New things, strange things, happy things, troublesome things, please call the hotline, we are willing to share it with you and help you run errands... This is the Marco Polo Bridge in 1937.

2024/06/0616:06:33 military 1108
New things, strange things, happy things, troublesome things, please call the hotline, we are willing to share it with you and help you run errands... This is the Marco Polo Bridge in 1937. - DayDayNewsNew things, strange things, happy things, troublesome things, please call the hotline, we are willing to share it with you and help you run errands... This is the Marco Polo Bridge in 1937. - DayDayNews

July 7th: The showers turned sunny and the temperature was 24~32℃

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For new things, strange things, happy things and troublesome things, please call the hotline, we are willing to share it with you and help you run errands... .

Marco Polo Bridge , Marco Polo Bridge

The man’s grave is on this bridge

The last moment has come

Sacrifice to the end without giving in


New things, strange things, happy things, troublesome things, please call the hotline, we are willing to share it with you and help you run errands... This is the Marco Polo Bridge in 1937. - DayDayNews

This is the Marco Polo Bridge in 1937. Xinhua News Agency issued (file photo)

85 years ago today

The Japanese invaders falsely claimed that a soldier was missing

brazenly launched a fierce attack on Marco Polo Bridge and Wanping City

Japan's all-out war of aggression against China broke out

Pingjin was in danger!

North China is in danger!

The Chinese nation is in crisis!

New things, strange things, happy things, troublesome things, please call the hotline, we are willing to share it with you and help you run errands... This is the Marco Polo Bridge in 1937. - DayDayNews

The Wanping defenders ran to fight at Marco Polo Bridge (Photo source: Chinese People's Anti-Japanese War Memorial Hall)

We will not forget

The broken mountains and rivers in those years

There are endless blood, tears and suffering on the land of China

There are endless oppression and oppression Humiliation

New things, strange things, happy things, troublesome things, please call the hotline, we are willing to share it with you and help you run errands... This is the Marco Polo Bridge in 1937. - DayDayNewshtml On the 2nd, the Air Force bombed Shanghai North Railway Station . Xinhua News Agency

New things, strange things, happy things, troublesome things, please call the hotline, we are willing to share it with you and help you run errands... This is the Marco Polo Bridge in 1937. - DayDayNews

The Japanese army bombed Wanping City

New things, strange things, happy things, troublesome things, please call the hotline, we are willing to share it with you and help you run errands... This is the Marco Polo Bridge in 1937. - DayDayNews

We will never forget

The heroic struggle of heroic sons and daughters of generations

On July 28, 1937,

During the battle to defend Wanping City

New things, strange things, happy things, troublesome things, please call the hotline, we are willing to share it with you and help you run errands... This is the Marco Polo Bridge in 1937. - DayDayNews9th Army Deputy Commander Tong Linge was first shot and fell off his horse

He continued to be injured After commanding the breakout, he was shot again and died.

New things, strange things, happy things, troublesome things, please call the hotline, we are willing to share it with you and help you run errands... This is the Marco Polo Bridge in 1937. - DayDayNews

Zhao Dengyu, commander of the 132nd Division of the 29th Army, led his troops to help Nanwan at night. Jingyu

ran out of ammunition and food in the ice and snow,

still fed himself with grass roots, tree bark and cotton wadding

. He dealt with the Japanese invaders alone

until he died heroically in the end.

New things, strange things, happy things, troublesome things, please call the hotline, we are willing to share it with you and help you run errands... This is the Marco Polo Bridge in 1937. - DayDayNews

The five heroes of Langya Mountain

faced the enemy step by step and bravely blocked it. Destroy the guns and jump off the cliff

For the future of the Chinese nation

They are fearless and would rather die than surrender

New things, strange things, happy things, troublesome things, please call the hotline, we are willing to share it with you and help you run errands... This is the Marco Polo Bridge in 1937. - DayDayNews

North and south of the Yangtze River

The Great Wall Inside and outside

Forty million people fought together

One heart and one mind, one uniform

Patriotic soldiers fought bloody battles and served generously Death

People from all walks of life are united and share the same hatred.

New things, strange things, happy things, troublesome things, please call the hotline, we are willing to share it with you and help you run errands... This is the Marco Polo Bridge in 1937. - DayDayNews

Data photo: Chinese troops resist the Japanese attack at Marco Polo Bridge. Xinhua News Agency published

New things, strange things, happy things, troublesome things, please call the hotline, we are willing to share it with you and help you run errands... This is the Marco Polo Bridge in 1937. - DayDayNews

In the autumn of 1937, the Eighth Route Army troops advanced day and night toward the North China Anti-Japanese Front. Xinhua News Agency picture

New things, strange things, happy things, troublesome things, please call the hotline, we are willing to share it with you and help you run errands... This is the Marco Polo Bridge in 1937. - DayDayNews

file picture: In 1938, the New Fourth Army bravely blocked the Japanese invaders in the battle of Majiayuan. Xinhua News Agency picture

New things, strange things, happy things, troublesome things, please call the hotline, we are willing to share it with you and help you run errands... This is the Marco Polo Bridge in 1937. - DayDayNews

In August 1940, the Eighth Route Army in North China launched the Hundred Regiment War across the 5,000-mile-long enemy rear. The intense fighting lasted for three and a half months and dealt a serious blow to the enemy invaders. This is the machine gun position of our army during the seven days and nights of bloody battle in Shi'nao Mountain, Shanxi.

New things, strange things, happy things, troublesome things, please call the hotline, we are willing to share it with you and help you run errands... This is the Marco Polo Bridge in 1937. - DayDayNews

Data picture: During the battle at Pingxingguan, a machine gun position of a unit of the 115th Division. Xinhua News Agency picture

In the world anti-fascist war

The Chinese People's Anti-Japanese War

started the earliest and lasted the longest

also paid a heavy price of

35 million casualties

But no matter how dark the night is

there will be dawn

New things, strange things, happy things, troublesome things, please call the hotline, we are willing to share it with you and help you run errands... This is the Marco Polo Bridge in 1937. - DayDayNews

Information picture: 1945 In year, the people of Wuhan celebrated the victory of the Anti-Japanese War. Xinhua News Agency reported that on September 3, 1945, the Chinese people won the great victory of the Anti-Japanese War after a bloody battle. The shameful invaders were forever nailed to the pillar of shame in history.

Lugou Xiaoyue Still in

New things, strange things, happy things, troublesome things, please call the hotline, we are willing to share it with you and help you run errands... This is the Marco Polo Bridge in 1937. - DayDayNews

This is a stone lion on the Marco Polo Bridge in Beijing against the blue sky and white clouds taken on June 12, 2015. Xinhua News Agency reported


The new era of the People's Army

is shining with iron armor, mighty and majestic

defending the homeland and defending the country, and not giving up an inch of territory

New things, strange things, happy things, troublesome things, please call the hotline, we are willing to share it with you and help you run errands... This is the Marco Polo Bridge in 1937. - DayDayNews

On July 30, 2017, a military parade to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army was held in Zhurihe training in Inner Mongolia. held at the base.Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Gang

Let us jointly remember the great truth revealed by history:

Justice will prevail!

Peace will prevail!

The people will win!

85 has made great achievements and engraved history:

dare not forget it!

can’t be forgotten!

will never be forgotten!

New things, strange things, happy things, troublesome things, please call the hotline, we are willing to share it with you and help you run errands... This is the Marco Polo Bridge in 1937. - DayDayNews

Source: Xinhua News Agency, Xinhuanet, China Daily

Editor: Wang Xinzhuo

Producer: Xiang Dongning

Produced by: New Media Center

military Category Latest News

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