On May 12, 1947, the central government responded to the call and appointed Liu Bocheng to continue to serve as the commander of the Shanxi-Hebei-Luyu Military Region, and also appointed three deputy commanders. These three deputy commanders were all very powerful. After the foun

On May 12, 1947, the central government responded to the call and appointed Liu Bocheng to continue to serve as the commander of the Shanxi-Hebei-Luyu Military Region, and also appointed three deputy commanders. These three deputy commanders were all very powerful. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, one of them became a marshal and the other became the founding general.

Who are they?

Let’s talk about the first deputy commander first, he is Xu Xiangqian. During the Agrarian Revolutionary War, Xu Xiangqian was the commander-in-chief of the Fourth Front Army of the Chinese Red Army. He was very outstanding. Liu Bo served as the chief of general staff of the Chinese Red Army. They are all top-notch handsome men. Liu Bocheng is known as the God of Military, and Xu Xiangqian led the Red Fourth Front Army to win many remarkable battles.

It stands to reason that Xu Xiangqian’s position in the Red Army was not lower than that of Liu Bocheng. How did he become Liu Bocheng’s deputy? In fact, Xu Xiangqian has been Liu Bocheng's deputy since the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War. Liu Bo was appointed as the commander of the 129th Division, and Xu Xiangqian was the deputy commander.

The Eighth Route Army originally planned to form 4 divisions, but Chiang Kai-shek did not give that many establishments. The West Route Army led by Xu Xiangqian, which had three armies, was almost completely wiped out. There were not that many teams left, and Xu Xiangqian had to settle for deputy division commander. .

Xu Xiangqian is 9 years younger than Liu Bocheng. Liu Bocheng is the elder and the big brother. Xu Xiangqian serves as his deputy and is not aggrieved. During the Anti-Japanese War, they together led the 129th Division to many beautiful victories.

129 Division developed into the Shanxi-Hebei-Luyu Military Region, and Xu Xiangqian continued to serve as Liu Bocheng's deputy. Soon, Liu Bocheng and Deng Xiaoping led the main force of the Chinese Field Army to leap thousands of miles into the Dabie Mountains, while Xu Xiangqian stayed at the base camp and led various military affairs in the rear.

(Teng Daiyuan is on the left, Chairman Mao is in the middle)

The second deputy commander is Teng Daiyuan, who is also a senior revolutionary. Liu Bocheng participated in Nanchang Uprising . He was the former chief of staff of the rebel army and one of the leaders of the Nanchang Uprising. Teng Daiyuan and Peng Dehuai led the famous Pingjiang Uprising.

From Red Fifth Army to Red Third Army , Teng Daiyuan has always been Peng Dehuai's good partner. It is said that Peng Dehuai has a bad temper. He and Teng Daiyuan, one as the commander and the other as the political commissar, work well together. Wang Ming After the left-leaning line ruled the Central Soviet Area, Peng Dehuai and Teng Daiyuan resisted their wrong leadership.

博古 Li De did not dare to touch Peng Dehuai, so he transferred Teng Daiyuan away. Later, Teng Dai went to study in the Soviet Union, which was very similar to Liu Bocheng. Liu Bocheng also went to the Soviet Union to study. During the War of Liberation, Teng Daiyuan fought in the Central Plains and served as Liu Bocheng's deputy.

The third deputy commander is Wang Hongkun. Who is Wang Hongkun? He is a veteran of the Fourth Red Army and served as the commander of the Red Army. The Eighth Route Army was established, and Wang Hongkun was the commander of the 358th Brigade. He was ordered to stay in the rear area of ​​​​Yan'an to protect the security of the Party Central Committee.

Wang Hongkun was a general, and he was also eager to go to the front line to kill the enemy. The commander-in-chief of the Eighth Route Army, Mr. Zhu, sent him to the Jinan Military Region . Because the Jinan Military Region already had a commander, he had to temporarily accept Wang Hongkun as the deputy commander. member.

(Brothers Wang Shusheng and Wang Hongkun)

Then, Wang Hongkun served as the commander of the Hebei, Shandong and Yu Military Region. The Shanxi-Hebei-Luyu Military Region was established, and Wang Hongkun served as the third deputy commander and also served as Liu Bocheng's deputy. Careful readers may have discovered that Xu Xiangqian was Wang Hongkun's commander during the Red Army period. Now, Wang Hongkun and Xu Xiangqian are both deputy commanders of the Shanxi-Hebei-Luyu Military Region, and they are almost equal.

As the situation developed and changed, Liu Bocheng led the main force to the Dabie Mountains. Part of the Shanxi-Hebei-Luyu Military Region was merged into the North China Military Region led by Nie Rongzhen. Xu Xiangqian was the first deputy commander of the North China Military Region and became Nie Rongzhen's deputy.

Teng Daiyuan is also one of the deputy commanders of the North China Military Region.

Wang Hongkun continued to stay in the military region and presided over many daily affairs. The main force of Liu and Deng's army was in great difficulty in the Dabie Mountains. With the troops from the Southern Hebei Military Region as the backbone, a newly formed tenth column was formed, with Wang Hongkun as the commander, who led the supplies south to support the main force of Liu and Deng's army.

In this way, Wang Hongkun also returned to the Dabie Mountains. The tenth column was localized. Wang Hongkun was changed to the commander of the Tongbai Military Region. He unified command of the sixth column led by Wang Jinshan and liberated Xiangyang. After the liberation of Hubei, Wang Hongkun served as the first deputy commander of the military region.

Xu Xiangqian is one of the ten marshals and the first chief of general staff after the founding of the People's Republic of China. Wang Hongkun was the founding general of the People's Republic of China and served as deputy commander of the Navy after the founding of the People's Republic of China. Teng Daiyuan regretted very much that he did not participate in the awarding of the title. He was an uncrowned general and served as the Minister of Railways after the founding of the People's Republic of China.