Taiwan's controversial self-made submarine project has recently made a big move. In a press release issued to the island's media on the 12th, it was announced that it is expected to be launched in September next year, "even as early as June at the earliest", and the self-made sub

2024/06/2114:29:32 military 1841

Taiwan’s controversial self-made submarine (IDS) project has recently made a big move. In a press release issued to the island’s media on the 12th, it was announced that it is expected to be launched in September next year, “even as early as June at the earliest.” , and the self-control rate reaches 40%. What's more important is that "the R&D team estimates that IDS's technology is about ten years ahead of the current Dutch-made Stegosaurus class submarines."

Oh, it sounds really awesome at first glance: it is ten years ahead of the technical capabilities of active submarines~~

Wait, when did Taiwan’s active submarines enter service? Not only veteran drivers are able to settle this account, but the people on the island have also noticed it. Many Taiwanese netizens ridiculed that the "Stegosaurus" class submarine (that is, the Dutch "Sailfish" class submarine ) was put into service in the late 1980s. Now Taiwan's self-made submarines are ten years ahead of it, so that's nothing. This is the level in the late 1990s. But now we are already in the 2020s...

Taiwan's controversial self-made submarine project has recently made a big move. In a press release issued to the island's media on the 12th, it was announced that it is expected to be launched in September next year,

Taiwan's "Stego Dragon" class submarines

Taiwan's "United Daily News" said on the 12th, "After many negative news questions, Taiwan's self-made submarine team chose to fight back and simultaneously launched various attacks on various countries. The media has released a lot of IDS research and development progress." According to participants, since almost all the outsourced equipment is in place, the target of launching the project in September next year is not a problem, and there is even a chance of it being launched slightly earlier. As for the combat power of this submarine, the research and development team estimates that it is 10 years ahead of the current "Stegosaurus" class submarines. Some media on the island touted its combat power and said that the IDS's tail rudder uses an X-shaped design instead of a horizontal and vertical cross-shaped design. "Since the latest Soryu-class submarine of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force also adopts the X-shaped tail rudder design, there is a saying that the design of the domestic submarine is similar to the Soryu-class submarine."

But these boastful remarks were ridiculed by the people on the island. According to the report, since the "Stegosaurus" class returned to Taiwan for service in the late 1980s, its 10-year lead now is only at the level of the late 20th century. "It doesn't sound very great." Taiwanese social networking sites have questioned that "the IDS plan is too expensive." I spent a lot of money and only made this little thing."

In addition, the report also mentioned that in order to enhance the ability of continuous hiding under water, the new generation of conventional submarines in today's world have introduced AIP systems or lithium batteries with stronger power storage capabilities; rubber silencer tiles will also be affixed to the surface of the submarine. , reducing noise leakage and enemy sonar detection effects. But none of these new equipment are available in Taiwan's homemade submarines...

As for "Taiwan's homemade submarines are designed to be similar to Japan's Soryu-class", the report even dumbfounded that the displacement of the IDS is greater than that of the "Stegoryu" class (2,660 tons underwater) Slightly smaller, far lower than the "Canglong" class (4,200 tons underwater), and there is no comparison in terms of various advanced technologies used. "Informed sources revealed that the tail rudders of modern submarines are either an

Taiwan's controversial self-made submarine project has recently made a big move. In a press release issued to the island's media on the 12th, it was announced that it is expected to be launched in September next year,

Japan "Canglong" class submarine

"United Daily News" finally lamented that in recent years, the Taiwan authorities have been singing "national defense independence", and the Taiwan military has claimed to make many of its equipment, and in conjunction with its top priority "internal propaganda", it has The benefits of these homemade products are touted to the heavens. "However, the real problem is that Taiwan's own market size is limited, basic technology may not be as good as human beings, and it is difficult to introduce software and hardware equipment. The performance of self-made products is almost destined to be inferior. Similar situations are definitely not only true for IDS, but also for other projects. The person in charge is just more exaggerated to the outside world."

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