Recently, Alibaba founder Jack Ma, who has not been seen for a long time, appeared in Mallorca, a famous resort in Spain. Jack Ma is wearing a white long-sleeved T-shirt and a white baseball cap, and is playing golf with a golf club.

Recently, Alibaba founder Jack Ma, who has not been seen for a long time, appeared in the famous Spanish resort Mallorca .

Jack Ma is wearing a white long-sleeved T-shirt and a white baseball cap, and is playing golf with a golf club.

Jack Ma appeared in Spain and drove a luxury yacht.

The super luxury yacht he purchased for US$200 million (approximately RMB 1.337 billion) is also docked on the local coast.

It is understood that this private superyacht named "Zen" took 4 years to build and is extremely luxurious.

was specially customized by Jack Ma from a Dutch shipyard. The yacht has a total length of 88.38 meters, can accommodate 16 tourists, and is served by 25 crew members. The annual berthing and maintenance costs require more than 100 million yuan.

Jack Ma’s current situation.

Since the Bund Financial Summit in October 2020, Jack Ma has made only a handful of public appearances, which has repeatedly triggered public associations with his current situation. The few media exposures were basically related to "buy, buy, buy": he spent 1.5 billion yuan to buy a luxury house in Hong Kong and became neighbors with many of Hong Kong's top wealthy people; he later spent a huge sum of 150 million yuan to buy a house in Brandon, New York, the United States. The natural park is now a $200 million ultra-luxury yacht.

Public information shows that starting from 2020, Jack Ma cashed out Alibaba shares, reducing his holdings in one fell swoop and cashing out 43 billion yuan, and his stake in Alibaba subsequently dropped to 4.8%.

Some people even speculate that Jack Ma will immigrate to the United States.

Has Jack Ma immigrated?

Jack Ma did not immigrate to other countries, Jack Ma is Chinese.

Jack Ma founded Alibaba and brought China's online shopping into a new era.

Judging from Jack Ma's personal development, Jack Ma is indeed very successful in personal development. Because he has always worked hard on his career, Jack Ma has also won many awards. Now that the older Jack Ma has found his own direction in life, he is living a very peaceful life and his overall living condition is also very good. It is also unknown whether China will be able to see a successful person like Jack Ma again. I hope Jack Ma can spend his later years peacefully.

Back then, when Jack Ma attended the Summer Davos Forum, he said, "I am a bit older when it comes to the Internet, but I am still very young when it comes to other industries."

"I chose to announce my retirement at the age of 54. I made the plan three years ago and got here step by step. This is a long-term preparation."

Jack Ma said that as a teacher, he can lead the company to where it is today. It is already very difficult, after all, I have no business training. Luck cannot always be with you. The best way to continue your luck is to give more opportunities to others. If young people have more opportunities, they will give themselves more opportunities.

Jack Ma stressed that he was not retreating at a rapid pace, but "advancing" bravely. "My company has retreated, and my life has taken a big step forward." In the future, he will devote himself to education, environment, entrepreneurial entrepreneurship and other fields.

Talking about the future, Jack Ma suggested: We must attach great importance to , the fourth industrial revolution, and . "This technology revolution and will sweep through faster and faster, and its influence on everyone in all walks of life will be greater and greater." Therefore, all sectors of society must quickly adapt to the fourth industrial revolution, so that society and children Able to adapt to future opportunities and future challenges.

As of June 26, 2022, Jack Ma has not become a U.S. citizen.

It is impossible for Jack Ma to become a U.S. citizen.

Jack Ma was born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. He is a Chinese entrepreneur and a member of the Communist Party of China.. was once the richest man in Asia and the chairman of the board of directors of Alibaba Group . He is the founder of Taobao and Alipay . He is the chairman of the China Council of the Nature Conservancy and a member of the global board of directors, and a director of Huayi Brothers. .

When did you first meet Jack Ma?

I met Jack Ma after watching the program " wins in China's ". At that time, Jack Ma was my mentor, and most of Jack Ma's most famous sayings also came from that time.

It can be said that many young people will worship Jack Ma like crazy when they see him. Why? Because Jack Ma is not only successful, but he is also very good at bragging. The key is that basically all the bragging has come true. Do you think it is irritating or not?

Jack Ma's influence on China's Internet is very great. He not only drives the development of China's e-commerce, but also promotes the birth and prosperity of China's digital economy , but it goes beyond that. Alibaba is in finance, retail, cloud computing Under the guidance of various fields, it will promote the development of China's economy in a high-quality direction to a certain extent.

In addition, Alibaba has also brought a new business model, integrating tens of millions of small and medium-sized enterprises, giving them more capabilities and helping them make money. This is also the so-called win-win business concept.

saw an article titled "50% of the manufacturing industry will die if Jack Ma puts it into a ditch." I feel that this article has a problem with its starting point. In addition, since many people have similar views, the author feels it is necessary to start from Let’s discuss this issue fundamentally.

That is: What is the biggest contribution of e-commerce led by Jack Ma to China? What about the harm?

Due to the advent of the information age, the emergence of e-commerce has become inevitable.

The biggest impact of e-commerce on the world economy and the Chinese economy is to simplify the circulation of goods and speed up the speed of circulation. At the same time, it stimulates great changes in the manufacturing and traditional sales industries, which also leads to changes in people's consumption concepts, methods, and experiences. . E-commerce and information technology not only stimulate great changes in the economy, but also in society as a whole.

One of the main reasons for those who oppose e-commerce is that e-commerce has caused a large number of physical stores to close down, resulting in many people losing their jobs. But in fact, the existence of e-commerce has also created a large number of jobs.

Is e-commerce harmful to the real economy?

Moreover, e-commerce can also greatly boost consumption. Take myself as an example. I used to spend 1,000 yuan on clothes a year and only had 2 pieces. Now I spend 600 to buy three pieces. The factory must have placed an order for one more piece. To the factory Is that a good thing? For the remaining 400, I spent 50 to eat grilled fish . Did the grilled fish boss make a right deal? Is it a good thing? Spend 50 for a fried meal, 200 for a hot pot meal, and 50 for a movie. I still have a deposit of 500,000 yuan. Do these promote consumption and drive economic development? I can’t use these myself, so I have to help you use them with the help of three, four or five dealers? Those bosses won’t make money from me, but they have to make money from your three, four or five dealers?

Moreover, physical stores are not the real economy at all. They are just second-hand dealers. The real real industry is manufacturing and factories. The above-mentioned excessive consumption exactly promotes the development of manufacturing industry, rather than concentrating wealth in the hands of landlords.

Therefore, those who advocate the elimination of e-commerce are either unscrupulous physical stores or unscrupulous landlords. They are the stumbling blocks to economic development. With the emergence of e-commerce, they can no longer stand aloof like before, selling inflated prices and enjoying the profits, so they advocate the elimination. E-commerce. But now the people have sharp eyes, and the market should let the people decide which one is beneficial to the development of the country.

What is Jack Ma’s contribution to the country, society and the people?

Jack Ma through Alibaba, Taobao and Alipay. A fair credit platform has been established, a good credit system has been created, and everyone can participate in it. The impact of

is very far-reaching, and it also sets an example for society, allowing many people to slowly learn and develop the concept and habit of integrity. This is Jack Ma's greatest contribution to society.

has changed the consumption habits of ordinary people. In the past, you had to go to physical stores to buy things. Now you can buy all the goods just on your mobile phone.The same merchants have also moved their sales from physical stores to online, which has reduced a lot of labor and store costs, so the prices can be much cheaper than in physical stores.

Mobile payment represented by Alipay not only brings convenience to the people, but also saves cash costs and reduces the occurrence of public security and criminal cases. Because ordinary people have less and less cash, there are actually fewer thieves and robberies, and there is no market for counterfeit money. In the past, there were news from time to time about elderly people selling vegetables and receiving fake money, etc., but now there is no more.

For China, Jack Ma’s greatest contribution is not Taobao.

When it comes to the macroeconomic situation, my view is different from that of many people. The economy, like the human body, cannot only go up or down, but also has spring, summer, autumn and winter. Shrinking is not necessarily bad. If you don’t shrink, you will have so much money that you can’t even count it. Who has time to buy new ones for you? The economic downturn will bring a lot of pain. There is no way to adjust. The whole world is doing this. However, the economic crisis also has its positive function: it can stimulate the growth of positive forces.

If we keep doing things smoothly, the old normal can continue, but the new normal will not emerge. Business is like the army. It will find a way out when there is no way out. This is a necessary condition.

What is innovation and destructive creation. When a new thing comes out, many things become useless and useless. Innovation is ruthless. The

stage is ready. It is not small no matter how you look at it. As for how big a show everyone can perform on this stage, economists cannot tell clearly.

The future depends not on predictions, but on actions and these actors on the stage.


Jack Ma is a person who has made great contributions to society!

Jack Ma, he is just a businessman, don’t be too demanding on him being perfect, demanding that he be a saint, a great philanthropist, demanding selfless dedication and selfless sacrifice. He also does charity and is very bold in his actions.

Businessmen must pursue profits. If they do not pursue profits, they will die and be replaced by others. They will not be able to fulfill their dreams of a business empire, and they will not be able to contribute more to society and benefit the people.

Nowadays, many business leaders are retiring, retiring early, cashing out, no longer struggling, deleting in a panic, clearing Weibo, clearing all kinds of self-media, no longer speaking out, and becoming hermits and low-keys. This is a Very bad red flag.

Jack Ma's "If the banks don't change, we will change the banks; if the hospitals don't change, we will change the hospitals." This is such an lofty ambition and a good thing for the benefit of society and the people. At the same time, it will also promote banks under pressure. , hospitals, and all walks of life are developing and progressing, and give them a sense of crisis. If they cannot win the competition and cannot serve the people well, you will give way to the talents. What's wrong? Why do you want to DD Jack Ma? !

Huabei and Jiebei have actually helped young people a lot.

A penny can really stump a hero. You will know how many times you are short of money. At this time, Ma Yun's Huabei and Jiebei are a help in times of need, and they are more dear to you than your own father! It saves you from emergencies and solves your urgent needs. It prevents you from sleeping on the street, prevents you from having no money to take the bus, does not allow you to pay for your travel home, does not allow you to connect to the interview unit, and does not pay for the phone calls. You are miserable in the city, so that you can survive today, survive tomorrow, and survive until you can apply for a new job, receive a new salary, and stay in the city with dignity without being driven away by the city.

You can’t forget the person who dug the well. You should thank Huabei, Jianbei, and Jack Ma instead of criticizing.

Huabei, Jiebei is a tool to help you. If you use the tool improperly and cause debt trouble, it is a problem of your own quality. How can you blame the tool for being wrong? When you encounter an economic crisis and are unable to do anything, Huabei and Jiebei appear in time to help you and relieve you of your difficulties, so that you can gain a decent foothold in the city, pursue your dreams, and live a better and better tomorrow. Should you be grateful? !


Jack Ma holds three positions in the United Nations :

1. Advocate of the United Nations' " Sustainable Development Goals ",

. Special Advisor for Youth Entrepreneurship and Small Business at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development,

. High-level United Nations Digital Cooperation Group Co-Chair.

It is worth noting that Jack Ma’s annual salary for the three positions he holds at the United Nations is one dollar. The two special adviser positions held in 2016 are similar to the assistant secretary-general of the United Nations in the internal system of the United Nations, but they are different from virtual positions such as United Nations ambassadors. There are no additional stipends for the plants and there are no pension funds, but the United Nations reimburses the costs of their work.

Jack Ma’s United Nations passport is still a red book!

So, this means that Jack Ma is no longer just the chairman of the board of directors of Alibaba Group, he has become an official United Nations official and a top executive.

What’s even more explosive is that in order for Jack Ma to more conveniently promote and promote small and medium-sized enterprises and young people around the world, the United Nations also specially awarded the following United Nations Red to Jack Ma! color! top! class! Pass! OK! certificate!

It should be noted that United Nations passes are divided into red and blue. Regular officials use blue passes, while the highest level red passes are only issued to a very small number of high-level officials, such as the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

According to reports, this document is a special travel document issued by the United Nations in accordance with Article 7 of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations adopted in 1946. Only the United Nations and the International Labor Organization have the authority to issue it. This pass provides many conveniences for international travel. The holder can have diplomatic immunity in the country where the non-citizen is located and enjoy visa exemption, fast customs clearance, security inspection, etc.

Therefore, this certificate will allow Jack Ma, as a top executive of the United Nations, to enjoy the convenience of visa-free, fast customs clearance, security inspection, etc. on the international pass, as well as the diplomatic immunity of the country where he is not a national, which is equivalent to a "universal passport"!