According to news released by the South China Sea Strategic Situational Awareness, the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier battle group has entered the South China Sea for activities. As we all know, the U.S. Navy has 11 aircraft carriers and is the most powerful maritime force in

2024/06/1809:39:33 military 1182

According to news released by the South China Sea Strategic Situational Awareness, the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier battle group has entered the South China Sea for activities. As we all know, the U.S. Navy has 11 aircraft carriers and is the most powerful maritime force in - DayDayNews

It is reported that the aircraft carrier "Reagan" started this round of deployment on May 20. Previously, it went to the waters near Guam to participate in the "Brave Shield-2022" exercise with the aircraft carrier USS Lincoln.

But since the "Lincoln" aircraft carrier went to Hawaii to participate in the "Rim of the Pacific-2022" multinational joint maritime exercise at the end of June, only the "Reagan" aircraft carrier is left around China.

In recent times, the aircraft carrier "Reagan" has taken a short rest at the US military base in Guam, and recently entered the South China Sea via the Philippine Sea for activities.

According to news released by the South China Sea Strategic Situational Awareness, the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier battle group has entered the South China Sea for activities. As we all know, the U.S. Navy has 11 aircraft carriers and is the most powerful maritime force in - DayDayNews

China has long emphasized that the United States, as a country outside the region, should not interfere in South China Sea affairs. However, the United States not only interferes more in South China Sea issues, but also attempts to use the South China Sea issue as an excuse to discredit China.

Nowadays, the US aircraft carrier battle group is restless after entering the South China Sea again. According to reports, on July 13, one of the warships of the "Reagan" aircraft carrier battle group, the "Benford" guided missile destroyer illegally broke in my country’s Xisha territorial waters.

Faced with the illegal intrusion of the US military destroyer , the Southern Theater Command organized sea and air forces to track and monitor the ship, and at the same time warned and drove it away.

According to news released by the South China Sea Strategic Situational Awareness, the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier battle group has entered the South China Sea for activities. As we all know, the U.S. Navy has 11 aircraft carriers and is the most powerful maritime force in - DayDayNews

In recent years, in order to contain China, the United States has frequently dispatched ships and aircraft around China under the banner of "free navigation" and has even invaded China's airspace and territorial waters many times. Although they were expelled by the People's Liberation Army every time, the US military still refused to give up.

People's Liberation Army Southern Theater Command spokesman Tian Junli Air Force Colonel said that the US destroyer's unauthorized intrusion into China's Xisha territorial waters seriously violated China's sovereignty and security, seriously undermined peace and stability in the South China Sea, and seriously violated international law and the norms of international relations.

The actions of the US military have once again proved that the United States is the creator of security risks in the South China Sea and the biggest disruptor of regional peace and stability. In the face of provocation by the US military, the People's Liberation Army will always remain on high alert and resolutely defend national sovereignty and regional peace.

According to news released by the South China Sea Strategic Situational Awareness, the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier battle group has entered the South China Sea for activities. As we all know, the U.S. Navy has 11 aircraft carriers and is the most powerful maritime force in - DayDayNews

It is reported that when US aircraft carriers entered the South China Sea and US destroyers trespassed into the territorial waters of the Xisha Islands, the People's Liberation Army also used practical actions to issue a warning to the United States.

According to the official website of my country’s Maritime Safety Administration, on July 14, the People’s Liberation Army will conduct live-fire training in the Beibu Gulf of the South China Sea, and entry is prohibited during this period.

Although the PLA’s live-fire drills in the South China Sea are not aimed at the United States, in the context of the United States’ continuous provocations against China, the PLA’s live-fire drills do have the effect of deterring the United States.

According to news released by the South China Sea Strategic Situational Awareness, the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier battle group has entered the South China Sea for activities. As we all know, the U.S. Navy has 11 aircraft carriers and is the most powerful maritime force in - DayDayNews

At the same time, the People's Liberation Army has also carried out intensive live-fire drills and other military activities in the Yellow Sea to deter the US military from recent provocative behaviors in the sea and airspace near the Yellow Sea.

It is reported that since the beginning of July, the US Air Force RC-135S missile observation and reconnaissance aircraft has been conducting close reconnaissance in the airspace around the Yellow Sea for many days in a row, and has conducted high-intensity operations off the coast of Shandong.

Although it is currently unclear what the purpose of the US military's intensive reconnaissance in the airspace around the Yellow Sea is, the provocation is very obvious.

According to news released by the South China Sea Strategic Situational Awareness, the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier battle group has entered the South China Sea for activities. As we all know, the U.S. Navy has 11 aircraft carriers and is the most powerful maritime force in - DayDayNews

Therefore, the People's Liberation Army's high-intensity live-fire shooting and other military activities in the Yellow Sea can not only temper the ability of our soldiers to deal with enemy situations, but also issue a warning to the US military and restrain its provocative behavior.

As the United States provocations against China become more and more frequent, the frequency of actual combat drills and live-fire firings carried out by the People's Liberation Army in various sea and airspaces has also been increasing recently.

According to news released by the South China Sea Strategic Situational Awareness, the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier battle group has entered the South China Sea for activities. As we all know, the U.S. Navy has 11 aircraft carriers and is the most powerful maritime force in - DayDayNews

According to news from the Eastern Theater Command, a certain air force aviation unit and a certain air defense unit in the theater recently conducted day and night actual combat drills and air-ground confrontation drills respectively. The People's Liberation Army's increasingly frequent drills are not only honing the actual combat proficiency of the soldiers in each unit, but also sending a tough signal to the outside world: the Chinese military is ready at any time. If the United States and its allies dare to provoke China or even cross the line, they will be decisively counterattacked.

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