"Taiwan-U.S." collusion goes to the next level, China speaks out

2020/11/2805:48:03 military 1729

Recently, the Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party, which provoked disputes in the Taiwan Strait, has begun to make minor moves on the Taiwan Strait issue.

Prior to this, the Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party knew that its own strength was not enough to "confront" the mainland, and intended to collude with external forces to seek "Taiwan independence." This external force is the United States.

For this reason, the Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party has spared no effort to please the US government and accelerate the "Taiwan-US" collusion. Some time ago, the DPP authorities even publicly announced that the U.S. Marine Corps is about to arrive in Taiwan, and the "Taiwan-US" collusion has risen to the next level.

"Taiwan-U.S." collusion took another step.

The Taiwan authorities have maintained unexplainable ties with the United States for a long time. Even after the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and China in 1979, this ties have never been broken.

After Trump came to power, he played the Taiwan card, regarded the Taiwan issue as a "magic weapon" to contain the development of the Chinese mainland, and continued to stir up troubles on the Taiwan Strait issue.

Especially since the epidemic this year, the United States has begun to constantly challenge China's principles and bottom line in order to divert domestic conflicts triggered by ineffective epidemic prevention and control, and deepen the "Taiwan-US" collusion.

In September of this year, US Deputy Secretary of State Clarke "visited" Taiwan and held a meeting with the Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party authorities, putting the "Taiwan-U.S." collusion on the surface. Immediately afterwards, the Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party authorities continued to advocate the so-called "Taiwan-U.S. friendship" on the island, and promoted the so-called "Taiwan-U.S. Resumption of Diplomatic Relations" on the island, claiming that the United States would assist Taiwan in "confronting" the mainland.

even exposed the presence of US personnel in Taiwan military radar stations in the official propaganda film, and "Taiwan-U.S." collusion has gradually become staged. Z2z

Subsequently, the U.S. government disregarded China's severe opposition and approved three consecutive arms sales plans to Taiwan within 10 days, continuously deepening the "Taiwan-US" collusion.

Recently, the Taiwan Naval Headquarters broke the news that the US military arrived in Taiwan to teach the so-called assault boat-related courses for the Taiwan military. Floors.

China made a strong voice

Although the reason given by the Taiwan authorities this time was because the Taiwan military had an accident during the training of assault boats some time ago, resulting in 3 deaths and 1 serious injury, so the US Marines were invited. Come to Taiwan to teach the Taiwan military about assault boats.

However, China has always opposed any military ties between "Taiwan and the United States." This practice of the Taiwan authorities has seriously violated the mainland's bottom line and principles. Z2z

, a spokesperson for the Ministry of National Defense, said before that: any practice of "using Taiwan to control China" and relying on foreign countries will have no way out. The Chinese People's Liberation Army has firm will, full confidence and sufficient ability to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Disclaimer: This article was originally created by Junwu every day, and the picture comes from the network. If there is any infringement, please contact us. For some information, please refer to: Taihai.com

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