Design is needed in every aspect of our lives. For example, the houses, roads, landscapes, clothing, and advertisements you see are all inseparable from design. Australia has many design category immigration majors. Today, let’s take a look at what are the requirements for Austra

2024/06/2413:10:32 migrant 1113

Every aspect of our lives requires design. For example, the houses, roads, landscapes, clothing, and advertisements you see are all inseparable from design. Australia has many design category immigration majors. Today, let’s take a look at what are the requirements for Australian interior design immigration?

Design is needed in every aspect of our lives. For example, the houses, roads, landscapes, clothing, and advertisements you see are all inseparable from design. Australia has many design category immigration majors. Today, let’s take a look at what are the requirements for Austra - DayDayNews

The employment prospects of interior designers (ANZSCO 232511) in Australia are very good. In the past 10 years, with the development of economic construction and real estate industry, interior design has truly become an industry that cannot be ignored, and it is also a high-paying job.

Design is needed in every aspect of our lives. For example, the houses, roads, landscapes, clothing, and advertisements you see are all inseparable from design. Australia has many design category immigration majors. Today, let’s take a look at what are the requirements for Austra - DayDayNews

What types of immigrant visas can the interior design major apply for?

Visa types:

189 Independent skilled immigrant visa (requires scoring);

190/489/491 state-sponsored skilled immigrant visa (requires scoring);

482 employer-sponsored temporary work visa (non-scoring) visa);

186/494 employer-sponsored permanent residence visa (non-scored visa);

Design is needed in every aspect of our lives. For example, the houses, roads, landscapes, clothing, and advertisements you see are all inseparable from design. Australia has many design category immigration majors. Today, let’s take a look at what are the requirements for Austra - DayDayNews

What are the immigration requirements for Australian interior design professional?

1, aged between 18-49 years old;

2, IELTS (course) score at least not low At 6 points;

3, you must complete two years of study in Australia and obtain a certificate (excluding online or distance learning). Courses studied within two years can be composed of multiple courses;

4. Pass the skills and occupation assessment. The requirements are as follows:

Bachelor degree or above in a related occupation + 1 year of work experience after graduation (more than 20 hours per week required).

Design is needed in every aspect of our lives. For example, the houses, roads, landscapes, clothing, and advertisements you see are all inseparable from design. Australia has many design category immigration majors. Today, let’s take a look at what are the requirements for Austra - DayDayNews

How to improve your chances of obtaining Australian skilled immigrants?

1. Stay in Australia after completing your studies;

2.Continue studying to obtain a higher degree, thereby improving your skills and knowledge;

For example, from college to undergraduate diploma. College diplomas and trade certificates can earn you 10 points, an undergraduate degree can earn you 15 points, and a doctorate can earn you 20 points. Your age also has a big impact on points. For example, people aged 25 to 32 can add 30 points, while people aged 45 can add 30 points, and people aged 49 are not eligible for extra points. Your occupation is on the technical occupation list, and the longer your work experience, the higher your score.

If you are an excellent designer or an international student majoring in design, you can contact us to design the most suitable immigration plan for you.

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