Recently, a client friend asked me how much child care benefits my family can receive if they settle in BC? Canada is world-class in terms of education quality and benefits. Many applicants for Canadian immigration have their children’s education as their original intention. I ho

Recently, a client and friend asked me how much childcare benefits my family could receive if they settled in BC. Today, the editor will introduce science about BC’s child care benefits!

Canada is world-class in terms of education quality and welfare. Many applicants for Canadian immigration have their children’s education as their original intention and hope to take their children to attend Canadian public schools for free as soon as possible.

So for younger children, can they enjoy preschool education benefits? How to choose a nursery?

As we all know, the Canadian school system differs depending on the laws and policies of each province. So below, I will take BC as an example to introduce to you the education system in BC and the types and benefits of preschool education.

5 to 12 years old

Primary or Elementary School, that is, grades K-7, which is what we understand as primary school.

13 to 18 years old

Secondary School, that is, grades 8-12 are the middle school stage, which is what we understand as junior high school + high school.

Generally speaking, families with an income of less than 111,000 Canadian dollars can apply, and the maximum monthly amount is 1,250 Canadian dollars. The specific amount that can be applied for is related to factors such as family situation, income, type of childcare center, etc., and the above information needs to be reviewed every year Make updates.

The Child Care Cost Reduction Initiative (CCFRI) is a subsidy provided by the BC provincial government to qualified, licensed child care centers. Eligible child care operators are required to apply. Parents are not required to apply, and parents are not required to be PR or citizens.

Once approved, the subsidy will be directly deducted from the tuition. Parents can confirm whether the nursery has applied for CCFRI before signing up.

Recommended popular immigration projects in 2022

Canadian provincial nomination 3413 and federal 4411, 4412 work immigration

A category BC and Ontario employer-guaranteed provincial nomination (occupation code 3413)

① Project requirements: college degree or above, language CLB 5 points, participation in relevant skills Training

② Job positions: nursing home caregivers, hospital caregivers, and personal attendants.

③Salary: $20CAD/hour 35 hours/week, enjoy the legal work benefits of the province

④Immigration channel: After working for one year, you can apply for BC or Ontario employer-sponsored provincial nomination. The score in April 2022 only needs 70 points, the minimum score required for provincial nomination

(there are also a few project management positions available)

B category Canadian nursing immigration project

One person can sign, and the whole family can immigrate to Canada. Children receive Western education for free, and tuition fees for prestigious universities are charged as local students, the same as for international students. However, the fees are much lower than those for international students. They have a wide range of professional choices and have greater employment advantages than international students. You can also enroll as an international student in one of the 211,985 prestigious domestic schools, which is relatively simple. This is a very good way for ordinary working-class or even middle-class people to change their destiny.

C category BC and AB construction and decoration technicians

① Carpentry: door and window installation, flooring, cabinet installation

② Bricklayer: ceramic tile, floor tile laying

Immigration, in order to pursue a predictable and happy life

Immigration, so that children can receive better education

Immigration is not about worshiping foreigners, but a comprehensive consideration of oneself.

is chosen to provide a good environment for future generations by balancing domestic and foreign environment, medical care, education, food safety, etc.