Many people can't figure out why the United States, as the world's superpower, always has trouble with China. It has repeatedly regarded China as the biggest "threat" and united with Western countries to impose sanctions on China.

2024/05/2417:16:33 military 1317

Many people cannot understand why the United States, as the world's superpower, always has trouble with China. It has repeatedly regarded China as the biggest "threat", and has joined forces with Western countries to impose sanctions on China. In fact, the reason is very simple. The United States has the mentality of an imperialist power and does not allow any country to surpass the status of the United States in the world, nor does it allow itself to be squeezed into decline. When it sees the rise of China, it becomes hostile to China.

Many people can't figure out why the United States, as the world's superpower, always has trouble with China. It has repeatedly regarded China as the biggest

The United States, which cannot tolerate the rise of China, in order to curb China's development, has imposed economic sanctions on China while demonstrating its military strength to deter China with the purpose of forcing China to surrender. Unexpectedly, China today is no longer the poor and weak country it was a century ago. Faced with the arrogant and arrogant suppression of the United States, China now has the strength to fight back, which makes the United States even more worried and anxious.

Pre-war assessment by the US think tank

Many American scholars have made various assumptions about the development of Sino-US relations. As the confrontation between China and the United States becomes more intense, some people believe that if the United States cannot stop the rise of China in the trade war, it will soon The problem may be solved by force. In this regard, the U.S. Air Force think tank "Mitchell Aerospace Institute" made a pre-war assessment on confronting China's military power.

Many people can't figure out why the United States, as the world's superpower, always has trouble with China. It has repeatedly regarded China as the biggest

This pre-war assessment report shows that with both China and Russia participating in the war, the U.S. Air Force's ammunition reserves may only last about seven days. According to the American think tank , China's air combat effectiveness and air defense capabilities are becoming increasingly powerful. China and Russia are very strong opponents. If the United States wants to form a confrontational advantage with them, it must equip the Air Force's most advanced fighter jets and missiles . But one problem is that the ammunition stored by the U.S. Air Force can last more than a week at most.

Many people can't figure out why the United States, as the world's superpower, always has trouble with China. It has repeatedly regarded China as the biggest

The more pessimistic prediction of the American think tank is that one week is only a conservative estimate, because China and Russia may rely on their strong military industry to rapidly expand weapons and equipment before the war, and the United States cannot out-equip China and Russia in the same period of time. There is still so much ammunition that it won't last even a week. As a major military and economic power in the world, the United States should logically have a much larger ammunition reserve than China and Russia. Why is the shortage shown in the assessment report?

Many people can't figure out why the United States, as the world's superpower, always has trouble with China. It has repeatedly regarded China as the biggest

Analyzing from the wars launched by the United States in the past, taking advantage of firepower to attack the enemy is the most common combat method used by the United States. During the Gulf War, the multinational forces headed by the United States deployed more than 90,000 tons of ammunition against Iraq, and dispatched combat aircraft more than 100,000 times. After seizing air superiority, they began to comprehensively clean up the ground combat troops. Later, Iraq War and Afghanistan war also adopts the same combat mode.

Many people can't figure out why the United States, as the world's superpower, always has trouble with China. It has repeatedly regarded China as the biggest

Long-term military operations will undoubtedly consume a large amount of weapons and ammunition , but the United States’ foreign military operations have not decreased. Various weapons and ammunition are deployed in overseas military bases, and a large amount of ammunition is consumed in normal training. This has led to the shortage of U.S. weapons and ammunition. The production capacity cannot meet the rate of consumption, and eventually the amount of ammunition stored becomes stretched.

Many people can't figure out why the United States, as the world's superpower, always has trouble with China. It has repeatedly regarded China as the biggest

China has never actively participated in any external military operations, and its ammunition consumption rate is extremely low. After years of military development, it is expected that its ammunition reserves have reached a scale that can cope with large-scale battle scenes. If the United States directly confronts China and the United States when its ammunition supply is insufficient, it will collapse rapidly after a week at most. Therefore, whenever the United States clamors to use force against China, it will back down in time.

Lost confidence in combat

Previously, when the situation between China and the United States was tense, U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin stepped on the brakes and changed his tough attitude to start a dialogue with China. When talking about the combat strength of China, the United States and Russia, many American politicians believe that the United States is no longer able to confront China and Russia, and should realize as soon as possible that the United States is declining and lacks sufficient strength. It can be seen that when facing the alliance between China and Russia, the two major military powers, the United States will also lose its confidence in combat.

Many people can't figure out why the United States, as the world's superpower, always has trouble with China. It has repeatedly regarded China as the biggest

Not only does the United States lack the confidence to confront China, but so do its allies. NATO member states headed by the United States have participated in many wars with the United States in the last century, investing a lot of military expenditures and manpower, which also affected their ammunition reserves. If they continue to follow the United States and launch military competition with China and Russia, they will be forced to take the initiative and be beaten. This is not the result they want.

Many people can't figure out why the United States, as the world's superpower, always has trouble with China. It has repeatedly regarded China as the biggest

Moreover, China and Russia have extremely high influence in the world and play a vital role in maintaining world peace and development order. Many countries are willing to cooperate closely with China and Russia. If the Chinese market is lost, many countries lacking resources will face a major blow. In fact, the United States is also dependent on China's trade . Although it has always wanted to get rid of its dependence on China through trade wars, it has not been realized. On the contrary, this dependence has become stronger.

Many people can't figure out why the United States, as the world's superpower, always has trouble with China. It has repeatedly regarded China as the biggest

If the United States launches a war, the trade channels between China and the United States will be completely cut off. Moreover, the United States’ imports from China are much greater than its exports. The United States, which has lost its Chinese trading partner, will be unable to meet its domestic needs due to problems in the resource supply chain. need. The United States relies on the Chinese market to obtain high-quality and low-priced goods and has earned huge economic benefits. Once it is separated from the Chinese market, it will suffer huge backlash.

Many people can't figure out why the United States, as the world's superpower, always has trouble with China. It has repeatedly regarded China as the biggest

China has strong national defense capabilities and market influence in the world economy. If the United States wants to provoke China to use force to deter China, its allies will also choose to retreat out of interests, and will eventually fall into a situation of fighting alone. This makes the United States slam on the brakes and ease its relations with China every time it wants to further use force to stimulate China's reaction. This shows that it has already lost its confidence in fighting.

China's attitude

Regarding the military threat from the United States, China has always taken a firm stance and expressed its attitude in the face of military provocations. If a war does break out, based on China's military strength, it can quickly break through the blockade of the first and second island chains of the United States and end the battle in the shortest possible time. China has always been adhering to the idea of ​​being prepared for danger in times of peace, and ammunition reserves will not be so scarce.

Many people can't figure out why the United States, as the world's superpower, always has trouble with China. It has repeatedly regarded China as the biggest

Once the United States releases a danger signal, the Chinese military will immediately enter a state of combat readiness to completely crush the United States' attempts. With sufficient ammunition, the United States did not win the war in Afghanistan. It is even less likely to win when facing military powers like China and Russia. Instead, it will lose its world influence and economic vitality in a shorter period of time.

Many people can't figure out why the United States, as the world's superpower, always has trouble with China. It has repeatedly regarded China as the biggest

China is not the China it was a few decades ago, and it will no longer tolerate the United States' hegemonic behavior. Regardless of whether the United States has sufficient ammunition, it is confident that it will fight it to the end. The United States has wantonly provoked great power competition and launched economic sanctions and military provocations against countries that may "threaten" it. It has seriously undermined the good order of stable development of the world. In the trend of the times when the world is seeking peace, it will become The target of public criticism.

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