Over the years, successive South Korean governments have always regarded Japan as the main imaginary enemy in their military construction, because the two countries not only have disputed territories such as "Dokdo", but Japan also brought painful memories to neighboring countrie

For many years, successive South Korean governments have regarded Japan as the main imaginary enemy in their military construction, because the two countries not only have disputed territories such as " Dokdo ", Japan also brought painful memories to neighboring countries during World War II , is a country we must be wary of. For example, during the tenure of President Moon Jae-in, he has always hoped to use South Korea's amphibious assault ship to carry the US-made F-35B to operate in key surrounding waters to offset the advantages of the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force . On the peninsula issue, the Moon Jae-in government believes that after all, we have the same race and roots and can communicate with each other. However, after Yin Xiyue came to power, he immediately began to adjust the focus of defense and believed that "North Korea is more urgent than Japan." This can be seen from South Korea's preparations to introduce 20 F-35A from the United States, because this model is mainly aimed at land. combative.

According to reports from " Reference News ", South Korea is preparing to purchase 20 new F-35A stealth fighter jets from the United States. South Korean media stated that Blue House will announce this decision later this month. These fighters will The introduction was completed in the mid-2020s, which also meant a major adjustment in South Korea's defense posture. As we all know, South Korea is a small country located on the Korean Peninsula. After a long period of peaceful development, it can be said that the country is prosperous and the people are strong. Why does it suddenly need to introduce a large number of F-35A stealth fighter jets? In response, South Korea’s new President Yin Xiyue responded.

He said that this move was in response to the threat from North Korea. Yin Xiyue emphasized that although there is a "Dokdo" dispute between Japan and South Korea, the threat posed by North Korea is more urgent than Japan, so a large number of F-35A stealth fighters were purchased. Just to deal with the threat from the north. So, is the truth really what the new South Korean president said? it's not true.

As we all know, although North Korea is also a regional power, its military strength focuses on artillery and nuclear weapons . In terms of air force, the gap with Japan and South Korea is very large. It mainly relies on its strong fighting will and nuclear weapons strength. Deter the enemy.

Under such circumstances, it is actually easy for South Korea to suppress the Air Force fighters from the north. In order to specifically deal with North Korean military aircraft, it specially introduced the latest F-35A stealth fighters from the United States. To put it mildly, this It's killing a chicken with a bull's-eye. To put it mildly, it's selling dog meat over a sheep's head. South Korea's move is obviously not for North Korea, but most likely for China. Why is

not directed at Japan? This is because both Japan and South Korea are two vicious dogs raised by the United States in the Asia-Pacific region. The United States will not allow its dogs to bite a dog's mouth. Therefore, despite the "Dokdo" dispute between Japan and South Korea, the possibility of a military conflict between the two countries is almost zero. It's just that both sides have very tough attitudes, but the possibility of a real fight is unlikely.

If it is just to deal with Japan, there is no need for South Korea to introduce F-35A fighters . In order to deal with North Korea, there is no need to introduce F-35A fighters. From this perspective, if South Korea introduces this advanced stealth fighter, it is obvious who it will deal with, and it is most likely China.

In fact, Yin Xiyue showed very strong anti-China sentiments long before he came to power. For example, Yin Xiyue openly stated that he would "pursue dignified diplomacy" towards China after taking office, and repeatedly emphasized the need to expand military cooperation between the United States and South Korea. Specifically, he invited the United States to redeploy strategic bombers , to South Korea. The strategic nuclear submarine also requires the United States to additionally deploy the "THAAD" anti-missile system in South Korea.

As we all know, because of the THAAD issue, China and South Korea have been at loggerheads, and China-South Korea relations have been greatly impacted. This is because the "THAAD" system is ostensibly aimed at North Korea, but in essence it is a serious threat. China's national security.As a result, the new South Korean president kept asking the United States to deploy additional THAAD. This was not aimed at China, but who was it aimed at? It seems that South Korea is taking a big step to "de-Sinicize" and is ready to join hands with the United States and Japan to deal with China. It is time for China to prepare for a rainy day.