NATO Secretary-General Stoltenberg recently stated that NATO will significantly expand the number of its rapid reaction force from the existing 40,000 to 300,000. It is said that NATO will formally adopt this decision at a summit in Madrid this week. At the same time, NATO also p

NATO Secretary-General Stoltenberg recently stated that NATO will significantly expand the number of its rapid response forces from the existing 40,000 to 300,000.

It is said that NATO will formally adopt this decision at a summit in Madrid this week. At the same time, NATO also plans to upgrade the troops stationed in Baltic countries and several other eastern flank countries to brigades. Level, the number of troops increased from 1,000 to 3,000-5,000.

Stoltenberg emphasized that this is the "biggest reform of NATO's collective defense and deterrence" after the end of the Cold War, with the purpose of sending a clear message to Russia.

NATO's rapid reaction force includes the army, navy and air force. It is currently mainly deployed on the east wing. Since Russia sent troops to Crimea in 2014, this rapid reaction force has increased from the original 13,000 people. To 40,000 people.

On the same day, former Russian President Medvedev warned that once any NATO country attacks the Crimea region, it will be regarded as the entire NATO declaring war on Russia, and Russia will definitely launch an unprecedented counterattack, and this will definitely The third war will be triggered.

Medvedev’s remarks were obviously directed at the possibility of Ukraine joining NATO, because Ukraine has always been interested in regaining Crimea.

However, I think it is unlikely that a conflict will break out between Russia and NATO. Just as British Prime Minister Johnson said, the war will be controlled within Ukraine, and the increase in NATO troops is just a precautionary measure.

After the Russian army launched a deep attack on Ukraine across the entire territory, especially after a shopping mall was hit by a Russian missile , Western countries were determined to increase the assistance of air defense systems .

A U.S. official recently stated that the United States will provide Ukraine with the world's most advanced missile defense system , as well as artillery ammunition and radar systems to strengthen Ukraine's airspace security.

It is reported that the defense system the United States will provide to Ukraine is the famous NASAMS system.

NASAMS's full name is "Norwegian Advanced Surface to Air Missile System", which was developed by Norway's most powerful military enterprise Kongsberg on the basis of the US-made AIM-120 medium-range air-to-air missile. The most sophisticated in the world Medium range air defense system.

The "Sentinel" radar Sentinel installed by NASAMS has a maximum detection range of 120 kilometers and can track up to 54 targets at the same time. Its anti-aircraft missile range is 40 kilometers. Any flying object that enters this distance has almost no possibility of escaping.

Some analysts even believe that if the United States can provide enough NASAMS to Ukraine, it will be equivalent to setting up a no-fly zone in the airspace controlled by Ukraine.

This statement may be a bit too idealistic.

Finally, there is news outside the battlefield.

Yesterday (June 28), before the opening of the NATO Madrid Summit, after 4 hours of talks, Turkey finally agreed to revoke the veto of Finland and Sweden 's application to join the alliance, clearing the way for the two countries to join NATO. Obstacles .

This is a landmark event, which means that the European security landscape will undergo major changes.

As we all know, Finland and Sweden have maintained military neutrality for a long time, but after the outbreak of the Russo-Ukrainian war, the mainstream public opinion quickly reversed. , the vast majority of people advocate applying to join NATO immediately - Russia's stern warning did not achieve the expected effect.

text / Mr. Crayon

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