--Where can I apply for a certificate of no criminal record? What materials do I need to prepare in advance? --In China, the final criminal record needs to be issued by a notary public. The notary office generally requires some preliminary certificates from the police station, so

--Where can I get a certificate of no criminal record? What materials do I need to prepare in advance?

--In China, the final criminal record needs to be issued by a notary public. The notary office generally requires some preliminary certificates from the police station, so you should contact the local notary office and police station to obtain relevant certificates. If the identity change is submitted in the United States, criminal certificate and are actually not required.

--If it is recorded as DUI in China, will it have any impact when submitting an immigration application?

--most of the DUI, especially if it is the first time, not that it has been done many times, and it has not caused any casualties. If I didn't injure anyone, or break something, or have my driver's license expired, etc., it would be a simple DUI, and most of the time it would not result in a person not being able to get an immigration visa. In fact, if this is done only once, the probability of the immigration application being approved is actually relatively high. If it fails, it usually involves a crime that violates morality. If it's just DUI, there are no aggravating circumstances, so you won't be unable to get a visa.

--If the DUI occurred in China, do I need to provide corresponding materials when applying?

--In this case, you still need to provide corresponding materials.

--If the application is successful and I come to live in the United States, will this situation have any other effects? Or will there be records in the United States?

--It will not have any other impact, but in all future applications of the applicant, in fact, whenever asked whether you have been arrested or whether you have been convicted, you must answer yes and provide information. relevant evidence. If you want to apply for status in the United States in the future, you will still have such a problem. But you won’t encounter any other problems in your daily life.

--Is the police clearance certificate in Chinese with an English translation? Or only Chinese needs to be translated into English? If it is the EB1A main applicant, can he translate it himself?

--In fact, in most areas, if there is no criminal record, there should be an English translation. But this does not mean that the translation must be produced by a local agency. If the version you get is indeed not available in English, you can actually translate it yourself. Applicants can translate the immigration materials themselves. Of course, under normal circumstances, it is not recommended that the applicant translates by himself. Because in translation, if there is any inaccuracy in it, it may be suspected of being a misrepresentation or fraud. Therefore, when it comes to translation, it is best to let professionals do the translation. But if you are very confident that you can translate it without any problems and are completely responsible for the content, then this in itself is okay.