling points, competitive store conditions, etc.

So how to layout the details page well? Next, let me talk about the 5 steps of detail page layout and transaction conversion:

(1) Stimulate interest

The first thing that can arouse customer interest is pictures, because the way of pictures can give It is the most intuitive feeling of customers. You can refer to and learn how good competitive stores put effort into pictures. In addition, from the perspective of customers' psychology, good pictures also prove the strength of the store. If even the pictures cannot satisfy people, how can we protect customers in terms of products?

(2) Stimulate potential demand

Stimulate potential demand of customers. Maybe this product is not necessarily indispensable for him, but this potential demand of customers can be stimulated in some forms. A better way is through scene diagrams and discounts Coupons, store activities. Perhaps through such forms and scene pictures, customers' needs can be stimulated and their desire to purchase products can increase, which can also lead to transaction conversions.

(3) Transformation from trust to trust

Trust and trust are two completely different levels. Trust is more dependent than trust. To allow customers to move from trust to trust, then for the product, the most basic description of the product must be given. Why buy your product instead of someone else's? These include the display of some product features, selling points and highlights, etc. One point is to highlight the function of the product and make consumers feel that this function is the highlight of this type of product.

Also in the details page, it is best to compare with products of the same type. The first is to highlight your own products, and the second is to give customers a direct comparison of products. You can compare them and compare them. Customers themselves can compare more clearly. But we must be truthful and objective, and we must not slander or make bad comments about competing stores. This is the principle.

Buyer reviews are particularly important. Every visitor has a completely different viewing habit. Some visitors rarely spend time reading too much. What they read most are products, detail pages, buyer reviews, etc. Because buyer evaluations are relatively objective, they can also serve as a good reference for buyers. Consumers have a herd mentality, and few are willing to be the first to “eat the crab”. The method is very simple, that is, to increase the sales volume and popularity of the store.

can enhance customers' trust and desire to purchase through detail processing. This is what every detail page or store should do.

(4) The transformation from trust to "possession"

As I said before, a person may not have a great demand for this product, so then there needs to be a reason why he must buy it, or Value creation after purchase. In short, it is to use all this to increase customers' desire to buy. thereby increasing transaction conversion.

(5) Promote transaction conversion

In addition, there can be some promotional methods or a call to purchase. Why buy now, buy from me? Secondly, you can increase related sales.

After ten years of sharpening a sword, the emphasis on internal strength has been passed down from the earliest times to the present. Now in the store,

Good products, effective execution, excellent internal skills, etc., constitute the conditions for creating a hit product. Creating popular items is not as difficult as imagined. If a store wants to quickly create popular items, it is necessary to control the details and the entire rhythm. That’s all

’s sharing today. If you don’t understand anything or the store encounters any problems, please feel free to communicate with me.

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