"My body is getting weaker and weaker. In addition to eating, I also feel uncomfortable urinating. Although I can barely walk a few miles on a flat road, I can't walk 50 steps when going uphill."

2024/06/1019:05:37 military 1337

"My body is getting weaker and weaker. In addition to eating, I also feel uncomfortable urinating. Although I can barely walk a few miles on a flat road, I can't walk 50 steps when going uphill."

This was October 1939. On March 1, Dong Jienan mentioned his illness in a letter to Lu Mingyi.

"Dong Jienan" is the pseudonym used by Wei Zhengmin for Yang Jingyu and the communication, while the pseudonym used by Yang Jingyu is "Lu Mingyi".

Two months later, in December of the same year, Wei Zhengmin's condition worsened again. In the same letter to Lu Mingyi, he wrote:

"My body is in terrible shape now. After eating, when I go to bed at night , Even turning his body felt quite tired, and he had difficulty breathing, as if he had lost his breath. "

Since the spring of 1939, Wei Zhengmin's heart disease and stomach problems have become increasingly serious. His illness has made it difficult for him to move around.

could not walk, was tired and weak, had difficulty breathing, and the disease caused him great pain. He wanted to go to a quiet place to rest for a while, and once wrote a letter to Yang Jingyu about this idea.

But he did not do this. The enemy's "Three Provinces Joint Crusade" started in October 1939 was more cruel than before, leaving him without a moment's rest.

There is another more important reason, that is, he is more concerned about the safety of his comrades than his own health.

In the spring of 1939, after the battle of Dapuchai River, the headquarters was divided into two. Yang Jingyu led the machine gun company of the 1st Regiment of the Guard Brigade and the Young Iron Blood Team to leave Liushu River in Huadian County and head west to Huinan and Mengjiang area. Activity.

The comrades have been together for just a year, and they have to separate again and go their separate ways. But this separation made Wei Zhengmin very uneasy.

html On May 4, Yang Jingyu was injured in Banshigou, Huadian County, which shocked Wei Zhengmin. Fortunately, a stray bullet hit Yang Jingyu's leg, and no muscles or bones were injured. He rested for half of the time. Just a month.

However, how to ensure the safety of Yang Jingyu and the headquarters has become a major issue that Wei Zhengmin thinks about day and night.

Therefore, after Yang Jingyu led the troops to leave Liushu River , Wei Zhengmin commanded the troops to conduct a series of battles in the Mudanling area. The purpose was to try to attract the enemy's attention to this area to relieve the commander-in-chief. Ministry pressure.

However, all Wei Zhengmin's efforts have had little effect. After October 1939, the enemy changed its strategy and its pursuit of Yang Jingyu intensified day by day. The danger Yang Jingyu faced made Wei Zhengmin restless.

In October 1939, the Japanese Kwantung Army adjusted its forces in the Changbai Mountain area and established the so-called "No Vice Punishment Team" commanded by Major General No Vice Marshal Masatori.

This punitive team has a total strength of more than 30,000 people, some of whom have retired from the Nomenkan front line.

This is a group of devils who create hunger, disaster, bloodshed and death in the three northeastern provinces . After being repackaged by the Kwantung Army Command , they become even more rampant and crazy.

In the situation where a large number of the main forces of the Kwantung Army were transferred to the pass, the Japanese Kwantung Army headquarters mobilized so many troops to attack the Changbai Mountain area for two reasons.

First, after the defeat in Nomenkan, the Kwantung Army planned to attack the Changbai Mountain anti-Japanese guerrillas as a means of revenge to save the humiliation of being annihilated by the Soviet army in Nomenkan;

Secondly, the Japanese army's attack inside the pass was blocked, and it was urgent to get rid of the resistance. In other words, it is eager to dig out the "cancer of Manchuria's public security" so that it can quickly withdraw from the Northeast and attack the pass with all its strength.

The "Wild Deputy Crusade" is also called the "Southeast Public Security Suppression". They changed the previous strategy of independent operations in each province and adopted a joint operation among the three provinces. Therefore, it is also called the "Japan-Manchu military and police joint operation in the three provinces of Jilin, Tonghua, and Jiandao." ".

Within the three provinces, the military, government, and police have unified command and actions to form an all-round three-dimensional "crusade" network. Another change in

's "Wild Deputy Crusade" is that the pursuit target will be changed from troops to people.

Ye Fu Changde's entire combat plan is to pursue and kill the leaders of the First Route Army of the Anti-Japanese War, Yang Jingyu, Wei Zhengmin, Kim Il Sung, Chen Hanzhang, Cao Yafan, Han Renhe, etc.

The tactics adopted by them are to ignore provincial boundaries and defense zones. Once they find a target, they will keep an eye on it, track and pursue it, and pursue it to the end. The Japanese themselves called it the "dog tick" tactic.

The harsh winter is coming. The winter of 1939 was extremely cold and the snow was extremely heavy. Due to the heavy snow in the mountains, it was difficult for the traffic crew to walk, and the communication between Wei Zhengmin and Yang Jingyu was intermittent.

They agreed that every half month would be a communication day. In order to prevent accidents, both parties each determined three contact points, one primary and one secondary. If there was a problem at the first location, there would be a second and third location as preparation. .

Every time the traffic officer is late, Wei Zhengmin becomes anxious and worried. In December, Wei Zhengmin got a piece of news from the people in Fubei.

The news said that at Pinggang in Huinan County , a fierce battle broke out between the anti-alliance forces and the Japs, and more than 60 Japanese and puppet troops were wiped out.

This news should be accurate. Judging from the time, Yang Jingyu and his troops were active there at that time.

Upon hearing the news, Wei Zhengmin was filled with more worries amid his excitement. According to his analysis, Yang Jingyu must have been chased by the enemy there and had difficulty getting away, otherwise there would not have been a big fierce battle.

One day in early March 1940, a traffic officer sent by Wei Zhengmin found Yang Jingyu's guard Huang Shengfa and others on the top of the flagpole.

But the information he got about Yang Jingyu was sad news that made the mountains and rivers cry, and there were also photos of the wild deputy's "punitive team" scattered all over the mountains and fields.

At 4 o'clock in the afternoon on February 23, Yang Jingyu was surrounded by enemies on the 490 heights near Bao'an Village in the southwest of Mengjiang County.

The mountains are densely forested. As long as he escapes from the enemy's sight, he can break out of the encirclement. However, he no longer had the strength to run.

At this moment, Yang Jingyu had not eaten food for several days and nights, and his arm was injured again. Extreme hunger and fatigue caused him to lose the power to run.

Faced with the enemy's heavy siege, Yang Jingyu was heroic and fearless. He held a gun in both hands and fought bloody battles with the enemy for 30 minutes. In the end, he was shot several times and died heroically, and his blood was shed at the foot of Changbai Mountain.

At this moment, time is permanently frozen at 16:30 on February 23, 1940.

Yang Jingyu, the great patriot, chose death between life and death.

The ferocious enemies, in order to solve the intractable "mystery" in their hearts, cut off Yang Jingyu's head after his sacrifice, dissected his body, and found the grass roots, bark, cotton wool, etc. left in the hero's stomach and intestines. , which made all the invaders present stunned.

Yang Jingyu's sacrifice plunged Wei Zhengmin into extreme grief. His heart disease, which had just been relieved, worsened again, making it difficult to breathe.

But he could not lie down because he could not rest for a moment. He said to himself: "You need to take action, because you need to fight, because the Chinese nation needs you to fight."

He climbed up from the kang, supporting his frail body. On March 13, at the headquarters of the First Route Army An enlarged meeting of the Southern Manchuria Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China was held in Toudaoliuhe Secret Camp in Huadian County.

At the beginning of the meeting, Wei Zhengmin led the members of the South Manchuria Provincial Party Committee and the leaders of the First Route Army who attended the meeting out of the secret camp. They lined up, took off their military hats, and faced south, towards the Mengjiang River where the commander-in-chief died. They observed a moment of silence to express their deep thoughts and deep condolences for their comrades.

Every one of their faces was covered with tears. They had no way to hold a grand memorial service for the commander-in-chief. Only the snow-capped mountains and pines could build an immortal monument to the hero.

Facing Changbai Mountain, Wei Zhengmin raised his arms high and led all comrades to swear: "For the motherland and nation, all soldiers of our First Route Army unite closely, inherit the cause of the martyrs, follow the blood of the martyrs, continue to fight, and we must Get out the Japanese!"

They raised their guns, and a burst of gunfire resounded through the sky and through the valley.That is the manifestation of the oath, and it is the outpouring of grief.

What is the law of heaven? The powerful want to dominate the world and continue their plunder and killing; the weak are being ravaged and continue to be insulted and massacred. What is the law of heaven? Where is humanity left?

They wiped away their tears, held their heads high, and were ready to face greater hardships and hardships, and to accept greater bloodshed and sacrifice.

For the motherland, the nation, their parents, brothers and sisters, and future generations, they did not hesitate, regardless of life and death, honor and disgrace.

The enlarged meeting of the Southern Manchuria Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China was held for three days from March 13 to March 15. Facing severe difficulties, the comrades of the provincial party committee became more united.

According to Wei Zhengmin's proposal, they discussed the current situation and task issues and reached a consensus. These issues are:

implements strategic shifts. The troops evacuated the Dongbian Road area and moved north, with Antu, Dunhua, and Huadian as the centers of activity, and gradually moved to Yanji, Wangqing, Ning'an, and Muling.

adheres to the guerrilla strategy of focusing on small unit activities, breaking the troops into parts and dispersing them into small units with 20 or 30 people as the main body to carry out guerrilla activities.

To strengthen ties with the masses and restore or rebuild local party organizations, we decided to remove some middle- and lower-level cadres from the army and go deep into towns or groups and tribes to strengthen ties with the people and restore or rebuild damaged local party organizations. .

This operation is divided into two areas, the Dongman area is in charge of Jin Zaifan, a member of the Provincial Party Committee, and the Panhua area is in charge of Jin Guangxue, a member of the Provincial Party Committee and the organizational section chief of the General Political Department.

The meeting also required cadres at all levels to seize every opportunity to contact the masses and establish close ties with them.

This meeting also made an important decision, appointing Chen Xiuming, secretary of the headquarters, as a special traffic officer, with the mission of going to the Soviet Union to open up contact with the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.

The Toudao Liuhe meeting lasted for three full days. Although Wei Zhengmin was very tired, he thought the meeting was very meaningful and he was very satisfied.

At the difficult moment when the commander-in-chief sacrificed and the troops suffered heavy losses, the comrades of the Provincial Party Committee and the First Route Army Headquarters were able to stand up strong, face the difficulties, correctly understand and summarize the lessons of the past, and achieved completely consistent results. Opinion is such a valuable thing.

And this is valuable because in extremely difficult circumstances, everyone is more united and clenches their fists tighter. Unity is the gathering of strength and the demonstration of belief and determination.

Each of them has a flag in their hearts, which is the extremely sacred flag of the motherland and the supreme dignity of the Chinese nation. When a warrior sets up this flag in his heart, he can be fearless and put all hardships and hardships under his feet.

The day after the meeting, the spy platoon leader Huang Zhenhai reported to Wei Zhengmin that the adjutant Guo Chishan brought a camera and wanted to take a picture of the political commissar. Wei Zhengmin was very happy when he heard that he was going to take a photo, and said to Huang Zhenhai:

"Go and find Director Quan, Political Commissar Han, and Director Xu. While they are still here, take a photo together. It's rare to see something like this." Opportunity."

After a while, Quan Guang, Han Renhe, and Xu Zhe arrived respectively. Wei Zhengmin said: "Today's weather is very good, it is a good day to take pictures. The ancients said: Never let down the good times. Let's take a photo together to keep a souvenir of this great spring."

Wei Zhengmin came to the front of secret camp In a piece of grassland, facing the green mountains and pines in front of him, he said to Guo Chishan, "Adjutant Guo, look, is it okay to take pictures here? You are the photographer, you have the final say."

Guo Chishan said: "Okay. ! Since I have the final say, please listen to my command: Political Commissar Wei is in the center, and the rest of you line up with Political Commissar Wei as the center. "Okay! Don't move!" Adjutant Guo pressed the camera shutter excitedly. .

Wei Zhengmin (second from right)

Wei Zhengmin wears a Japanese general's military coat and a Japanese general's military cap. Although he is seriously ill, he still maintains his majestic and heroic appearance. This outfit indicates the existence of an irrefutable victory.

Everything in the world has a dual nature, and just like many things going to the opposite of themselves, while the Japanese invaders used cruel economic blockade to cut off the supply channels of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, they themselves became a transport team of weapons and equipment for the Anti-Japanese Alliance.

From cadres to soldiers, the weapons in everyone's hands and the clothes they wear are almost all "supplied" by the enemy.

This is a symbol of victory. Wearing this victory outfit, Wei Zhengmin stood smiling on the mountain grass where the ice and snow had melted, with the spring breeze blowing on his face, making him look very chic.

Quanguang left and went to Liangjiangkou. Then, Han Renhe also left. He took Wei Zhengmin's letter to Kim Il-sung, the commander of the Second Front Army, and went to the north of Fusong to meet Kim Il-sung and convey to him the decision of the First Road Meeting.

Due to inconvenient travel and enemy obstruction, Kim Il Sung, Chen Hanzhang, Cao Yafan and others were unable to attend the meeting.

Cao Yafan

There is no news about Cao Yafan's whereabouts at this time. Wei Zhengmin sent people several times to search for him in the Longgang Mountains at the junction of Jinchuan and Mengjiang Rivers, but all returned without results.

There was no information about Cao Yafan and his First Front Army, which made Wei Zhengmin very worried. He once sent Guo Chishan to Jiapigou to explore, but no satisfactory information was obtained.

Shortly after Han Renhe left, someone from Jiapigou finally came. On this day, Xu Zhongming and Yang Xing came to see Wei Zhengmin.

Xu Zhongming is a staff member arranged by Wei Zhengmin in Jiapigou, responsible for the work against the puppet army . Yang Xing is the commander of the 13th Regiment of the puppet army.

The Thirteenth Regiment and its brother regiment, the Twelfth Regiment, both belong to the Second Military District of Jilin Province. At the same time, these two troops are also Jilin Army troops of the original Northeast Army. But their patriotism has not been lost.

In the autumn and winter of 1938, with the efforts of Wei Zhengmin, Yang Xing, the commander of the 13th Regiment, and Zhang, the commander of the 12th Regiment, were willing to secretly support the First Route Army of the Anti-Alliance.

Their troops are stationed in Jiapigou, Huiquanzhan, Laojinchang and other places in Huadian County. The headquarters of the First Anti-Japanese Route Army is within their jurisdiction.

They have indeed fulfilled their promise. In addition to providing a lot of important information and intelligence in a timely manner, they have also provided great support in terms of funds and materials.

In October last year, Yang Xing ventured into the mountains and first reported the news to Wei Zhengmin about the establishment of the Japanese field deputy expedition team.

He told Wei Zhengmin with concern: "The Japanese set up the Ye Fu Punitive Team this time specifically for the First Route Army of the Anti-Japanese Alliance. With Ye Fu Changde as the commander, they were divided into east, south, west, north, The total strength of the five theaters in the Northeast is more than 36,000. "

Wei Zhengmin said: "The information provided by Brother Yang is very important. It is only a matter of time before the Changbai Mountain area faces a life-or-death battle. We have already prepared for the motherland. Not sparing life and blood."

When we met again this time, Wei Zhengmin hoped that Yang Xing could bring news about Cao Yafan and the First Front Army, but what he brought was only disappointing "no news."

However, Yang Xing also brought good news. He came to report this news to Wei Zhengmin specifically.

Yang Xing said that according to Wei Zhengmin's instructions in October last year, he had established the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Association organization in two companies. He wanted to establish it quickly in other companies as well.

This news indeed brought joy to Wei Zhengmin and alleviated the worries caused by missing the First Front Army. He spoke highly of Yang Xing's work, but he told Yang Xing:

"Remember, don't try to be quick; you must build one and consolidate one. Moreover, special attention must be paid to and strengthened confidentiality work. Secrecy is the lifeline of secret work, It must be carried out strictly. Your current task is to consolidate the organization and unite more people. Remember not to act blindly. There are greater tasks waiting for you in the future. "

In the past, the work against the puppet army was often done in a hurry. With a little success, a mutiny and uprising was hurriedly organized. The result was either failure because the conditions were not mature, or failure because the preparations were not sufficient and rigorous. In the end, it would be good to have a few people and a few guns.

Many painful lessons in the past made Wei Zhengmin attach great importance to the work of the 13th and 12th regiments of the puppet army. He did not want these two regiments to follow the previous path. He wanted to leave these two regiments as two bombs in the puppet army. In the military, a special role must be played at the most critical moment.

When Xu Zhongming and Yang Xing were about to say goodbye, Wei Zhengmin said to Xu Zhongming: "Old Xu, I have something to ask you to help with."

Xu Zhongming said: "You tell me, as long as I can do it, you Just say it."

Wei Zhengmin said: "I want to ask you to buy a set of Korean girls to wear when they get married. It needs to be bright red and festive; I also need to buy two feet of red silk and a top hat. A collared gown and a pair of palace flowers, which should also be bright and festive. These items are not difficult to buy, but they must be of high quality."

Xu Zhongming laughed after hearing this and asked: "Political Commissar, who are you doing this for? What a happy event? Why have you been hiding it from me? "

Yang Xing also said: "Why didn't you tell us about such a big happy event? Let's join in and have a cup of wedding wine. "

Wei Zhengmin pointed to the window. Said: "It's the two people by the river."

Xu Zhongming and Yang Xing looked towards the river. They saw a young man and woman sitting close to each other under a birch tree by the river.

Although he couldn't see his face, Xu Zhongming recognized them as guard Ai Furong and cook team member Jin Zhenshu. Xu Zhongming came here often, so he knew many people.

At this time, the melodious sound of the flute came from the river. Yang Xing loves ancient music. He patted his thighs with his hands, beat the rhythm, and said:

"What a song "Plum Blossoms"! The plum blossoms are slightly frosty and snowy, which is an expression of the steadfastness of love. To this song "Plum Blossoms" "I've taken care of the wedding preparations."

Wei Zhengmin said, "No, Brother Yang has a heavy responsibility. Don't let yourself get distracted by these things and miss the important matter."

He took out two. He handed Xu Zhongming a hundred yuan and said, "Is this enough money? Okay, if there is more, you can keep it for a glass of wine. If it is not enough, you put it down first and I will replenish it for you later."

Xu Zhongming and Yang Xing After leaving, Wei Zhengmin had time to sit down. He wanted to use this rare free time to write two reports.

One was written to the Party Central Committee thousands of miles away in Yan'an , and the other was written to the delegation of the CPC Central Committee in Moscow, a foreign country. These are the two places he misses the most.

On April 10, after writing these two reports, he wrote a letter to the head of the central delegation, hoping that the report sent to the delegation would be taken seriously by the head.

He missed the Party Central Committee. Since the Marco Polo Bridge Anti-Japanese War, he and Yang Jingyu had sent people to the pass several times in an attempt to open up connections with the Party Central Committee, but all ended in vain.

Last summer, he saw a piece of news in the newspaper saying that the Northeast Advance Team of the Eighth Route Army had arrived in the Great Wall area. This news made him extremely excited.

He wrote a letter to tell Yang Jingyu, so they sent traffic officers to the pass again, hoping to get in touch with the Eighth Route Army. He also hoped that the Northeast Advance Team of the Eighth Route Army would be able to approach Fengtian and Changchun like magic troops descending from the sky.

After trying hard again and again, although he failed again and again, he was not discouraged. He pinned his hope on this time with confidence.

In his report, Wei Zhengmin detailed the establishment and development experience of the South Manchuria Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China and the First Route Army of the Anti-Japanese Alliance. He listed the names of many cadres who sacrificed heroically in the process. They fought bravely for the nation and the motherland. , not afraid of hardships, willing to sacrifice, fighting one after another, generous and tragic.

was full of infinite hope. One morning, he handed over his trust to Chen Xiuming, secretary of the headquarters, and repeatedly wished this messenger of hope a safe journey and a safe arrival in Moscow.

With full expectations, Wei Zhengmin came to the secret camp of Toudaoliuhe headquarters. Although his body does not allow him to travel long distances, he must run around, regardless of illness and fatigue, to command and fight.

At this moment, his actions are as important to the South Manchuria Party and the army as a person's brain cannot stop thinking.

On May 28, Wei Zhengmin and the head of the 13th Regiment Cui Xian led more than 80 people to attack the Yaodianzi tribe about four kilometers west of Dapu Chaihe Town, and seized a batch of ammunition and food to prepare for the arrival of the Second Front Army. .

According to the agreement, he will meet with Kim Il Sung, commander of the Second Front Army, at Hanconngling in mid-June. Therefore, he must prepare food for them before their arrival.

Unexpectedly, Kim Il Sung did not come, and the team of the First Front Army led by Yi Junshan appeared in a dusty state.


Yijunshan brought back more than 20 people. Needless to say, their ragged and unkempt appearance already showed that they found the headquarters after several months of bloody fighting.

Yi Junshan held Wei Zhengmin's hand tightly and said: "Political commissar, Lao Cao was killed by a traitor. Most of the comrades died. On the one hand, the army...".

Before he finished speaking, he fainted. He was too tired and too hungry. They had not had food for three days.

This news doesn’t come even if it’s not coming; if it’s coming, it’s all coming. Coincidentally, the day after Yi Junshan arrived, Yang Xing's information also arrived.

The news of Cao Yafan's death plunged Wei Zhengmin into painful contemplation. Cao Yafan died of rebellion and hunger. However, this hunger does not come from natural disasters , but from hunger and cold caused by the enemy.

Therefore, fighting hunger is also a kind of war, and it is a more cruel war. In this war, we have to fight against the armed enemy, we have to fight against the difficulties created by the enemy, we have to fight against the natural environment, and we have to fight against our own will.

From the death of Cao Yafan, it is not difficult to see a picture: hunger makes some people lose their minds, distort human nature, and forget who the enemy is and who they are.

The enemy stood there with his rice bowl and said: "I have food here for you to survive. If you climb out of the dog hole, you will have food and you can survive. Do you want to survive? Then come out of the dog hole." Climb out!"

He had forgotten that he was a human being, and even more so, he had forgotten that he was a Chinese, so he crawled like a dog, begging for dog food to survive.

"Bang!" Wei Zhengmin slammed his fist on the fallen tree he was sitting on. "Despicable, dirty, and most shameless!" he roared loudly.

He stood up, drew his Mauser pistol, and fired a row of bullets into the sky. His anger spread to the mountains and the forest sea with the gunshots that resounded in the sky...

The arrival of Kim Il-sung, commander of the Second Front Army, gave Wei Zhengmin some comfort in his painful heart.

Kim Il Sung led his troops to just finish a meeting in Xiaoharbaling to implement the decision of the South Manchuria Provincial Party Committee meeting. Therefore, it arrived a few days later than scheduled.

As soon as Wei Zhengmin and Kim Il Sung met, their four hands were tightly held together, and then they hugged cordially.

Kim Il-sung (the one wearing glasses in the middle) and his comrades in the secret camp in Changbai Mountain

Since they parted ways across the river in early 1938, they had not seen each other for more than two years. Although they often exchanged letters, they could not reduce their concern for each other.

Wei Zhengmin took Kim Il Sung's hand, asked him to sit down, and said: "Based on recent intelligence, the enemy's attack will be even crazier in the second half of this year. We must be prepared for contingency, and the troop activities must gradually move toward the border If necessary, you can cross the border and call back. I have sent letters of introduction to comrades Chen Hanzhang, Han Renhe and others, and I have also written them for you. I also informed Pu Defan that he should send them. Send the wounded and sick first. "

Kim Il Sung was very concerned about Wei Zhengmin's health. He asked Wei Zhengmin, "Brother Minsheng, the troops are about to leave the Mudanling area. When do you plan to leave with us?"

Wei Zhengmin said! : "I can't leave yet, there are still many things that have not been completed. However, I would like to recommend someone to go with you to be your assistant and the director of the Political Department.

"My body is getting weaker and weaker. In addition to eating, I also feel uncomfortable urinating. Although I can barely walk a few miles on a flat road, I can't walk 50 steps when going uphill."

This was October 1939. On March 1, Dong Jienan mentioned his illness in a letter to Lu Mingyi.

"Dong Jienan" is the pseudonym used by Wei Zhengmin for Yang Jingyu and the communication, while the pseudonym used by Yang Jingyu is "Lu Mingyi".

Two months later, in December of the same year, Wei Zhengmin's condition worsened again. In the same letter to Lu Mingyi, he wrote:

"My body is in terrible shape now. After eating, when I go to bed at night , Even turning his body felt quite tired, and he had difficulty breathing, as if he had lost his breath. "

Since the spring of 1939, Wei Zhengmin's heart disease and stomach problems have become increasingly serious. His illness has made it difficult for him to move around.

could not walk, was tired and weak, had difficulty breathing, and the disease caused him great pain. He wanted to go to a quiet place to rest for a while, and once wrote a letter to Yang Jingyu about this idea.

But he did not do this. The enemy's "Three Provinces Joint Crusade" started in October 1939 was more cruel than before, leaving him without a moment's rest.

There is another more important reason, that is, he is more concerned about the safety of his comrades than his own health.

In the spring of 1939, after the battle of Dapuchai River, the headquarters was divided into two. Yang Jingyu led the machine gun company of the 1st Regiment of the Guard Brigade and the Young Iron Blood Team to leave Liushu River in Huadian County and head west to Huinan and Mengjiang area. Activity.

The comrades have been together for just a year, and they have to separate again and go their separate ways. But this separation made Wei Zhengmin very uneasy.

html On May 4, Yang Jingyu was injured in Banshigou, Huadian County, which shocked Wei Zhengmin. Fortunately, a stray bullet hit Yang Jingyu's leg, and no muscles or bones were injured. He rested for half of the time. Just a month.

However, how to ensure the safety of Yang Jingyu and the headquarters has become a major issue that Wei Zhengmin thinks about day and night.

Therefore, after Yang Jingyu led the troops to leave Liushu River , Wei Zhengmin commanded the troops to conduct a series of battles in the Mudanling area. The purpose was to try to attract the enemy's attention to this area to relieve the commander-in-chief. Ministry pressure.

However, all Wei Zhengmin's efforts have had little effect. After October 1939, the enemy changed its strategy and its pursuit of Yang Jingyu intensified day by day. The danger Yang Jingyu faced made Wei Zhengmin restless.

In October 1939, the Japanese Kwantung Army adjusted its forces in the Changbai Mountain area and established the so-called "No Vice Punishment Team" commanded by Major General No Vice Marshal Masatori.

This punitive team has a total strength of more than 30,000 people, some of whom have retired from the Nomenkan front line.

This is a group of devils who create hunger, disaster, bloodshed and death in the three northeastern provinces . After being repackaged by the Kwantung Army Command , they become even more rampant and crazy.

In the situation where a large number of the main forces of the Kwantung Army were transferred to the pass, the Japanese Kwantung Army headquarters mobilized so many troops to attack the Changbai Mountain area for two reasons.

First, after the defeat in Nomenkan, the Kwantung Army planned to attack the Changbai Mountain anti-Japanese guerrillas as a means of revenge to save the humiliation of being annihilated by the Soviet army in Nomenkan;

Secondly, the Japanese army's attack inside the pass was blocked, and it was urgent to get rid of the resistance. In other words, it is eager to dig out the "cancer of Manchuria's public security" so that it can quickly withdraw from the Northeast and attack the pass with all its strength.

The "Wild Deputy Crusade" is also called the "Southeast Public Security Suppression". They changed the previous strategy of independent operations in each province and adopted a joint operation among the three provinces. Therefore, it is also called the "Japan-Manchu military and police joint operation in the three provinces of Jilin, Tonghua, and Jiandao." ".

Within the three provinces, the military, government, and police have unified command and actions to form an all-round three-dimensional "crusade" network. Another change in

's "Wild Deputy Crusade" is that the pursuit target will be changed from troops to people.

Ye Fu Changde's entire combat plan is to pursue and kill the leaders of the First Route Army of the Anti-Japanese War, Yang Jingyu, Wei Zhengmin, Kim Il Sung, Chen Hanzhang, Cao Yafan, Han Renhe, etc.

The tactics adopted by them are to ignore provincial boundaries and defense zones. Once they find a target, they will keep an eye on it, track and pursue it, and pursue it to the end. The Japanese themselves called it the "dog tick" tactic.

The harsh winter is coming. The winter of 1939 was extremely cold and the snow was extremely heavy. Due to the heavy snow in the mountains, it was difficult for the traffic crew to walk, and the communication between Wei Zhengmin and Yang Jingyu was intermittent.

They agreed that every half month would be a communication day. In order to prevent accidents, both parties each determined three contact points, one primary and one secondary. If there was a problem at the first location, there would be a second and third location as preparation. .

Every time the traffic officer is late, Wei Zhengmin becomes anxious and worried. In December, Wei Zhengmin got a piece of news from the people in Fubei.

The news said that at Pinggang in Huinan County , a fierce battle broke out between the anti-alliance forces and the Japs, and more than 60 Japanese and puppet troops were wiped out.

This news should be accurate. Judging from the time, Yang Jingyu and his troops were active there at that time.

Upon hearing the news, Wei Zhengmin was filled with more worries amid his excitement. According to his analysis, Yang Jingyu must have been chased by the enemy there and had difficulty getting away, otherwise there would not have been a big fierce battle.

One day in early March 1940, a traffic officer sent by Wei Zhengmin found Yang Jingyu's guard Huang Shengfa and others on the top of the flagpole.

But the information he got about Yang Jingyu was sad news that made the mountains and rivers cry, and there were also photos of the wild deputy's "punitive team" scattered all over the mountains and fields.

At 4 o'clock in the afternoon on February 23, Yang Jingyu was surrounded by enemies on the 490 heights near Bao'an Village in the southwest of Mengjiang County.

The mountains are densely forested. As long as he escapes from the enemy's sight, he can break out of the encirclement. However, he no longer had the strength to run.

At this moment, Yang Jingyu had not eaten food for several days and nights, and his arm was injured again. Extreme hunger and fatigue caused him to lose the power to run.

Faced with the enemy's heavy siege, Yang Jingyu was heroic and fearless. He held a gun in both hands and fought bloody battles with the enemy for 30 minutes. In the end, he was shot several times and died heroically, and his blood was shed at the foot of Changbai Mountain.

At this moment, time is permanently frozen at 16:30 on February 23, 1940.

Yang Jingyu, the great patriot, chose death between life and death.

The ferocious enemies, in order to solve the intractable "mystery" in their hearts, cut off Yang Jingyu's head after his sacrifice, dissected his body, and found the grass roots, bark, cotton wool, etc. left in the hero's stomach and intestines. , which made all the invaders present stunned.

Yang Jingyu's sacrifice plunged Wei Zhengmin into extreme grief. His heart disease, which had just been relieved, worsened again, making it difficult to breathe.

But he could not lie down because he could not rest for a moment. He said to himself: "You need to take action, because you need to fight, because the Chinese nation needs you to fight."

He climbed up from the kang, supporting his frail body. On March 13, at the headquarters of the First Route Army An enlarged meeting of the Southern Manchuria Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China was held in Toudaoliuhe Secret Camp in Huadian County.

At the beginning of the meeting, Wei Zhengmin led the members of the South Manchuria Provincial Party Committee and the leaders of the First Route Army who attended the meeting out of the secret camp. They lined up, took off their military hats, and faced south, towards the Mengjiang River where the commander-in-chief died. They observed a moment of silence to express their deep thoughts and deep condolences for their comrades.

Every one of their faces was covered with tears. They had no way to hold a grand memorial service for the commander-in-chief. Only the snow-capped mountains and pines could build an immortal monument to the hero.

Facing Changbai Mountain, Wei Zhengmin raised his arms high and led all comrades to swear: "For the motherland and nation, all soldiers of our First Route Army unite closely, inherit the cause of the martyrs, follow the blood of the martyrs, continue to fight, and we must Get out the Japanese!"

They raised their guns, and a burst of gunfire resounded through the sky and through the valley.That is the manifestation of the oath, and it is the outpouring of grief.

What is the law of heaven? The powerful want to dominate the world and continue their plunder and killing; the weak are being ravaged and continue to be insulted and massacred. What is the law of heaven? Where is humanity left?

They wiped away their tears, held their heads high, and were ready to face greater hardships and hardships, and to accept greater bloodshed and sacrifice.

For the motherland, the nation, their parents, brothers and sisters, and future generations, they did not hesitate, regardless of life and death, honor and disgrace.

The enlarged meeting of the Southern Manchuria Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China was held for three days from March 13 to March 15. Facing severe difficulties, the comrades of the provincial party committee became more united.

According to Wei Zhengmin's proposal, they discussed the current situation and task issues and reached a consensus. These issues are:

implements strategic shifts. The troops evacuated the Dongbian Road area and moved north, with Antu, Dunhua, and Huadian as the centers of activity, and gradually moved to Yanji, Wangqing, Ning'an, and Muling.

adheres to the guerrilla strategy of focusing on small unit activities, breaking the troops into parts and dispersing them into small units with 20 or 30 people as the main body to carry out guerrilla activities.

To strengthen ties with the masses and restore or rebuild local party organizations, we decided to remove some middle- and lower-level cadres from the army and go deep into towns or groups and tribes to strengthen ties with the people and restore or rebuild damaged local party organizations. .

This operation is divided into two areas, the Dongman area is in charge of Jin Zaifan, a member of the Provincial Party Committee, and the Panhua area is in charge of Jin Guangxue, a member of the Provincial Party Committee and the organizational section chief of the General Political Department.

The meeting also required cadres at all levels to seize every opportunity to contact the masses and establish close ties with them.

This meeting also made an important decision, appointing Chen Xiuming, secretary of the headquarters, as a special traffic officer, with the mission of going to the Soviet Union to open up contact with the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.

The Toudao Liuhe meeting lasted for three full days. Although Wei Zhengmin was very tired, he thought the meeting was very meaningful and he was very satisfied.

At the difficult moment when the commander-in-chief sacrificed and the troops suffered heavy losses, the comrades of the Provincial Party Committee and the First Route Army Headquarters were able to stand up strong, face the difficulties, correctly understand and summarize the lessons of the past, and achieved completely consistent results. Opinion is such a valuable thing.

And this is valuable because in extremely difficult circumstances, everyone is more united and clenches their fists tighter. Unity is the gathering of strength and the demonstration of belief and determination.

Each of them has a flag in their hearts, which is the extremely sacred flag of the motherland and the supreme dignity of the Chinese nation. When a warrior sets up this flag in his heart, he can be fearless and put all hardships and hardships under his feet.

The day after the meeting, the spy platoon leader Huang Zhenhai reported to Wei Zhengmin that the adjutant Guo Chishan brought a camera and wanted to take a picture of the political commissar. Wei Zhengmin was very happy when he heard that he was going to take a photo, and said to Huang Zhenhai:

"Go and find Director Quan, Political Commissar Han, and Director Xu. While they are still here, take a photo together. It's rare to see something like this." Opportunity."

After a while, Quan Guang, Han Renhe, and Xu Zhe arrived respectively. Wei Zhengmin said: "Today's weather is very good, it is a good day to take pictures. The ancients said: Never let down the good times. Let's take a photo together to keep a souvenir of this great spring."

Wei Zhengmin came to the front of secret camp In a piece of grassland, facing the green mountains and pines in front of him, he said to Guo Chishan, "Adjutant Guo, look, is it okay to take pictures here? You are the photographer, you have the final say."

Guo Chishan said: "Okay. ! Since I have the final say, please listen to my command: Political Commissar Wei is in the center, and the rest of you line up with Political Commissar Wei as the center. "Okay! Don't move!" Adjutant Guo pressed the camera shutter excitedly. .

Wei Zhengmin (second from right)

Wei Zhengmin wears a Japanese general's military coat and a Japanese general's military cap. Although he is seriously ill, he still maintains his majestic and heroic appearance. This outfit indicates the existence of an irrefutable victory.

Everything in the world has a dual nature, and just like many things going to the opposite of themselves, while the Japanese invaders used cruel economic blockade to cut off the supply channels of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, they themselves became a transport team of weapons and equipment for the Anti-Japanese Alliance.

From cadres to soldiers, the weapons in everyone's hands and the clothes they wear are almost all "supplied" by the enemy.

This is a symbol of victory. Wearing this victory outfit, Wei Zhengmin stood smiling on the mountain grass where the ice and snow had melted, with the spring breeze blowing on his face, making him look very chic.

Quanguang left and went to Liangjiangkou. Then, Han Renhe also left. He took Wei Zhengmin's letter to Kim Il-sung, the commander of the Second Front Army, and went to the north of Fusong to meet Kim Il-sung and convey to him the decision of the First Road Meeting.

Due to inconvenient travel and enemy obstruction, Kim Il Sung, Chen Hanzhang, Cao Yafan and others were unable to attend the meeting.

Cao Yafan

There is no news about Cao Yafan's whereabouts at this time. Wei Zhengmin sent people several times to search for him in the Longgang Mountains at the junction of Jinchuan and Mengjiang Rivers, but all returned without results.

There was no information about Cao Yafan and his First Front Army, which made Wei Zhengmin very worried. He once sent Guo Chishan to Jiapigou to explore, but no satisfactory information was obtained.

Shortly after Han Renhe left, someone from Jiapigou finally came. On this day, Xu Zhongming and Yang Xing came to see Wei Zhengmin.

Xu Zhongming is a staff member arranged by Wei Zhengmin in Jiapigou, responsible for the work against the puppet army . Yang Xing is the commander of the 13th Regiment of the puppet army.

The Thirteenth Regiment and its brother regiment, the Twelfth Regiment, both belong to the Second Military District of Jilin Province. At the same time, these two troops are also Jilin Army troops of the original Northeast Army. But their patriotism has not been lost.

In the autumn and winter of 1938, with the efforts of Wei Zhengmin, Yang Xing, the commander of the 13th Regiment, and Zhang, the commander of the 12th Regiment, were willing to secretly support the First Route Army of the Anti-Alliance.

Their troops are stationed in Jiapigou, Huiquanzhan, Laojinchang and other places in Huadian County. The headquarters of the First Anti-Japanese Route Army is within their jurisdiction.

They have indeed fulfilled their promise. In addition to providing a lot of important information and intelligence in a timely manner, they have also provided great support in terms of funds and materials.

In October last year, Yang Xing ventured into the mountains and first reported the news to Wei Zhengmin about the establishment of the Japanese field deputy expedition team.

He told Wei Zhengmin with concern: "The Japanese set up the Ye Fu Punitive Team this time specifically for the First Route Army of the Anti-Japanese Alliance. With Ye Fu Changde as the commander, they were divided into east, south, west, north, The total strength of the five theaters in the Northeast is more than 36,000. "

Wei Zhengmin said: "The information provided by Brother Yang is very important. It is only a matter of time before the Changbai Mountain area faces a life-or-death battle. We have already prepared for the motherland. Not sparing life and blood."

When we met again this time, Wei Zhengmin hoped that Yang Xing could bring news about Cao Yafan and the First Front Army, but what he brought was only disappointing "no news."

However, Yang Xing also brought good news. He came to report this news to Wei Zhengmin specifically.

Yang Xing said that according to Wei Zhengmin's instructions in October last year, he had established the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Association organization in two companies. He wanted to establish it quickly in other companies as well.

This news indeed brought joy to Wei Zhengmin and alleviated the worries caused by missing the First Front Army. He spoke highly of Yang Xing's work, but he told Yang Xing:

"Remember, don't try to be quick; you must build one and consolidate one. Moreover, special attention must be paid to and strengthened confidentiality work. Secrecy is the lifeline of secret work, It must be carried out strictly. Your current task is to consolidate the organization and unite more people. Remember not to act blindly. There are greater tasks waiting for you in the future. "

In the past, the work against the puppet army was often done in a hurry. With a little success, a mutiny and uprising was hurriedly organized. The result was either failure because the conditions were not mature, or failure because the preparations were not sufficient and rigorous. In the end, it would be good to have a few people and a few guns.

Many painful lessons in the past made Wei Zhengmin attach great importance to the work of the 13th and 12th regiments of the puppet army. He did not want these two regiments to follow the previous path. He wanted to leave these two regiments as two bombs in the puppet army. In the military, a special role must be played at the most critical moment.

When Xu Zhongming and Yang Xing were about to say goodbye, Wei Zhengmin said to Xu Zhongming: "Old Xu, I have something to ask you to help with."

Xu Zhongming said: "You tell me, as long as I can do it, you Just say it."

Wei Zhengmin said: "I want to ask you to buy a set of Korean girls to wear when they get married. It needs to be bright red and festive; I also need to buy two feet of red silk and a top hat. A collared gown and a pair of palace flowers, which should also be bright and festive. These items are not difficult to buy, but they must be of high quality."

Xu Zhongming laughed after hearing this and asked: "Political Commissar, who are you doing this for? What a happy event? Why have you been hiding it from me? "

Yang Xing also said: "Why didn't you tell us about such a big happy event? Let's join in and have a cup of wedding wine. "

Wei Zhengmin pointed to the window. Said: "It's the two people by the river."

Xu Zhongming and Yang Xing looked towards the river. They saw a young man and woman sitting close to each other under a birch tree by the river.

Although he couldn't see his face, Xu Zhongming recognized them as guard Ai Furong and cook team member Jin Zhenshu. Xu Zhongming came here often, so he knew many people.

At this time, the melodious sound of the flute came from the river. Yang Xing loves ancient music. He patted his thighs with his hands, beat the rhythm, and said:

"What a song "Plum Blossoms"! The plum blossoms are slightly frosty and snowy, which is an expression of the steadfastness of love. To this song "Plum Blossoms" "I've taken care of the wedding preparations."

Wei Zhengmin said, "No, Brother Yang has a heavy responsibility. Don't let yourself get distracted by these things and miss the important matter."

He took out two. He handed Xu Zhongming a hundred yuan and said, "Is this enough money? Okay, if there is more, you can keep it for a glass of wine. If it is not enough, you put it down first and I will replenish it for you later."

Xu Zhongming and Yang Xing After leaving, Wei Zhengmin had time to sit down. He wanted to use this rare free time to write two reports.

One was written to the Party Central Committee thousands of miles away in Yan'an , and the other was written to the delegation of the CPC Central Committee in Moscow, a foreign country. These are the two places he misses the most.

On April 10, after writing these two reports, he wrote a letter to the head of the central delegation, hoping that the report sent to the delegation would be taken seriously by the head.

He missed the Party Central Committee. Since the Marco Polo Bridge Anti-Japanese War, he and Yang Jingyu had sent people to the pass several times in an attempt to open up connections with the Party Central Committee, but all ended in vain.

Last summer, he saw a piece of news in the newspaper saying that the Northeast Advance Team of the Eighth Route Army had arrived in the Great Wall area. This news made him extremely excited.

He wrote a letter to tell Yang Jingyu, so they sent traffic officers to the pass again, hoping to get in touch with the Eighth Route Army. He also hoped that the Northeast Advance Team of the Eighth Route Army would be able to approach Fengtian and Changchun like magic troops descending from the sky.

After trying hard again and again, although he failed again and again, he was not discouraged. He pinned his hope on this time with confidence.

In his report, Wei Zhengmin detailed the establishment and development experience of the South Manchuria Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China and the First Route Army of the Anti-Japanese Alliance. He listed the names of many cadres who sacrificed heroically in the process. They fought bravely for the nation and the motherland. , not afraid of hardships, willing to sacrifice, fighting one after another, generous and tragic.

was full of infinite hope. One morning, he handed over his trust to Chen Xiuming, secretary of the headquarters, and repeatedly wished this messenger of hope a safe journey and a safe arrival in Moscow.

With full expectations, Wei Zhengmin came to the secret camp of Toudaoliuhe headquarters. Although his body does not allow him to travel long distances, he must run around, regardless of illness and fatigue, to command and fight.

At this moment, his actions are as important to the South Manchuria Party and the army as a person's brain cannot stop thinking.

On May 28, Wei Zhengmin and the head of the 13th Regiment Cui Xian led more than 80 people to attack the Yaodianzi tribe about four kilometers west of Dapu Chaihe Town, and seized a batch of ammunition and food to prepare for the arrival of the Second Front Army. .

According to the agreement, he will meet with Kim Il Sung, commander of the Second Front Army, at Hanconngling in mid-June. Therefore, he must prepare food for them before their arrival.

Unexpectedly, Kim Il Sung did not come, and the team of the First Front Army led by Yi Junshan appeared in a dusty state.


Yijunshan brought back more than 20 people. Needless to say, their ragged and unkempt appearance already showed that they found the headquarters after several months of bloody fighting.

Yi Junshan held Wei Zhengmin's hand tightly and said: "Political commissar, Lao Cao was killed by a traitor. Most of the comrades died. On the one hand, the army...".

Before he finished speaking, he fainted. He was too tired and too hungry. They had not had food for three days.

This news doesn’t come even if it’s not coming; if it’s coming, it’s all coming. Coincidentally, the day after Yi Junshan arrived, Yang Xing's information also arrived.

The news of Cao Yafan's death plunged Wei Zhengmin into painful contemplation. Cao Yafan died of rebellion and hunger. However, this hunger does not come from natural disasters , but from hunger and cold caused by the enemy.

Therefore, fighting hunger is also a kind of war, and it is a more cruel war. In this war, we have to fight against the armed enemy, we have to fight against the difficulties created by the enemy, we have to fight against the natural environment, and we have to fight against our own will.

From the death of Cao Yafan, it is not difficult to see a picture: hunger makes some people lose their minds, distort human nature, and forget who the enemy is and who they are.

The enemy stood there with his rice bowl and said: "I have food here for you to survive. If you climb out of the dog hole, you will have food and you can survive. Do you want to survive? Then come out of the dog hole." Climb out!"

He had forgotten that he was a human being, and even more so, he had forgotten that he was a Chinese, so he crawled like a dog, begging for dog food to survive.

"Bang!" Wei Zhengmin slammed his fist on the fallen tree he was sitting on. "Despicable, dirty, and most shameless!" he roared loudly.

He stood up, drew his Mauser pistol, and fired a row of bullets into the sky. His anger spread to the mountains and the forest sea with the gunshots that resounded in the sky...

The arrival of Kim Il-sung, commander of the Second Front Army, gave Wei Zhengmin some comfort in his painful heart.

Kim Il Sung led his troops to just finish a meeting in Xiaoharbaling to implement the decision of the South Manchuria Provincial Party Committee meeting. Therefore, it arrived a few days later than scheduled.

As soon as Wei Zhengmin and Kim Il Sung met, their four hands were tightly held together, and then they hugged cordially.

Kim Il-sung (the one wearing glasses in the middle) and his comrades in the secret camp in Changbai Mountain

Since they parted ways across the river in early 1938, they had not seen each other for more than two years. Although they often exchanged letters, they could not reduce their concern for each other.

Wei Zhengmin took Kim Il Sung's hand, asked him to sit down, and said: "Based on recent intelligence, the enemy's attack will be even crazier in the second half of this year. We must be prepared for contingency, and the troop activities must gradually move toward the border If necessary, you can cross the border and call back. I have sent letters of introduction to comrades Chen Hanzhang, Han Renhe and others, and I have also written them for you. I also informed Pu Defan that he should send them. Send the wounded and sick first. "

Kim Il Sung was very concerned about Wei Zhengmin's health. He asked Wei Zhengmin, "Brother Minsheng, the troops are about to leave the Mudanling area. When do you plan to leave with us?"

Wei Zhengmin said! : "I can't leave yet, there are still many things that have not been completed. However, I would like to recommend someone to go with you to be your assistant and the director of the Political Department."

Kim Il Sung asked: "Who is he? "

Wei Zhengmin said: "This person is an old acquaintance of yours. You and he fought side by side in the Jingpo Lake area back then. "

Kim Il Sung said: "Are you talking about Yi Junshan, Master Yi? I welcome!

Wei Zhengmin said: "It's him. You guessed it right. It's really refreshing."

When leaving, Kim Il-sung held Wei Zhengmin's hand and said: "Brother Minsheng, the only thing Richeng cares about day and night is my brother's health and safety. Please take care of me, take care of me!" "

But who could have expected that the farewell in Han Congling would become an eternal farewell.

After sending Kim Il Sung away, Xu Zhongming sent wedding supplies, but Wei Zhengmin did not have time to host the wedding because he did not want to organize the wedding.

htmlIn mid-August, Wei Zhengmin was caught in a sudden heavy rain while marching, and his heart disease worsened.

His frail body was most afraid of colds, but the colds refused to leave him. The weather changed slightly, and the cold caught up with him. However, no matter how severe the cold was, he could not lie down and rest.

html On August 15, Wei Zhengmin led more than 40 people to march six kilometers north of Zhujiaying, Antu County. It was almost noon in the 755 Highlands. The weather was hot and the mountain road was rugged. Wei Zhengmin was riding on the horse, his face was sweating, and the horse he was sitting on was panting and dripping with sweat.

Agent Platoon Leader Huang Zhenhai

Agent Platoon Leader Huang Zhenhai saw. Wei Zhengmin was very tired and ordered his troops to rest on the spot.

There was a small river flowing through the mountains. The water was clear to the bottom, and thin-scaled fish could be seen swimming in the water.

It was a common fish in cold water in the mountains. You can also see larger ones in deeper areas. The water in the creek is very cold and sweet. After eating the fried noodles, the soldiers came to the river to drink water.

Guard Jin Fengnan took out a large corn flour pancake from his backpack. , feeding the war horses bit by bit

This is the food he specially prepared for Wei Zhengmin's war horses. In the most difficult time, when people had no food, he refused to eat the horses' food, and would rather go hungry himself. Feed the horse.

After feeding the horse, Jin Fengnan led the horse to the river and gave the horse water. He combed the horse's mane and talked to the horse: "Dahei is so good!" Drink quickly, the water in the mountains is sweet and delicious..."

At this moment, gunshots rang out. Jin Fengnan led the horse and ran up the mountain, but before he could get far, Dahei suddenly flew up with his front legs. He got up, howled loudly, and then fell to the ground.

Jin Fengnan shouted loudly: "Dahei, Dahei, get up quickly..." But the horse could no longer stand up, and it had been hit by a fatal bullet.

Regarding Dahei, there was a story circulated in the Third Front Army. People said that during a battle, Wei Zhengmin fell from his horse and saw that the enemy was rushing up and the guards were not around. In this extremely urgent situation, Dahei picked up Wei Zhengmin and ran up the mountain. He ran for more than two miles; only when Platoon Leader Huang and others arrived did Dahei put Wei Zhengmin down.

This story sounds like it. It's a bit magical, but people are willing to believe it, because they are convinced that this war horse galloping on the battlefield of Changbai Mountain to resist Japan and save the country is spiritual. Like its owner, it is loyal to the fight against Japan and save the country.

The enemy coming from the sky is . The Japanese army's Shenzhen Brigade in Antu County discovered that the tracks on the road were mixed with horse hoof prints near Shiqi Street, so they followed the enemy's actions very mysteriously. When the sentry found out, they were already in front of them. The battle was fought in a state of encounter. Thanks to the alertness of the special agent platoon leader Huang Zhenhai, as soon as the gunfire rang out, he immediately ordered Ai Furong to carry Wei Zhengmin up Beishan. He led the troops to cover behind

Ai Furong was tall and strong, carrying Wei Zhengmin on his back. Wei Zhengmin led several soldiers up the mountain. At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the enemy was repulsed and the battle was over. In addition to the war horse Dahei, six soldiers died in the battle.

Because of these sacrifices. In pain, Wei Zhengmin lay on the stretcher and felt depressed all the way. Jin Fengnan, who was walking beside him, kept wiping tears secretly for losing Dahei.

He understood Feng Nan's heart and the hearts of every soldier around him. He held Feng Nan's hand tightly with his hand. Although he didn't say anything, the smart Feng Nan understood the language in his heart.

Back in Hanyanggou, Wei Zhengmin called his adjutant Guo Chishan. He asked Adjutant Guo: "Have all the things I told you last month been arranged?"

Guo Chishan replied: "Everything has been arranged."

He was very happy to hear this. So, he said to Guo Chishan: "Do everything as I said. The power has been handed over to you. It must be festive, prosperous and lively."

On this day, the sun was shining brightly and the wind was warm. Deep in the forest, the big red word "hi" on the door of a small house hidden among the green pines is particularly eye-catching. It brings joy and peace to this silent forest.

Amid enthusiastic applause, the newlyweds walked out side by side from the secret camp and arrived at the ceremony venue. As more enthusiastic applause arose, there was the sound of crackling firecrackers. Big firecrackers went off and then small firecrackers went off.

Kim Jung-sook

The small sound of firecrackers was carefully designed by "chief director" Guo Chishan. Baomazi wood is flammable and explosive. Guo Chishan put a few Baomazi into a bonfire. When it burned, it caused the whole bonfire to explode with sparks. The sound was similar to that of firecrackers, adding to the festive and lively atmosphere. . This is Guo Chishan's masterpiece.

The wedding officially begins. The bride wears a bright red brocade dress embroidered with blooming peonies, and wears two yellow and green-leaf palace flowers on her head. She is graceful and graceful.

Wearing a top hat and a red ribbon, he is handsome and elegant. Under the arrangement of host Guo Chishan, the two newcomers stood side by side.

"The first item is to pay homage to the motherland," Guo Chishan sang. "Facing Changbai Mountain, bow three times to the mountains and rivers of the motherland.",

"We are fighting to defend the motherland, and we are fighting to protect our parents," Guo Chishan sang again. , "The second item is to pay homage to your parents in the high hall, and bow three times facing the mountain."

"In battle, brothers, father and son go into battle. Our comrades are our brothers," Guo Chishan sang again, "The third item is to pay homage to our comrades, facing the whole audience. Comrades bowed three times. "

The bride and groom saluted in all directions, and the applause and cheers from the audience echoed in the mountains.

Wei Zhengmin was very satisfied with the lively and festive atmosphere of the wedding. A wedding is the greatest joy in life, not because of the luxury, but because of the lively and festive atmosphere.

The plan for the troops to move northward is being implemented smoothly. Kim Il Sung's team has arrived at Yanji, Park Debum's team and Li Yunlong's 15th Regiment have arrived at Wangqing and Lichun. It was the cradle of the East Manchu revolution and a fertile land that nurtured the growth of the Second Army. The people had deep feelings for the Anti-Japanese Alliance.

On this day, Wei Zhengmin received a report from Li Yunlong, the leader of the 15th Regiment. He said that the troops returned to Wangqing and were warmly welcomed by the masses. They had found the relatives of several martyrs and established contact with them. This information made Wei Zhengmin very happy, because this was exactly what he expected.

However, Li Yunlong also told a piece of news that frustrated him in his report. On July 29, Jin Zaifan and five others who were sent to Yanji and other places to resume mass work were arrested in Pingcheng Village near Tongfo Temple in Yanji County. The consequences are unknown. The message

is nothing short of a head-on blow. When the resolution to resume local work was made at the provincial party committee meeting, he was full of confidence and expectations.

He knew that this work, which the Japanese called "resurrection from the dead," was full of dangers and challenges, but he was unexpected that Jin Zaifan would suffer misfortune so quickly.

The heavy blow was biting his heart. He felt very troubled and walked to the river to relax. Suddenly, a scream came from a distance: "It's not good, it's not good..."

He looked back and saw guard Huang Shengfa running towards him in panic. "It's not good, it's not good, Ai Furong is dead..." He hugged Wei Zhengmin and started to cry.

Wei Zhengmin was shocked and asked hurriedly: "What's going on? Tell me!"

Huang Shengfa was originally Commander Yang's bodyguard. After Commander Yang was killed in Mengjiang, Wei Zhengmin kept him by his side. He was whimpering and recounting the scene that had just happened.

At noon, after lunch, Ai Furong and Huang Shengfa came to the riverside. Ai Furong said: "There are worms under the rocks by the river. They are very big. Let's catch more and improve everyone's life."

Huang Shengfa said: "Okay!"

So, the two of them took off their shoes, I rolled up my trousers and went into the water to catch them. After a while, I caught a basin. Ai Furong said happily: "There are vegetables for dinner today."

He asked Huang Shengfa: "Do you want to take a shower?"

Huang Shengfa shook his head: "I won't, the water in the river is too cold."

Ai Furong Rong said, "It's nice to be cold! I'm going to go down and take a bath." After that, he took off his clothes and walked into the water to swim.

The river is about 100 meters wide, and the water is as deep as a person's waist. Although it is not deep, it is very cold. When Huang Shengfa stood in the water for a while, she couldn't bear the cold, so she quickly put on her shoes and ran around on the shore.

Ai Furong's swimming skills are very good. He swam twice from one bank to the other bank with ease. He can be regarded as a good swimmer. When

returned for the third time, when he was still more than ten steps away from the riverside, his legs suddenly cramped and he fell into the water.

Martyr Ai Furong

Many people were crowding the riverside in the distance. Ai Furong was lying quietly on the beach in shorts. That scene gave Wei Zhengmin a strong tremor in his heart.

He knelt down, hugged Ai Furong's head, and called out sadly: "Furong, Xiao Ai, good brother, wake up quickly! Don't scare me, good brother, wake up quickly!"

This was a reality that he couldn't accept. It came so suddenly and so cruelly. This brave warrior welcomed the wedding day with joy and joy yesterday.

However, at this moment, only the mountains are whimpering and the water is whimpering. I can no longer hear his joyful singing and laughter, and can no longer listen to his melodious flute sound of "Plum Blossom Yin".

Wei Zhengmin took off his shirt and covered Ai Furong's face. He looked at the flowing river and shed tears.

The blow caused by a series of misfortunes made Wei Zhengmin fall ill in extreme sadness.

In early October, escorted by Huang Zhenhai and others, Wei Zhengmin came to the Xiaoerdaohezi secret camp. This is his resting place, very close to the Toudaoliu River where the headquarters is located.

The secret camp where Wei Zhengmin lived before his death

Wei Zhengmin's illness is getting worse day by day. It is very difficult to eat, walk, and even sleep.

They spent the New Year of 1941 in the wind and snow. Everyone sat around the fire kang and ate a bowl of millet and pine bark. They were already very happy and satisfied.

This is the beginning of a new year. But Wei Zhengmin didn't even finish half the bowl of rice. In fact, he just drank a little rice soup.

Chinese New Year will be celebrated in one week. The weather was very good that day, and the sun was so warm that it was rare to have such good weather in nine cold days.

Perhaps it was due to the weather, but Wei Zhengmin was in particularly good spirits that day. At noon, Wei Zhengmin said to Huang Zhenhai and Jin Fengnan: "I want to go outside the house. I want to take a look at Changbai Mountain."

Huang Zhenhai and Jin Fengnan helped him outside the house and found a wooden pillar to sit on.

Outside the house is a patch of green pine trees and white snow, and a goshawk is flying under the blue sky.Changbai Mountain, Mudan Ridge, Yanshan Mountain, Taihang Mountain, Kunlun Mountain, Wuyi Mountain, and Himalayas, mountains are connected to mountains, and ridges are connected to ridges. These mountains are the blood of the motherland and the backbone of the motherland!


"Changbai Mountain, my motherland," Wei Zhengmin murmured facing the mountains, seas and pine waves of Changbai Mountain, "my beloved motherland! If I can live another 32 years, if I can see you prosperous How happy it would be to be strong!"

He asked Huang Zhenhai to summon other comrades in the secret service platoon. He said to them: "A person will forget many people and things in his life, but he can never forget the motherland. The root of change."

He added: "We should be proud of being Chinese. We must love our parents and our motherland with the greatest love of mankind. "

On this night, Wei Zhengmin! Slept peacefully. The next morning, after he got up, he washed his face, called the female warrior Kim Cheol-ho who was caring for him, took out a gold ring and handed it to her and said:

"This ring was given by a good friend of mine as travel expenses." It was given to me. That was six years ago. I no longer need it for travel expenses. I left it to you as a souvenir. "

html In the early morning of March 8, Huang Zhenhai sent Zhang, the squad leader of the second squad of the special agent platoon, to go down the mountain to look for it. Grain and clinker squad leader Zhang rebelled immediately after coming down from the mountain and led the Japanese army into the Xiaoerdaohezi secret camp.

Jin Zhehao

Although Wei Zhengmin was bedridden at that time, he still insisted on commanding the battle. After all, the enemy was outnumbered, and the battle lasted for more than an hour, and three people had already died.

During the breakout process, the enemy concentrated fire on Wei Zhengmin. He was seriously ill and moved slowly. He was hit by enemy bullets just twenty steps out of the secret camp. He was only 32 years old and dedicated his life to the liberation of the Chinese nation. s life.

The angry invaders insulted the remains of martyr Wei Zhengmin and burned a tall pine tree next to Wei Zhengmin's secret camp.

At the turn of the spring and summer of 1942, Kim Il-sung was ordered to visit the Hanconngling secret camp again to find the whereabouts of Wei Zhengmin, but all he saw was an empty horse frame.

He visited various places in Dunhua, Huadian, and Antu, and spent more than two months inquiring about Wei Zhengmin's information and looking for his footprints. Only the mountain breeze blew and the pines were faintly rustling. That's a heartbreaking regret.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Kim Il-sung visited China for two consecutive years in 1958 and 1959. While discussing state affairs with our leaders, he also inquired about the whereabouts of political commissar Wei who was a member of the Anti-Japanese Alliance? "

For this reason, our country has arranged for villagers who delivered food to Wei Zhengmin to serve as guides, leading archaeological teams and military history researchers to Huadian County to search for the whereabouts of Wei Zhengmin's remains.

Unfortunately, because the secret camp is too remote, the addition of the mark as a marker The pine tree was burned, and the group returned without success twice in 1958 and 1959.

Wei Zhengmin's former correspondent and then deputy governor of Yanbian Prefecture, Lu Yingjun, was hospitalized due to stomach problems.

He once talked about Wei Zhengmin with Feng Zhongyun who came to visit. When he heard that the remains of Political Commissar Wei were still missing, he couldn't lie down anymore. He jumped out of the hospital bed, carried half a bag of soda flakes on his back, and left Yanji, passed through Dunhua, and rushed to Huadian Jiapigou

ban along the Changbai Mountain Road. Suffering from severe stomach pain, Lu Yingjun walked through mountains and forests, passing through villages, and gradually approached his destination. When the pain became severe, he grabbed a handful of soda flakes and chewed them in his mouth.

How good it is now. , there are people to take care of him when he is sick, and there are doctors and medicines, but political commissar Wei is still leaving his body in the deserted mountains. He kept saying the same words along the way, as if he could no longer find his comrades and he had lost the meaning of living. Fortunately, illness is nothing to worry about.

Fortunately, Lu Yingjun found Wang Shuyi, a local villager who knew the whereabouts of the remains.

When Japanese soldiers entered the mountains to raid the secret camp, Wang Shuyi was captured as a laborer and carried supplies to the enemy. He witnessed the Japanese. The whole process of the soldier's crazy torture of corpses. He looked around secretly, took note of the location, and waited for an opportunity to return to Mudan Peak. In the next 20 years, Wang Shuyi took one day every year to travel dozens of miles to pay homage to the grave.

Wang Shuyi's waiting becomes more and more urgent every year. He is worried that he will not survive the day when the martyrs will see the light of day again.

So he took his children and grandchildren up the mountain and taught them to memorize the road in case of unexpected events. This was his posthumous matter.

The snow has already fallen on Peony Peak in October. Peeling away the snow and soil, people saw a few broken bones and fragments of a yellow woolen coat. It was him, it was him! He was wearing this Japanese military coat.

Lu Yingjun held a bunch of incense tightly in his hands and knelt in front of the grave for a long time, sobbing so hard that the ashes of the incense trembled on the ground.

What to use to hold the bones of the martyrs? I looked around and found only a broken iron basin. He sighed deeply, knelt on the ground, picked up the ashes and bones, put them into a broken iron basin and buried them. In order to facilitate the search, a wooden sign was placed beside the grave.

From then on, there was a guide on the way into the mountains, and people in the town passed on a road to the Anti-Japanese Alliance by word of mouth. From father to son, son to son.

At the well next to the fortress, Wei Zhengmin's son drank sip after sip, constantly holding up water and covering his face, his tears mixed with the spring water.

He put a pot of water in his arms and took it down the mountain. He wanted his children to have a taste and tell them that this was what their grandfather drank.

He understood Feng Nan's heart and the hearts of every soldier around him. He held Feng Nan's hand tightly with his hand. Although he didn't say anything, the smart Feng Nan understood the language in his heart.

Back in Hanyanggou, Wei Zhengmin called his adjutant Guo Chishan. He asked Adjutant Guo: "Have all the things I told you last month been arranged?"

Guo Chishan replied: "Everything has been arranged."

He was very happy to hear this. So, he said to Guo Chishan: "Do everything as I said. The power has been handed over to you. It must be festive, prosperous and lively."

On this day, the sun was shining brightly and the wind was warm. Deep in the forest, the big red word "hi" on the door of a small house hidden among the green pines is particularly eye-catching. It brings joy and peace to this silent forest.

Amid enthusiastic applause, the newlyweds walked out side by side from the secret camp and arrived at the ceremony venue. As more enthusiastic applause arose, there was the sound of crackling firecrackers. Big firecrackers went off and then small firecrackers went off.

Kim Jung-sook

The small sound of firecrackers was carefully designed by "chief director" Guo Chishan. Baomazi wood is flammable and explosive. Guo Chishan put a few Baomazi into a bonfire. When it burned, it caused the whole bonfire to explode with sparks. The sound was similar to that of firecrackers, adding to the festive and lively atmosphere. . This is Guo Chishan's masterpiece.

The wedding officially begins. The bride wears a bright red brocade dress embroidered with blooming peonies, and wears two yellow and green-leaf palace flowers on her head. She is graceful and graceful.

Wearing a top hat and a red ribbon, he is handsome and elegant. Under the arrangement of host Guo Chishan, the two newcomers stood side by side.

"The first item is to pay homage to the motherland," Guo Chishan sang. "Facing Changbai Mountain, bow three times to the mountains and rivers of the motherland.",

"We are fighting to defend the motherland, and we are fighting to protect our parents," Guo Chishan sang again. , "The second item is to pay homage to your parents in the high hall, and bow three times facing the mountain."

"In battle, brothers, father and son go into battle. Our comrades are our brothers," Guo Chishan sang again, "The third item is to pay homage to our comrades, facing the whole audience. Comrades bowed three times. "

The bride and groom saluted in all directions, and the applause and cheers from the audience echoed in the mountains.

Wei Zhengmin was very satisfied with the lively and festive atmosphere of the wedding. A wedding is the greatest joy in life, not because of the luxury, but because of the lively and festive atmosphere.

The plan for the troops to move northward is being implemented smoothly. Kim Il Sung's team has arrived at Yanji, Park Debum's team and Li Yunlong's 15th Regiment have arrived at Wangqing and Lichun. It was the cradle of the East Manchu revolution and a fertile land that nurtured the growth of the Second Army. The people had deep feelings for the Anti-Japanese Alliance.

On this day, Wei Zhengmin received a report from Li Yunlong, the leader of the 15th Regiment. He said that the troops returned to Wangqing and were warmly welcomed by the masses. They had found the relatives of several martyrs and established contact with them. This information made Wei Zhengmin very happy, because this was exactly what he expected.

However, Li Yunlong also told a piece of news that frustrated him in his report. On July 29, Jin Zaifan and five others who were sent to Yanji and other places to resume mass work were arrested in Pingcheng Village near Tongfo Temple in Yanji County. The consequences are unknown. The message

is nothing short of a head-on blow. When the resolution to resume local work was made at the provincial party committee meeting, he was full of confidence and expectations.

He knew that this work, which the Japanese called "resurrection from the dead," was full of dangers and challenges, but he was unexpected that Jin Zaifan would suffer misfortune so quickly.

The heavy blow was biting his heart. He felt very troubled and walked to the river to relax. Suddenly, a scream came from a distance: "It's not good, it's not good..."

He looked back and saw guard Huang Shengfa running towards him in panic. "It's not good, it's not good, Ai Furong is dead..." He hugged Wei Zhengmin and started to cry.

Wei Zhengmin was shocked and asked hurriedly: "What's going on? Tell me!"

Huang Shengfa was originally Commander Yang's bodyguard. After Commander Yang was killed in Mengjiang, Wei Zhengmin kept him by his side. He was whimpering and recounting the scene that had just happened.

At noon, after lunch, Ai Furong and Huang Shengfa came to the riverside. Ai Furong said: "There are worms under the rocks by the river. They are very big. Let's catch more and improve everyone's life."

Huang Shengfa said: "Okay!"

So, the two of them took off their shoes, I rolled up my trousers and went into the water to catch them. After a while, I caught a basin. Ai Furong said happily: "There are vegetables for dinner today."

He asked Huang Shengfa: "Do you want to take a shower?"

Huang Shengfa shook his head: "I won't, the water in the river is too cold."

Ai Furong Rong said, "It's nice to be cold! I'm going to go down and take a bath." After that, he took off his clothes and walked into the water to swim.

The river is about 100 meters wide, and the water is as deep as a person's waist. Although it is not deep, it is very cold. When Huang Shengfa stood in the water for a while, she couldn't bear the cold, so she quickly put on her shoes and ran around on the shore.

Ai Furong's swimming skills are very good. He swam twice from one bank to the other bank with ease. He can be regarded as a good swimmer. When

returned for the third time, when he was still more than ten steps away from the riverside, his legs suddenly cramped and he fell into the water.

Martyr Ai Furong

Many people were crowding the riverside in the distance. Ai Furong was lying quietly on the beach in shorts. That scene gave Wei Zhengmin a strong tremor in his heart.

He knelt down, hugged Ai Furong's head, and called out sadly: "Furong, Xiao Ai, good brother, wake up quickly! Don't scare me, good brother, wake up quickly!"

This was a reality that he couldn't accept. It came so suddenly and so cruelly. This brave warrior welcomed the wedding day with joy and joy yesterday.

However, at this moment, only the mountains are whimpering and the water is whimpering. I can no longer hear his joyful singing and laughter, and can no longer listen to his melodious flute sound of "Plum Blossom Yin".

Wei Zhengmin took off his shirt and covered Ai Furong's face. He looked at the flowing river and shed tears.

The blow caused by a series of misfortunes made Wei Zhengmin fall ill in extreme sadness.

In early October, escorted by Huang Zhenhai and others, Wei Zhengmin came to the Xiaoerdaohezi secret camp. This is his resting place, very close to the Toudaoliu River where the headquarters is located.

The secret camp where Wei Zhengmin lived before his death

Wei Zhengmin's illness is getting worse day by day. It is very difficult to eat, walk, and even sleep.

They spent the New Year of 1941 in the wind and snow. Everyone sat around the fire kang and ate a bowl of millet and pine bark. They were already very happy and satisfied.

This is the beginning of a new year. But Wei Zhengmin didn't even finish half the bowl of rice. In fact, he just drank a little rice soup.

Chinese New Year will be celebrated in one week. The weather was very good that day, and the sun was so warm that it was rare to have such good weather in nine cold days.

Perhaps it was due to the weather, but Wei Zhengmin was in particularly good spirits that day. At noon, Wei Zhengmin said to Huang Zhenhai and Jin Fengnan: "I want to go outside the house. I want to take a look at Changbai Mountain."

Huang Zhenhai and Jin Fengnan helped him outside the house and found a wooden pillar to sit on.

Outside the house is a patch of green pine trees and white snow, and a goshawk is flying under the blue sky.Changbai Mountain, Mudan Ridge, Yanshan Mountain, Taihang Mountain, Kunlun Mountain, Wuyi Mountain, and Himalayas, mountains are connected to mountains, and ridges are connected to ridges. These mountains are the blood of the motherland and the backbone of the motherland!


"Changbai Mountain, my motherland," Wei Zhengmin murmured facing the mountains, seas and pine waves of Changbai Mountain, "my beloved motherland! If I can live another 32 years, if I can see you prosperous How happy it would be to be strong!"

He asked Huang Zhenhai to summon other comrades in the secret service platoon. He said to them: "A person will forget many people and things in his life, but he can never forget the motherland. The root of change."

He added: "We should be proud of being Chinese. We must love our parents and our motherland with the greatest love of mankind. "

On this night, Wei Zhengmin! Slept peacefully. The next morning, after he got up, he washed his face, called the female warrior Kim Cheol-ho who was caring for him, took out a gold ring and handed it to her and said:

"This ring was given by a good friend of mine as travel expenses." It was given to me. That was six years ago. I no longer need it for travel expenses. I left it to you as a souvenir. "

html In the early morning of March 8, Huang Zhenhai sent Zhang, the squad leader of the second squad of the special agent platoon, to go down the mountain to look for it. Grain and clinker squad leader Zhang rebelled immediately after coming down from the mountain and led the Japanese army into the Xiaoerdaohezi secret camp.

Jin Zhehao

Although Wei Zhengmin was bedridden at that time, he still insisted on commanding the battle. After all, the enemy was outnumbered, and the battle lasted for more than an hour, and three people had already died.

During the breakout process, the enemy concentrated fire on Wei Zhengmin. He was seriously ill and moved slowly. He was hit by enemy bullets just twenty steps out of the secret camp. He was only 32 years old and dedicated his life to the liberation of the Chinese nation. s life.

The angry invaders insulted the remains of martyr Wei Zhengmin and burned a tall pine tree next to Wei Zhengmin's secret camp.

At the turn of the spring and summer of 1942, Kim Il-sung was ordered to visit the Hanconngling secret camp again to find the whereabouts of Wei Zhengmin, but all he saw was an empty horse frame.

He visited various places in Dunhua, Huadian, and Antu, and spent more than two months inquiring about Wei Zhengmin's information and looking for his footprints. Only the mountain breeze blew and the pines were faintly rustling. That's a heartbreaking regret.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Kim Il-sung visited China for two consecutive years in 1958 and 1959. While discussing state affairs with our leaders, he also inquired about the whereabouts of political commissar Wei who was a member of the Anti-Japanese Alliance? "

For this reason, our country has arranged for villagers who delivered food to Wei Zhengmin to serve as guides, leading archaeological teams and military history researchers to Huadian County to search for the whereabouts of Wei Zhengmin's remains.

Unfortunately, because the secret camp is too remote, the addition of the mark as a marker The pine tree was burned, and the group returned without success twice in 1958 and 1959.

Wei Zhengmin's former correspondent and then deputy governor of Yanbian Prefecture, Lu Yingjun, was hospitalized due to stomach problems.

He once talked about Wei Zhengmin with Feng Zhongyun who came to visit. When he heard that the remains of Political Commissar Wei were still missing, he couldn't lie down anymore. He jumped out of the hospital bed, carried half a bag of soda flakes on his back, and left Yanji, passed through Dunhua, and rushed to Huadian Jiapigou

ban along the Changbai Mountain Road. Suffering from severe stomach pain, Lu Yingjun walked through mountains and forests, passing through villages, and gradually approached his destination. When the pain became severe, he grabbed a handful of soda flakes and chewed them in his mouth.

How good it is now. , there are people to take care of him when he is sick, and there are doctors and medicines, but political commissar Wei is still leaving his body in the deserted mountains. He kept saying the same words along the way, as if he could no longer find his comrades and he had lost the meaning of living. Fortunately, illness is nothing to worry about.

Fortunately, Lu Yingjun found Wang Shuyi, a local villager who knew the whereabouts of the remains.

When Japanese soldiers entered the mountains to raid the secret camp, Wang Shuyi was captured as a laborer and carried supplies to the enemy. He witnessed the Japanese. The whole process of the soldier's crazy torture of corpses. He looked around secretly, took note of the location, and waited for an opportunity to return to Mudan Peak. In the next 20 years, Wang Shuyi took one day every year to travel dozens of miles to pay homage to the grave.

Wang Shuyi's waiting becomes more and more urgent every year. He is worried that he will not survive the day when the martyrs will see the light of day again.

So he took his children and grandchildren up the mountain and taught them to memorize the road in case of unexpected events. This was his posthumous matter.

The snow has already fallen on Peony Peak in October. Peeling away the snow and soil, people saw a few broken bones and fragments of a yellow woolen coat. It was him, it was him! He was wearing this Japanese military coat.

Lu Yingjun held a bunch of incense tightly in his hands and knelt in front of the grave for a long time, sobbing so hard that the ashes of the incense trembled on the ground.

What to use to hold the bones of the martyrs? I looked around and found only a broken iron basin. He sighed deeply, knelt on the ground, picked up the ashes and bones, put them into a broken iron basin and buried them. In order to facilitate the search, a wooden sign was placed beside the grave.

From then on, there was a guide on the way into the mountains, and people in the town passed on a road to the Anti-Japanese Alliance by word of mouth. From father to son, son to son.

At the well next to the fortress, Wei Zhengmin's son drank sip after sip, constantly holding up water and covering his face, his tears mixed with the spring water.

He put a pot of water in his arms and took it down the mountain. He wanted his children to have a taste and tell them that this was what their grandfather drank.

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