In the minds of many people, they have a complex of being a big country for immigrants. When choosing a country to immigrate to, people often consider the United States, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom and other established immigration countries as their first choice.

In the minds of many people, there is a complex of being a big country for immigrants. When choosing a country to immigrate to, people often choose established immigration countries such as the United States, Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom as their first choice. However, while many people hope to obtain the status of a big country through immigration, some people "go in the opposite direction" and choose a passport from a small country whose country is not well-known. There is even a trend for applicants who already hold the identity of a big country to apply for a passport from a small country as a backup for their second identity, including many European and American business tycoons and famous entrepreneurs. Especially in the post-epidemic era, more and more people are aware of the importance of planning a second identity in terms of global travel and asset allocation, and prefer immigration projects with simple procedures and no residency requirements. At this time, passports from small countries with low investment thresholds, short processing cycles, and loose requirements have become the first choice of many investors.

But objectively speaking, if you take into account the welfare, living environment, education, etc. of these countries, the first choice is of course the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand or EU and other immigration projects are the best, but most of them require you to live there in person. The purpose of applying for a passport from a small country is to immigrate without emigrating. After obtaining the identity, you can choose to live in the country, continue your life, work and career, and use this identity to meet your needs. This is why the passport of a small country is also called a functional passport. It only requires certain aspects of it. One function will do.

For example, CRS affects high-net-worth individuals. So how can high-net-worth individuals avoid the risks caused by the automatic exchange mechanism of financial account tax-related information to the greatest extent? Information exchange prompts all your overseas financial account information to be returned to China, which means that China has a clear view of your overseas assets. At this time, you need to have a legal third-country identity to ensure the safety of the assets in your name.

At the same time, many people will consider immigrating because of tax rates, and many small countries are famous low-tax paradises, such as St. Kitts, which has no personal income tax , no inheritance tax, no capital gains tax, and no global tax. Faced with CRS global taxation, if you have a passport from a small country, you can enjoy the tax-free policy and better allocate global assets. Moreover, the Caribbean region where these small countries are located is a world-famous tax avoidance offshore center. International giants Apple, Microsoft, etc. are registered here. The local judicial and financial system is sound and the property is safe, which is especially suitable for setting up holding companies. , property trusts and offshore companies to achieve asset protection and appreciation.

In terms of education, although you cannot enjoy all the educational benefits like some big countries, you can enjoy credit sharing among Commonwealth countries. When you study in a school in a Commonwealth country, the results you obtain will also be recognized in other Commonwealth countries. Holding a passport from a Commonwealth country can not only enjoy free local public primary and secondary education, but can also use the passport as a springboard to enter prestigious universities in the UK and China. You can also apply for Commonwealth scholarships when entering British universities . In addition, children can also use their status to return to China as international students to receive education, and can easily attend well-known domestic universities such as 985 and 211.

Finally, if you are a high-net-worth person who needs free global travel; a shareholder or executive of a listed company who wants to achieve the goal of overseas listing of the company; a wealthy person who prefers to invest in real estate; or you want to change your identity for the sake of children's education, childbirth, etc. people. Then, a passport from a small Caribbean Commonwealth country is definitely a weapon for your life development!