Faced with the Australian Navy, a "guest" who has been actively stirring up trouble around China, the People's Liberation Army naturally has to entertain it well. Recently, according to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, the Australian Navy frigate "Parramatta" was en route

2024/06/2314:31:32 military 1524

As the saying goes: Friends come with good wine, Jackals come with shotguns. Faced with the Australian Navy, a "guest" who has been actively stirring up trouble around China, the People's Liberation Army naturally has to entertain it well.

Recently, according to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, the Australian Navy frigate "Parramatta" was on its way from Vietnam to Japan. It was warned by the Chinese navy to drive away for approaching China's territorial waters without authorization. The ship then returned. It was tracked and monitored by a Type 052C guided missile destroyer and a Type 093 nuclear submarine of the People's Liberation Army. It is worth mentioning that in response to this matter, the Australian military has remained silent on the grounds of "national defense security" and refused to disclose the specific details of the encounter.

Faced with the Australian Navy, a

Illustration: The "Parramatta" frigate

This is not the first time that the Australian army has tried to break into China's territorial waters. Previously, when the Australian army's P-8A anti-submarine patrol aircraft approached for reconnaissance over the South China Sea, it It once tried to forcefully break into the airspace of my country's South China Sea islands and reefs, which forced the pilots on the interception mission to use the tough method of throwing chaff to drive them away. This time, the Australian warship approached my country's territorial waters without notification. It is likely that it felt that the warship would not be easily intercepted and wanted to repeat its old tricks and challenge China's sovereignty integrity again.

Faced with the Australian Navy, a

Note: Australia's P-8A anti-submarine patrol aircraft

However, what they did not expect was that the Chinese Navy had already accumulated rich experience in confronting US warships in the South China Sea a few years ago. Judging from the People's Liberation Army's rapid dispatch of a 052C destroyer and a nuclear submarine in response, as well as the Australian military's tight-lipped attitude on the matter, it is likely that the "Parramatta" not only failed to take advantage, but also suffered Big loss.

However, even if it suffers a loss, the Australian military may not necessarily learn a lesson and continue to plan the next provocation. Because Australia's military and political circles are now completely dependent on the United States. When formulating foreign strategies and implementing national decisions, they prioritize the interests of the United States and do not consider Australia's own national interests at all. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a puppet of the United States. Under such circumstances, the Australian military has essentially become a pawn in the United States' policy of containing China. It can only move forward without learning lessons.

Faced with the Australian Navy, a

Legend: As a member of the Five Eyes Alliance, Australia has close relations with the United States.

Fortunately, not all Australian officials are controlled and influenced by the United States. In the business and diplomatic circles, there are still many Australian officials who are still trying to improve the tense relationship with China. For example, at the just-concluded G20 summit, the Australian Foreign Minister stated in his meeting with China that he had no intention of supporting the United States' China containment strategy and sent a goodwill signal to China. The Australian business community is also actively promoting the use of RMB to settle iron ore exports from Australia and promoting the internationalization of RMB.

Faced with the Australian Navy, a

Note: Australian iron ore ship docks in China

In fact, the main reason why the Australian authorities are so divided on the China issue is that the interests of the military, political and economic circles are fundamentally different. As an export-oriented economy, Australia's national economic development relies almost entirely on foreign trade . Once foreign trade fluctuates, Australia's national economy will also fluctuate violently. In order to ensure the normal operation of this "lifeline", Australia's business and diplomatic communities must naturally maintain good relations with China. After all, China-Australia trade accounts for 40% of Australia's total trade, which is enough to determine the life or death of Australia's domestic economy.

Faced with the Australian Navy, a

Illustration: Sino-Australian trade is equivalent to Australia’s lifeline

In the final analysis, the reason why the Australian authorities are in such a fragmented state is because the military and political circles only care about immediate small profits and ignore the long-term benefits of good relations with China. Only when this group of people realizes that confrontation with China has no future, and that choosing win-win cooperation like the business community is the right path, can the entire country get rid of the influence of the United States and embark on the right path of independence.

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