China's nuclear potential is advancing by leaps and bounds, and foreign countries see 096: it will surpass the god of the north wind

2020/08/2214:28:09 military 1605


Nowadays, it is no secret that China is making submarines. Although China started decades later than the United States and Russia in this field, China has realized the need to develop more advanced nuclear submarines since the disintegration of the Soviet Union. After all, the former Soviet Union and the United States have led too much. So now, to what extent have my country's nuclear submarines developed? Previously, the Type 096 nuclear submarine has been manufactured in China's Bohai Shipyard. According to the analysis of the United States, with China's technological achievements in nuclear submarines and China's shipbuilding speed, China's Type 096 nuclear submarine is likely to be in service in the next two years.

China's nuclear potential is advancing by leaps and bounds, and foreign countries see 096: it will surpass the god of the north wind - DayDayNews

As we all know, China is very strict with regard to the secrecy of large strategic weapons, especially important armaments such as nuclear submarines. However, according to the speculation of foreign experts and previous online data, the length of Type 096 will exceed 150 meters and the full width will be about 20 meters; if it is estimated based on this size, the displacement will be about 16,000 tons. Once in service, it will become the largest nuclear submarine of the Chinese Navy. Foreign experts believe that with the development of China's continents, 096's strength is likely to not lose or even surpass Russia's "North Wind God" level. This time, the United States has given high praise to the Type 096 nuclear submarine that China will build in the future.

China's nuclear potential is advancing by leaps and bounds, and foreign countries see 096: it will surpass the god of the north wind - DayDayNews

You must know that nuclear submarines dominate the ocean not only because of their powerful nuclear missile strike capabilities, but also because of their nuclear-powered power system design. After service, there is no need to consider fuel issues. The endurance capability is quite strong. It is very difficult to have these two points at the same time, which is why many countries have spent several years unable to study nuclear submarines. As the Chinese "Jiaolong" has frequently broken diving records in recent years, it has accumulated a lot of experience in deep and shallow fields. The 096 submarine will use high-strength alloy steel, so its diving depth can reach 600 meters, which is the world's largest .

China's nuclear potential is advancing by leaps and bounds, and foreign countries see 096: it will surpass the god of the north wind - DayDayNews

The combat system of Chinese nuclear submarines is absolutely nothing to worry about. The Type 096 nuclear submarine uses the world's most advanced shaftless pumping technology, which means that even in polar regions, China's Type 096 nuclear submarine can launch submarine-launched missiles to penetrate thick ice and hit targets. Coupled with China's "Julang-3" submarine-launched missiles, China's 096 nuclear submarine can become one of the most advanced nuclear submarines in the world. The biggest trouble is the noise problem. The ship also has special treatments. In addition to installing a shock-absorbing base on the noise source and applying high-efficiency sound-absorbing tiles on the shell of the ship, there is also an active noise reduction device on the ship to make the submarine underwater The noise generated is greatly reduced, only 95-100 decibels, much lower than the 115 decibels of the 094 submarine, which makes it easier to hide.

China's nuclear potential is advancing by leaps and bounds, and foreign countries see 096: it will surpass the god of the north wind - DayDayNews

Compared with the already deployed 092 and 094 submarines, the 096 submarine is indeed a behemoth with excellent performance. The "debut" of China's 096 nuclear submarine undoubtedly broke the balance of development of nuclear submarines in the world today. Because this Chinese submarine may have surpassed the god of north wind. After all, Russia’s nuclear submarine is the product of the last century. Although it has not fallen behind, the 096 will have more room for improvement in the future. Russia currently has no new nuclear submarine development plan.

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