This fully shows that on the one hand, habitual war criminals cannot do without the threat of force; please note that the use of force is not ruled out. When Japan was in Japan, it was definitely using force to protect Taiwan. In other words, this does not rule out the use of for

2024/06/2207:22:32 military 1053

This fully shows that on the one hand, habitual war criminals cannot do without the threat of force; please note that the use of force is not ruled out. When Japan was in Japan, it was definitely using force to protect Taiwan. In other words, this does not rule out the use of for - DayDayNews

After seeing this essence clearly, Iran must toughen up and act resolutely. It attempts to use the Ukraine crisis to get the United States to lift the blockade, but instead enters the big hole dug by Biden. In particular, the CIA pointed out that the hundreds of drones provided by Iran to Russia should become a reality as soon as possible and firmly support Russia's anti-hegemony. Let’s take a look at Biden’s Middle East trip.

1. Threaten Iran with force as soon as it arrives in the Middle East, which reflects the special relationship with Israel, but also exposes the decline of foreign power and internal control.

First, shout to Israel and use the weakest words to threaten Iran. On the evening of the 13th local time, US President Biden, who was visiting Israel, said in an interview with local TV media Channel 12 that the United States would not rule out the use of force as a last resort against Iran. Please note that it does not rule out the use of force. When it comes to Japan, it will definitely use force to protect Taiwan. In other words, this does not rule out the use of force, rather than threatening Iran, it is more about deceiving Israel.

This fully shows that on the one hand, habitual war criminals cannot do without the threat of force; please note that the use of force is not ruled out. When Japan was in Japan, it was definitely using force to protect Taiwan. In other words, this does not rule out the use of for - DayDayNews

Secondly, he opened fire on Trump and did not forget to attack political opponents in his diplomatic activities. The embarrassment of internal and external difficulties was fully exposed. Biden said in an interview on the Iranian nuclear issue that he believed that former US President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear agreement was a huge mistake, which (led to) Iran being closer than ever to having nuke . In other words, Trump is clearly accused of helping Iran get closer to becoming nuclear-armed. Not only that, Biden made another 春秋 big dream, saying that while the United States is taking action (against Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps), it can still reach an agreement with Iran to reduce its nuclear program.

Third, threaten Iran and insist that the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps be retained on its " list of terrorist organizations " . Biden said that even if Iran refuses to re-sign the Iran nuclear agreement, Biden will do so. This threat has no value to Iran and can only inspire hatred. Therefore, rather than threatening Iran, it is also trying to deceive Israel and reassure Israel.

This fully shows that on the one hand, habitual war criminals cannot do without the threat of force; please note that the use of force is not ruled out. When Japan was in Japan, it was definitely using force to protect Taiwan. In other words, this does not rule out the use of for - DayDayNews

2. Iran’s words are tough, but its actual actions are not firm, and there are even signs of compromise with the United States in order to lift the oil blockade.

13 Earlier on the day, Iranian President Raisi criticized the United States’ “maximum pressure” approach. He believes that it is impossible for the United States to use the "language of force" to talk to the Iranian people. The United States should learn from the lessons of the past and not always repeat the failed policy of "maximum pressure" against Iran.

Listening to this tone, if the United States does not put pressure on Iran, it would be possible to extend an olive branch and talk to the Iranian people using "non-force language". This is actually a compromise idea.

This fully shows that on the one hand, habitual war criminals cannot do without the threat of force; please note that the use of force is not ruled out. When Japan was in Japan, it was definitely using force to protect Taiwan. In other words, this does not rule out the use of for - DayDayNews

The Iranian people must see that it is impossible to reconcile the conflict with the United States. This is due to three factors. First, due to the historical conflicts between the two countries and the hatred accumulated in the struggle, it is difficult to resolve through negotiation; second, due to the special relationship between the United States and Israel, we watched Biden's speech earlier, almost always expressing his stance towards Israel; Third, because Iran itself, unlike North Korea, actually has the ability to attack nuclear weapons, Iran relies on its consistent toughness to resist the United States. Once it shows weakness, it will be impossible to prevent and prevent it.

3. Three directions and three strategies for the development of relations between the United States and Iran. Iran needs to make the right choice decisively and act immediately.

After seeing the situation clearly, Iran needs to act resolutely. Of course, its choices have three directions. . The first is to maintain the status quo and watch the fight between tigers; the second is to compromise with the United States and win oil interests; the third is to firmly support Russia's counterattack against hegemony.

This fully shows that on the one hand, habitual war criminals cannot do without the threat of force; please note that the use of force is not ruled out. When Japan was in Japan, it was definitely using force to protect Taiwan. In other words, this does not rule out the use of for - DayDayNews

Qin An believes that firmly supporting Russia’s counter-hegemony is the only correct choice for Iran. Among them, there are three things that need to be started quickly.First, join the "BRICS" as soon as possible and integrate the new currency reserves and international settlement system; second, open the Caspian Sea oil pipeline and export large quantities of oil to China and India through Russia; The superior drones were given to Russia, and they faced off against the United States and NATO weapons on the Ukrainian battlefield, showing their authority and intimidating the American imperialism.

sums it up in one sentence: Cross the Caspian Sea, go north to resist the United States, and go to the front line of counterattack against hegemony. There is no way out through compromise. Only by fighting hard can you win.

Qin An, July 14, 2022, Haidian, Beijing.

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