From healthcare and education to cultural activities and general living costs, we review the pros and cons of living in Austria. Home to the Alps, Mozart and Wiener Schnitzel, Austria has a lot to offer the adventurous foreigner.

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From healthcare and education to cultural activities and general living costs, we review the pros and cons of living in Austria.

Austria, the home of the Alps, Mozart and Viennese schnitzel, has a lot to offer the adventurous foreigner. But, like anywhere in the world, when considering a move here, the most important thing to consider is the pros and cons of living in your new home. If you want to live in Austria, there are certainly many things to consider.

Advantages of living in Austria

Overall, you will find that Austria has many favorable aspects.

High quality of life

The quality of life in Austria is very high. In fact, a 2019 global study ranked Austria second for quality of life. In addition, Vienna has ranked first in the world's most livable cities for ten consecutive years. Austria also ranks highly when it comes to press freedom, women's rights and human rights.

From healthcare and education to cultural activities and general living costs, we review the pros and cons of living in Austria. Home to the Alps, Mozart and Wiener Schnitzel, Austria has a lot to offer the adventurous foreigner. - DayDayNews

With its clean mountain air, efficient public transport, and high-quality healthcare and education, Austria has certainly left a lasting impression on its residents.


Public transportation in Austria is excellent and punctual, with buses, trams, and metros running extensively throughout the city. Between cities, you can take the Ă–BB Railjet, which can fly at a staggering 143 mph. However, you might not even notice it when you're sitting in an ergonomic chair enjoying free Wi-Fi.


Austria’s education system is high quality and developed. Austria provides free pre-school education and public primary and secondary schools, and its people are well-educated. Students can even choose between vocational school and academic school. Uniquely, all Austrian and EU students have free admission to Austrian public universities. And, surprisingly, tuition fees at public universities are incredibly low even for non-EU students, usually between €1,000 and €2,000. Of course, the premise is that you can speak German .


Healthcare in Austria is universal and accessible. The vast majority of health problems and medications are covered, and treatments are of high quality and efficiency. In fact, health care in Austria is taken very seriously, and many people go to Austria to seek medical care and pay out of their own pockets.

From healthcare and education to cultural activities and general living costs, we review the pros and cons of living in Austria. Home to the Alps, Mozart and Wiener Schnitzel, Austria has a lot to offer the adventurous foreigner. - DayDayNews

In Austria, private healthcare is available to people who are unable or unwilling to use public healthcare. Generally speaking, private healthcare means no waiting times, a wider choice of doctors, and a choice of public or private clinics and hospitals. Although the quality of care does not vary greatly, the comfort level of care can vary greatly.

Crime and Safety

Austria is a very safe country with very little crime and even less violent crime. There are typically fewer than 100 murders nationwide each year. By comparison, Israel, which has a similar population, had 123 homicides in 2017. Of course, some minor crimes, such as pickpocketing, can happen anywhere, and you should remain vigilant around crowds and public places.

Cultural Atmosphere

Living in Austria means easy access to world-class museums, operas, theaters and concerts. Plus, you'll always find yourself surrounded by stunning architecture, stately churches, and quaint cafes. In fact, no matter what your tastes, you'll be in awe of all the cultural wonders.

Outdoor activities

Living in Austria will make you imagine you are an extra in The Sound of Music. If you love the outdoors, this country nestled in the Alps is the perfect destination. As expected, you'll find plenty to do, including forest hiking, mountain climbing, swimming in glacial lakes, relaxing in hot tubs, and camping in scenic spots.

From healthcare and education to cultural activities and general living costs, we review the pros and cons of living in Austria. Home to the Alps, Mozart and Wiener Schnitzel, Austria has a lot to offer the adventurous foreigner. - DayDayNews

And, in the winter, you'll want to practice skiing or snowboarding - because, when you live in Austria, how could you not take advantage of the Alps?

Easy travel

The best thing about living in Austria It's location is very convenient. For example, if you want a weekend getaway, you can go to Germany, Switzerland, or any of the six other countries on the border with Austria. Because it is a geographical center, you can easily travel to various destinations in Europe by train or plane.

An active expat community

One of the most gratifying things about being an expat in Austria is how quickly they become friends, support and celebrate each other. You'll find expat groups dedicated to socializing, business, travel, and more. And if you miss your native customs, you're sure to find compatriots willing to recreate them with you!

From healthcare and education to cultural activities and general living costs, we review the pros and cons of living in Austria. Home to the Alps, Mozart and Wiener Schnitzel, Austria has a lot to offer the adventurous foreigner. - DayDayNews


Disadvantages of Living in Austria

Although there are many great things about living in Austria, there are also some disadvantages to keep in mind ,as follows.

Cost of living in Austria

The cost of living in Austria – especially in a large city like Vienna – can be quite high. In fact, a 2020 study found that Austria is the 21st most expensive city in the world. Affordable housing is especially hard to find. In fact, more than 60% of Vienna residents live in subsidized housing for this reason.

From healthcare and education to cultural activities and general living costs, we review the pros and cons of living in Austria. Home to the Alps, Mozart and Wiener Schnitzel, Austria has a lot to offer the adventurous foreigner. - DayDayNews


The result for foreigners living in Austria is that many employers offer salaries that are high enough to offset the high cost of living.

Average salary

The average monthly salary in Austria ranges from 1,700 euros to 2,200 euros, depending on the city. The money is justified thanks to government subsidies in housing, education, health and transportation. However, for expats who are used to making more money elsewhere, this may feel like a significant step down. Of course, many expats working in high-paying fields may earn a monthly salary well above these averages.

Language barrier

The national language of Austria is German. Although many people speak English, the further away from the city you go, or the more specific your needs are, the harder it will be to find someone who speaks English. Speaking German also opens you up to more employment and educational opportunities. A further complicating factor is that Austrian German has special regional quirks that make it different from, and perhaps more difficult to deal with than, regular German.

Difficulty integrating

Although Austria meets many expat requirements, settling in Austria can be difficult. Many expats attribute this to a general lack of friendliness among local Austrians. In fact, one study found that less than 9% of foreigners surveyed thought Austrians were very friendly.

However, keep in mind that it will also be difficult to make friends with locals if you don't speak German. So it might be time to learn the terminology, or at least download some apps to help you with the basics.


Winter in Austria is cold, gray, and long. There is no way around it. However, if you enjoy outdoor activities in the winter, the cold season will be over quickly. However, for those who enjoy warmer weather, finding a favorite cozy coffee shop or picking up an indoor hobby can help pass the time.

Traditional Rules

Some old-fashioned quirks of life in Austria can frustrate foreigners. A common complaint is that many businesses — including many grocery stores, bars and restaurants — are closed on Sundays. This is a legacy from the past that can put a damper on a foreigner’s weekend plans. Nonetheless, there are still many beautiful places across the country for children to visit and places to engage them.

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