Previously, the official Weibo of the Tibet Military Region released a drill video. The soldiers of the infantry squad took out a 35mm sniper grenade and directly destroyed the target with one shot. Nowadays, our army is trying to make everything lightweight. How to enhance our a

Previously, the official Weibo of the Tibet Military Region released a drill video. The soldiers of the infantry class took out a 35mm sniper grenade and directly destroyed the target with one shot. This scene attracted the attention of many netizens. Nowadays, our army is trying to make everything lightweight. How to enhance our army's squad-level firepower while ensuring information and mobility has always been one of the key directions of the army's development. Therefore, the QLU-131 semi-automatic grenade launcher, nicknamed the sniper grenade by netizens, has become an Internet celebrity. It is equipped with high-end fire control and has a lightweight design. At first glance, it looks like a new model that has been fully upgraded.

In terms of the individual firepower of the People's Liberation Army today, it has improved many times compared to a few decades ago. It can even be said that in today's world, the individual firepower of Chinese soldiers is enough to compete with the US military, but we still feel that the firepower is insufficient. So we developed this 35mm semi-automatic grenade launcher for individual soldiers. Because it is equipped with high-end fire control, reliable accuracy and full power, it is nicknamed the sniper grenade by netizens. It makes up for the lack of accuracy by pursuing firepower density.

The real soul of the sniper grenade lies in the "black box" above. In addition to the ordinary white light sight, this thing also integrates an infrared sight, laser rangefinder and a micro fire control computer. Traditional snipers rely on observers to calculate various data, and then manually adjust the and sights based on the data. No matter how accurate your human aim is, can a computer "aiming" accurately? The fact is that I am more powerful than you and I can hit more accurately than you. Do you accept it? So jokes like "You increase the accuracy ten times, I will increase the killing radius ten times", just listen to it, don't take it seriously.

Although the total weight of the QLU-131 semi-automatic grenade launcher is 23 kilograms, the total weight of the sniper grenade combat when mounted on a bipod is only 13 kilograms. After all, such a powerful weapon can still attract hatred on the battlefield, so it must be lightweight to quickly transfer positions! Of course, lightweight does not affect the performance of this scope. Thanks to traditional white light sights and modern fire control technology, this scope is very powerful. In addition to the white light aiming function, the QLU-131 semi-automatic grenade launcher also has laser ranging , ballistic calculation, temperature measurement and wind speed measurement, pitch angle sensor, automatic bias correction, artificial crosswind, altitude correction, and automatic calculation. , automatic setting of shooting elements, and many other functions such as fault self-checking.

For different magazines, the sniper grenade provides different tripods. The sniper grenade has a smaller ammunition capacity of 3 rounds and 6 rounds. Use a bipod. If you use a 15-round round magazine, you can choose to use the tripod . Lightweighting is very important for the sniper grenade. After all, it is already heavy. If you want to reduce the weight, you can only find ways to reduce the weight of the sniper grenade. Currently, Army assault infantry or special operations units have higher shooting accuracy requirements for moving targets and fixed targets at a distance of 2,000 meters. Although the disposable rocket launcher is cheap, it is impossible to install slightly better sighting and ranging, which is too wasteful. The sniper grenade is a standard individual weapon . All high-precision technologies can be added, including photoelectric aiming, night vision, ranging, and ballistic correction.

At present, the suppressive firepower at the camp level of our army is mainly 120-meter mortar howitzers and Red Arrow 8 anti-tank missiles. The grenade launcher is only one of the six alternative support firepower at the company level. As for the light grenade launcher, it has been decentralized. Arrive in class. The mobilization of battalion-level artillery is relatively slow, and the infantry squad is short of artillery, so this thing is very useful, equivalent to the infantry's small artillery . There are benefits to vigorous development. With it, it will be easier for light infantry to fight against fortifications and armored vehicles . Now not only our army's border defense troops have , but also many armed police soldiers are equipped with them.