An unforgettable trip to Dongdao ■ Ji Shaoying Over the years, I have been to many places, and some places I will never forget after visiting them once. The trip to Dongdao on April 23, 1994 is still vivid in my mind. At that time, I joined the agency working group and was statio

2024/06/2423:20:32 military 1394

unforgettable dongdao line

■ Ji Shaoying

Over the years, I have been to many places, and some places will be unforgettable for the rest of my life after going there once. The trip to Dongdao on April 23, 1994 is still vivid in my mind.

At that time, I joined the agency working group and stayed in the Xisha Army. I heard that the army was going to send a boat to Dongdao for supplies. I thought it was a rare opportunity and decided to go with the boat. On that day, the quiet Yongxing Island woke up very early. While the sun was still hiding under the sea level, the pier became lively. The officers and soldiers of the ship were busy up and down, preparing to set sail. All departments of the agency rushed to load supplies onto the boat. People who came to the island were carrying large and small packages, carrying them on their shoulders, and hurriedly boarded the boat. When the sun filled the island, our boat sounded a flute and sailed away from the dock facing the rising sun.

Looking around, the vast South China Sea is right in front of us. Under the sun, the originally blue water turned as dark as ink. The soldiers said that this is because the sea water here is too deep. The wind on the sea was not strong but not calm. The waves with huge amplitude were pressing down on us like hills one after another. Our boat sailed against the swells, with waves splashing around the boat. The seagulls flying up and down seemed to have been lonely for a long time, and they screamed "quacking" when they saw the visitors.

While talking, the temperature inside the boat gradually increased under the scorching sun, and our military uniforms were soaked through. I asked the soldier next to me to lead me into the cabin to take a look. The deck of the boat was scorching hot under the scorching sun. Every time took a step, the rubber shoes under his feet made a "stinging" sound. went down to the bottom of the ship, and the roar of the machine was deafening. I saw the soldiers in the fighting position wearing underpants, sweating, and the oil stains painted them in camouflage. They suddenly flashed their big childish eyes and showed rows of white teeth to greet us... When I returned to the wheelhouse, the helmsman said: "There are black spots as big as ping pong balls floating on the top of the waves in the distance. Just a quick hop away, it’s Dongdao.”

After more than 2 hours of sailing, we approached Dongdao Pier. The officers and soldiers had already lined up in neat lines, waving their hats and waving. At the front of the team, there was a walking tractor parked. It was said to be left to the island-defending troops by the local maritime department after construction. The soldiers called it "East Island No. 1" . After the boat docked, the officers and soldiers on and off the boat were like long-lost brothers, shaking hands cordially, hugging warmly, and chatting non-stop. Suddenly, someone threw a green canvas mail bag onto the pier. Dongdao officers and soldiers gathered around him with a hula. After a while, almost everyone got their own stamps, and some opened the letters in their hands while walking. At that time, mobile phone signals had not yet reached Xisha , and the officers and soldiers guarding the island could only receive letters from home every two or three months.

At noon, the troops were unloaded. I talked to a few officers and soldiers to understand the situation. They told me that the East Island is far away from the leadership, and the garrison must complete its tasks independently; it is located in the tropical ocean, with high temperatures, humidity, and salt. Dogs brought to the island from the mainland cannot stand up after two or three years, and it is difficult to prevent and treat arthritis. It is large; it is far away from the mainland, and it is very difficult to provide for life. The main non-staple food for the officers and soldiers is canned food; the island is very small, and it is so lonely to watch the sea during the day and the stars at night...

No matter how many difficulties there are, the officers and soldiers of Dongdao cannot be troubled. Many officers and soldiers came back from the mainland and tried their best to carry some soil to the island. They built "flower bed-style" vegetable gardens under the eaves of the barracks and used rainwater to plant " ladle vegetables " and water spinach . Some officers and soldiers made seafood specimens to beautify the environment. I asked the officers and soldiers: "Do you feel miserable in Dongdao, do you miss home?" Everyone said something, and I said something: "It is our duty and sacred mission to defend the maritime borders of the motherland." "We are glorious because of hardship. , because it is sacred, we are proud." "If I suffer, millions of families will be happy!"

The sky is getting dark, and Dongdao has entered "night mode." Our leaders and agency comrades who went to the island to supply supplies served as sentries that night.As a veteran who has been in the army for decades, I once again went to the sentry post many years later, my heart was racing, and I had mixed feelings. The breeze dissipated the heat and brought humidity. My whole body was sticky, and the moisture penetrated into the seams of my bones. Looking at the South China Sea in the night, I naturally thought of Nathula in Tibet, Hongqi Lafu in Xinjiang, Arctic Village in Heilongjiang, in Zhejiang, Zhoushan Islands... Generations of young officers and soldiers climbed on the ice and lay in the snow, standing tall in the wind and rain. On the border of the motherland, an indestructible steel Great Wall was built. The country prospers and develops in peace, and the people live happily in peace. All this is so natural, but how difficult it is. That night, most of the officers and soldiers slept very late. They were in the platoon, the club, and the conference room, working hard to write their inner thoughts on the letter paper so that they could be taken away by the supply ship after dawn.

The sun rises in the east, and a new day greets Dongdao. The trip to Dongdao is about to end before I even have time to reflect on it. Back on the boat, only the green parcel stood out. It is bulging, filled with the thoughts of the young officers and soldiers of Dongdao for their hometown, the blessings for their parents, wives and children, and the dreams of a happy future life. Of course, it also contains tiger-spot shells and pearl oysters bracelets for the beloved girl... On the dock , Dongdao officers and soldiers and "Dongdao No. 1" lined up to see us off just like when they arrived.

During the sound of the whistle, I raised my right hand and solemnly saluted the officers and soldiers of Dongdao. Two lines of hot tears could not help but flow down...

(The original text was published in the "Long March Supplement" of the "Liberation Army Daily" on July 13, 2022. The content is: Deleted; source of the picture is China Military Network .)

An unforgettable trip to Dongdao ■ Ji Shaoying Over the years, I have been to many places, and some places I will never forget after visiting them once. The trip to Dongdao on April 23, 1994 is still vivid in my mind. At that time, I joined the agency working group and was statio - DayDayNews

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