Australia is fighting back! Destroy a target 1,600 kilometers away, admitting that it was a warning to a big country

According to a report by the Russian Satellite News Agency on December 6, the United States and Australia had previously issued a statement stating that the two countries will jointly develop a hypersonic cruise missile, which has a range of up to 1,600 kilometers. The Australian authorities made a high-profile announcement that the news was purposeful. They wanted to counterattack our country in this way. The Australian Secretary of Defense even bluntly stated in an interview that the purpose of Australia's development of hypersonic cruise missiles is to deal with the mainland. Australia admits that the purpose of developing hypersonic weapons is a warning to major powers. Such a blatant threat to our country is actually a climax of Australia's "fineness" performance.

Not long ago, the Australian authorities were very proud to announce that they would jointly build a hypersonic cruise missile with the United States. This cruise missile will be launched by fighter aircraft and can strike enemy targets 1600 kilometers away. After announcing the news, Australian Prime Minister Morrison "strikes out" against my country on the issue of the Australian army torturing and killing civilians. His attitude towards China has changed so rapidly that he can be called a "face-changer."

China-Australia economic and trade cooperation is very important to Australia. Australia is a resource-exporting country, and my country is Australia’s most important partner. However, in such cooperation, Australia has begun to lose its position. Although Australia is very far away from Europe and the Americas, they have always claimed to be a civilized country. They look down on Asians from the bottom of their hearts. Therefore, China and Australia have always believed that they are helping the mainland and other Asian countries develop. More importantly, after World War II, Australia began to embrace the thighs of the United States. In the military field, Australia relied on the United States, but they relied on my country economically. As a result, the symptoms of the Australian authorities' "score" are getting worse.

The new crown epidemic is a "black swan event" in 2020, and Australia's domestic economy has also been affected by the new crown epidemic. In order to pass on the domestic crisis, Australia began to cooperate with the United States to interfere in our country's internal affairs, and Australia also ignored the facts and slandered that the new crown epidemic was the first in our country. Australia’s methods have directly affected the economic and trade cooperation between my country and Australia. In order to protect the safety of Chinese citizens, my country’s customs has further strengthened the inspection of Australian export products. Many Australian export products that do not meet the standards have been rejected from the country. Outside. According to people familiar with the matter, Australia’s acts of sabotaging China-Australia cooperation have directly caused it to lose more than 230 billion yuan in funds this year. Until now, dozens of Australian coal ships are floating outside the port and are prohibited from entering my country.

Analysts believe that the Australian authorities naively wanted to threaten us through force. It seems that their understanding of our country’s strength is still a century ago. Through force to open our country, this kind of humiliating history will only appear in the Qing Dynasty. Now Australia wants to repeat history, they overestimate their ability. Interfering in our internal affairs, spreading rumors about the new crown epidemic, and serious double standards for freedom of speech, Australia is using its own actions to undermine the Sino-Australian cooperation relationship. This destruction has also dealt a fatal blow to the Australian economy.