In the current Russia-Ukraine conflict, there have been scenes of new and old weapons being used together during the fight between Russia and Ukraine. In addition, Ukraine is still using many advanced weapons and equipment provided by the military aid of Western countries. It can

In the current Russia-Ukraine conflict, there have been scenes of new and old weapons being used together during the fight between Russia and Ukraine . In addition, Ukraine is still using many advanced weapons and equipment provided by military aid from Western countries. It can be seen that the weapons and equipment currently used by Ukraine include the M777 howitzer and M142 Seamaster high-mobility rocket launcher supported by the United States. The weapons and equipment obtained by Ukraine from Western countries are quite powerful in terms of design combat effectiveness, but when Ukraine uses these, it is estimated that when it launches an attack on Russia, Russia will either be able to intercept the rocket , or be able to complete anti-artillery operations. Directly destroy the weapons of Western countries in the hands of Ukraine.

The dot U tactical missile is a weapon that is used quite frequently in Ukraine. It is understood that the Ukrainian army has about 90 dot U tactical missile launchers and about 800 missiles . Although this kind of missile has been eliminated by Russia, Ukraine is constantly using Dot U tactical missiles to launch attacks on Russian targets. However, since the range of Dot U tactical missiles is only 120 kilometers, it wants to attack many targets in the hinterland of Russia. The attack is still not powerful. Judging from some videos on the Ukrainian battlefield, Ukraine's tactics are quite shrewd in the use of dot U tactical missiles, because these dot U tactical missiles can complete mobile launches, so Ukraine It's almost like taking a shot and changing places. At the same time, during the launch process, there will be multiple soldiers holding Stinger shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles standing around the launch vehicle. If they encounter a Russian fighter plane, they will launch the shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles to destroy them.

In addition to using a large number of Dot U tactical missiles to launch threats to Russia, Ukraine has also come up with brand-new tactics in recent times. Ukraine is using a large number of Tu-143 UAVs and Tu-141 UAVs to destroy unmanned aerial vehicles. The aircraft is used as a missile to launch into the Russian mainland. From the appearance point of view, the Tu-143 UAV and the Tu-141 UAV in the hands of Ukraine are very similar to missiles. This is what Tupolev Design Bureau used in the Soviet era. Two reconnaissance UAVs have been launched. The range of these two reconnaissance UAVs is farther than the Dot U tactical missile. Among them, the range of the Figure 143 UAV reaches 180 kilometers, and the range of the Figure 141 UAV can reach up to 180 kilometers. 500 kilometers.

These two drones, originally used for reconnaissance purposes, have been used as weapons by Ukraine. There are signs that Ukraine will mount high explosives under the Figure 143 UAV and Figure 141 UAV, and then These drones were shot to the Russian mainland as disposable drones. According to the information reported by the Russian media, Russia’s anti-aircraft missiles were not condoned. Recently, Russia has shot down two Ukrainian military aircraft in Kursk Oblast Figure 141 Drone.

Judging from the current tactics of Ukraine, Ukraine's tactics are quite clear. They must use missiles modified from these drones to launch attacks on Russia's mainland. However, the air defense weapons used by Russia are not S300 long-range air defense missiles. There are indications that Russia can intercept these drones as long as it uses the armored S1 missile-cannon integrated air defense system , although this drone was known as It is impossible to intercept, but in the face of the new generation of Russian air defense weapons, the Tu-141 UAV and the Tu-143 UAV will not be able to defeat them for long. Text/Iris