The bloody battle that China and the United States are unwilling to mention: 129 people in our army are frozen into ice sculptures, and the US army takes off their hats to pay tribute

2021/04/0220:27:02 military 954

Speaking of war, we will only think of scenes of wars, but you know that there is a silent war in the history of our country, the severity of which is comparable to any battle in the history of human warfare. This war has also become a bloody battle that China and the United States are unwilling to mention- Battle of Changjin Lake .

The bloody battle that China and the United States are unwilling to mention: 129 people in our army are frozen into ice sculptures, and the US army takes off their hats to pay tribute - DayDayNews

Figure|Ice Sculpture Company

Ice Sculpture Company

1 late November 950

The bloody battle that China and the United States are unwilling to mention: 129 people in our army are frozen into ice sculptures, and the US army takes off their hats to pay tribute - DayDayNews

Figure|Ice Sculpture Company

Along the way was shocked by the situation like : A row of volunteer soldiers lying prone on a position of minus 40 degrees Celsius, holding steel guns and grenades, maintaining a neat battle formation and fighting posture, as if they were jumping. "Ice Sculpture" group portraits. They held grenade bombs in their hands, but they did not fire.

A few bold U.S. troops climbed up to the volunteer positions, only to find that 's 129 volunteer soldiers were frozen into ice sculptures , but their muzzles were pointed in the direction of the enemy, still maintaining a fighting posture... Someone in the U.S. Army wanted to take away the gun in their hand, but couldn’t take it off anyway, and eventually had to break three fingers.

The bloody battle that China and the United States are unwilling to mention: 129 people in our army are frozen into ice sculptures, and the US army takes off their hats to pay tribute - DayDayNews

Figure|129 soldiers who were frozen into ice sculptures

These 129 fighters are the 6th Company of the 177th Regiment of the 59th Division of the 20th Army, the 2nd Company of the 180th Regiment of the 60th Division, and the 5th Company of the 242th Regiment of the 27th Army 80th Division.The heroic scene of the organizational system being frozen to death. Since then, the "Ice Sculpture Company" has become a spiritual monument, a cultural symbol, and has been recorded in military history. It's just that many people don't understand the "Ice Sculpture Company" incident, and there are even people who don't even know that this happened.

The bloody battle that China and the United States are unwilling to mention: 129 people in our army are frozen into ice sculptures, and the US army takes off their hats to pay tribute - DayDayNews

Picture|Battle of Jangjin Lake

Winter in Jangjin Lake

Jangjin Lake, located in northeastern North Korea’s above the Gaema Plateau , is 1000 meters above sea level Between 2000 meters . So the temperature here is very low all year round. Surrounded by the Zhanling Mountains and Wolfwood Mountains, the surrounding mountains are steep and steep, with deep mountains, lush forests, narrow mountain roads, and no one inhabited all year round. And here in October every year is already a cold winter, the temperature has been around minus 30 degrees Celsius , wind and snow, the kind of cold is not something we can experience.

And at the end of October 1950, suffered a cold that has not been encountered in 50 years, and the temperature was as low as minus 40 degrees Celsius. It is not suitable for military operations at all, even Genghis Khan would not want to conquer it." However, a battle of that lasted more than 20 days started here . The severity of this battle is no less severe than any battle in our country . Although the number of casualties cannot be said to be the highest, the tragedy is absolutely unprecedented. When we saw those recorded photos, tears flowed down involuntarily.

The bloody battle that China and the United States are unwilling to mention: 129 people in our army are frozen into ice sculptures, and the US army takes off their hats to pay tribute - DayDayNews

Picture | Volunteers marching in the snow in the Battle of Changjin Lake

Dispatching troops to North Korea

September 15, 1950Our army dispatched volunteers to North Korea and participated in the defense operation to resist US aggression and aid to North Korea. Under the leadership of Peng Dehuai, the volunteers crossed the Yalu River and rushed to the Korean battlefield. In this battle, the opponent is the powerful gun of the United States. Compared to the equipment of our army at the time, it was simply an egg hitting a rock. But the volunteer army did not just give up, but went forward courageously on the battlefield, struggling to kill the enemy.

The bloody battle that China and the United States are unwilling to mention: 129 people in our army are frozen into ice sculptures, and the US army takes off their hats to pay tribute - DayDayNews

Picture|Battle of Changjin Lake

How big was the gap between our army and the US army at that time?

From the aspect of weapon supply, , The US military is well equipped, which undoubtedly has an absolute advantage . In addition, the US military also dispatched hundreds of fighters at that time. So there is no need to say how strong the strength is. In addition to the superiority in the air force, the U.S. Army also had a tank battalion of a division at the time. There were about 71 tanks. There were also three artillery battalions. Soldiers were equipped with large-caliber artillery, even infantry. The most basic rifle firepower is also far above the volunteers. We should all be able to imagine that during the war at the time, basically every country’s weapons were much stronger than our country’s weapons.

The bloody battle that China and the United States are unwilling to mention: 129 people in our army are frozen into ice sculptures, and the US army takes off their hats to pay tribute - DayDayNews

Figure|Ice sculptures did not even close their eyes and rest even the soldiers died

And my country's volunteer army at the time was very poor in weapons, and there were almost no large-caliber artillery , heavy At most, the weapons are only a few mortars, heavy machine guns or something . But in such cold weather, many of these heavy weapons have become scrap ,Most of the artillery shells could not be fired, and the basic rifle lost its original combat effectiveness. Such a pair of weapons that look like "scrap iron" obviously can't occupy any advantage in this battle. But in the end it was with these "scrap irons" that they were victorious in this battle.

and in terms of numbers , my country was still overpowering the United States . At that time, the 20th and 27th Army units participated in the battle, with a total strength of about 80,000, while the US army was only 30,000 at the time. People around. It's basically a 3 to 1 state. However, the number of people is indeed an advantage, but We must not forget the strength of the US air force , how powerful it is, we don’t need to say anything.

Because of this disadvantage, our Volunteers can only advance day and night in order to avoid the threat of American aviation. In the end, the U.S. military blew up our transport vehicles, leaving our troops with no logistical ammunition supplies or food and grass in subsequent operations.

The bloody battle that China and the United States are unwilling to mention: 129 people in our army are frozen into ice sculptures, and the US army takes off their hats to pay tribute - DayDayNews

Picture|The soldiers warmed up in the snow in the Battle of Changjin Lake

How the soldiers resisted the cold

How cold the weather was at that time is beyond our imagination. According to the memories of the survivors , Some fighters' ears were frozen hard, and they would fall off as soon as they touched , without feeling at all. Walking in the snow for a long time, so their legs have already lost consciousness . When they found out, they knew that their skin had already been glued to the shoes and socks . A few days later,The skin and flesh of the legs will begin to rot . Even so, the troops couldn't stop. Even if a teammate of slipped off the snow accidentally, they could only watch it and couldn't save it.

The bloody battle that China and the United States are unwilling to mention: 129 people in our army are frozen into ice sculptures, and the US army takes off their hats to pay tribute - DayDayNews

Picture|Changjin Lake Battle Warriors marching

At the time of Changjin Lake, people walking in the snow can only show their upper body, and the temperature is below minus 40 degrees Celsius The troops lack cotton-padded clothes and quilts. In order to keep out the cold , the volunteers can only take out part of the cotton from the quilt, and then make them into gloves, earmuffs, socks, etc. . In such an environment, in order to avoid the U.S. military, both day and night, the Volunteers cannot light a fire to keep warm , and even stronger13strong cannot eat a hot meal and drink hot water If you do this, you are obviously exposing your position, and the entire force will be bombed by the US army, causing tragic casualties.

In such an environment, the soldiers can only eat the fried noodles with a handful of snow, without calorie supplementation, let alone nutritional supplementation. Because the supplies were cut off, the soldiers' quilts were simply not enough. As a result, at night. More than ten fighters of share the same comforter . Apart from that, there is nothing to keep out the cold.

The bloody battle that China and the United States are unwilling to mention: 129 people in our army are frozen into ice sculptures, and the US army takes off their hats to pay tribute - DayDayNews

The volunteers are frozen into ice sculptures

During the battle, the most suitable time for action is at night, so the volunteers must use to use the night action ,In order to be more concealed and safer, can only choose to creep forward . In such a cold environment, many soldiers of never stood up again . As a veteran soldier in this battle, Li Shiyu was crying when he mentioned it. Facing the enemy’s direction, more than one hundred soldiers froze to death on the ground. They raised their steel guns and stared at each other as if they were just It's like an ice sculpture preparing to jump up.

These fighters were all ready to fight before they were frozen to death. They looked straight ahead for 6 days and 6 nights, wearing thin clothes, eating potatoes that were frozen like rocks, and lying below zero. I didn't move in the snow at 40 degrees Celsius and didn't dare to close my eyes. No one dares to sleep, because once you fall asleep, you can't wake up again the next day. Such a shocking "Ice Sculpture Company" makes us unforgettable forever.

The bloody battle that China and the United States are unwilling to mention: 129 people in our army are frozen into ice sculptures, and the US army takes off their hats to pay tribute - DayDayNews

Picture|The Volunteers Who Frozen to Death

Finally, they waited for the arrival of the US army. But at that moment, they were already unable to move. Rows of soldiers had already frozen to death. The U.S. military took off their hats to pay tribute to this situation. According to statistics , caused 28,954 frostbite and attrition during this battle, 1,000 people were killed by freezing, and 3,000 people were killed by severe frostbite. In addition, many volunteers were also injured. Different degrees of frostbite.


The bloody battle that China and the United States are unwilling to mention: 129 people in our army are frozen into ice sculptures, and the US army takes off their hats to pay tribute - DayDayNews

Figure|Ice Sculpture Company's absolute letter

And in this environment, an ice sculpture company soldier wrote the last absolute letter with his life: " I love My relatives and my motherland also love my honor even more. I am a glorious volunteer soldier, ice and snow, I will never succumb to you, even if it freezes to death, I will stand proudly on my ground.

The bloody battle that China and the United States are unwilling to mention: 129 people in our army are frozen into ice sculptures, and the US army takes off their hats to pay tribute - DayDayNews

Figure|The US Army was beaten away in the Battle of Changjin Lake

The US Army was beaten away

After the US Army paid tribute to the first ice sculpture company,It moved on, and as a result, encountered the second "Ice Sculpture Company" of the Chinese Volunteers. And this time they were not so lucky again, because this time they met the "moving" iceman. When the Charge horn sounded, countless fighters from emerged from the snow , just like heavenly soldiers and gods, and the sound of the charge was very shocking. At this time, many fighters discovered that their legs had already been frozen and necrotic , but at such a moment, they couldn't take care of that much. Strong13strong had to move forward even if there was only one leg left . Under such a sudden offensive, American troops were caught off guard, and finally they could only escape in embarrassment.

In this battle, my country's Volunteers set a record for an entire regiment of American troops in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. Forcing the U.S. troop troop to experience the "longest retreat" in history. The people who cleaned the battlefield said two words: the warrior is with the position, the hero is with the sun and the moon.

The bloody battle that China and the United States are unwilling to mention: 129 people in our army are frozen into ice sculptures, and the US army takes off their hats to pay tribute - DayDayNews

Figure|Ice Sculpture Company Warrior

Only the army that makes the enemy fearful can be called the strongest army, and the "Ice Sculpture Company" did it. They are not afraid of sacrifice, and go forward bravely for the sake of the motherland. Dedicated my life tomorrow. Many people only remember the victory of this battle, but forget these sacrificed heroes. I hope that our future generations will remember everything they have done for us today. Let them know that today's stability is the result of their lives.

The remains of the martyrs returned to the country

The bloody battle that China and the United States are unwilling to mention: 129 people in our army are frozen into ice sculptures, and the US army takes off their hats to pay tribute - DayDayNews

Figure | The remains of the volunteers returning home at the airport

In 2013, China and South Korea reached an agreement to return the remains of the volunteers in South Korea to China. From 2014 to 2019, South Korea has handed over the remains of a total of 599 Chinese People’s Volunteers martyrs to China for six consecutive years. On September 27, 2020, the South Korean side will once again transfer to China a batch of the remains of Chinese People’s Volunteers in South Korea and related relics. Thanks to the efforts of the motherland, these martyrs finally returned to their homeland as they wished, and returned to the embrace of the motherland.

The bloody battle that China and the United States are unwilling to mention: 129 people in our army are frozen into ice sculptures, and the US army takes off their hats to pay tribute - DayDayNews

Figure|The remains of the volunteers return home

It’s been too long. For more than 60 years, children have become gray-haired old people, and those relatives who miss these martyrs have also left with hatred . These martyrs buried their bones in a foreign country in order to protect their homes and nations, and now they have finally returned to their homeland. In the old days, you dyed the national flag red with your blood. Now, you use the five-star red flag as your shirt to welcome them home.


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