According to the Russian media Russia Today, Mastro, the strategic planner of the US Indo-Pacific Command, recently exaggerated to the US media that if a conflict breaks out between China and the United States in the Taiwan Strait, China will win and China will resolve the first

2024/05/2616:25:33 military 1571

According to the Russian media Russia Today, Mastro, the strategic planner of the US Indo-Pacific Command, recently exaggerated to the US media that if a conflict breaks out between China and the United States in the Taiwan Strait, China will win and China will resolve the first phase of the battle in three days. , it will not take more than a week to end the entire battle.

Mastro claimed that when the mainland withdraws from Taiwan, it will first intensively launch missiles , destroying at least 40% of the air power on the island. Secondly, it will knock out the air defense system on the island and launch a cyber war at the same time, causing the island to be destroyed. Communications paralyzed. Mastro expressed his respect for the US military. Although mainland China will still be wary of the US military's "advanced and leading technological power," the battle to end Taiwan is likely to end before the US military actually intervenes. Taiwan is China's inherent territory, and the cross-strait reunification process does not allow any external force to interfere. It is very necessary to develop area denial capabilities against the external military power of the United States and Japan in the Taiwan Strait. It is also the basic guarantee to ensure that the US military's actions to split China in the Taiwan Strait are eliminated. Against this background, the actual ocean combat training of the People's Liberation Army Navy ship formations, including aircraft carriers, has been carried out on a regular basis. The Eastern Theater Command of the People's Liberation Army has clearly pointed out many times that the PLA's three-service actual combat drills near the Taiwan Strait are a sign of collusion between the US military and "Taiwan independence" forces. Respond clearly.

According to the Russian media Russia Today, Mastro, the strategic planner of the US Indo-Pacific Command, recently exaggerated to the US media that if a conflict breaks out between China and the United States in the Taiwan Strait, China will win and China will resolve the first  - DayDayNews

Coupled with the gradual improvement and improvement of land-based and air-based anti-ship systems, China has the will, ability, and determination to thwart any external interference in the Taiwan Strait. Mastro, an American scholar who serves in the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, evaluated the scene when war breaks out in the Taiwan Strait. This first reflects the U.S. military's undying determination to interfere in the Taiwan Strait and interfere with cross-strait reunification. If the US military is not prepared to withdraw from the Taiwan Strait, China will have no choice but to give up its illusions and use hard power to cut off the tentacles of US military intervention in the Taiwan Strait. Secondly, Mastro exaggerated the "insufficient U.S. military strength in the Taiwan Strait" to attract public attention to the U.S. military deployed in the Asia-Pacific and strive for more military spending.

The military expenditures of the United States over the years are like a big cake. Whichever area where the US military can make more noise will account for the bulk of the military expenditures. Interest groups dominated by the US military-industrial complex have launched full media, Think tanks, lawmakers, experts and other parties are working hard to suck blood from the US finances. The Biden administration previously submitted a military expenditure of US$810 billion for 2023. With the help of the military-industrial complex, this budget has now risen to US$860 billion.

According to the Russian media Russia Today, Mastro, the strategic planner of the US Indo-Pacific Command, recently exaggerated to the US media that if a conflict breaks out between China and the United States in the Taiwan Strait, China will win and China will resolve the first  - DayDayNews

With such a budget that exceeds the economic aggregate of most countries in the world, the US military in Asia and the US military in Europe "show their unique talents." The outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict has made Europe the focus and center of gravity. Under such circumstances, in order to forcefully demand military expenditure quotas, the US military in the Asia-Pacific has conducted various military exercises one after another, spanning the entire year of 2022. Before Mastro, the strategic planner of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, spoke out to exaggerate tensions in the Taiwan Strait, the commander of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command had already claimed that the unlimited strategic cooperation between China and Russia poses a great threat to the U.S. military in the Asia-Pacific, and even threatens the U.S. military on Guam. base. Prior to this, the US Indo-Pacific Command also took the initiative to stir up trouble in the South China Sea on many occasions, sending wrong signals to the "Taiwan independence" forces. These provocations, exaggerations, and threatening actions all point to two words - making money.

The particularly large-scale US military overseas bases and overseas garrisons have brought huge added value to the United States' global hegemony when they can achieve their goals. However, when the US military stationed abroad intends to attack big countries, it cannot play its original role and can only be competent in public security. However, in the confrontation between major powers, it is inevitable to lose or "cannot win no matter how much investment it takes".

According to the Russian media Russia Today, Mastro, the strategic planner of the US Indo-Pacific Command, recently exaggerated to the US media that if a conflict breaks out between China and the United States in the Taiwan Strait, China will win and China will resolve the first  - DayDayNews

The U.S. military in Asia and the Pacific is becoming a black hole of U.S. national power. When military expansion can proceed, the "empire" can maintain a balance of payments. However, when military expansion encounters successive defeats in the Middle East, , and Central Asia, military expenditures only increase. , the huge military burden is becoming one of the straws that crush the United States. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has caused U.S. national power to continue to flow from the U.S. state body into the private pockets of the military-industrial complex. The U.S. military in the Asia-Pacific region is obviously not prepared to give up dividends. The United States, which cannot continue to expand but continues to expand military expenditures, is facing a series of explicit problems at home and abroad, and is also facing a hidden and more fatal "military cancer."

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