Australia's Global Talent Excellence Program (GTI) is an immigration program designed to recruit top talents from around the world. Applicants who are nominated by the Immigration Bureau will be able to directly apply for Australia’s permanent residence visa, allowing their famil

2024/05/1719:47:32 migrant 1302

Australia’s Global Talent Excellence Program (GTI) is an immigration program designed to recruit top talents from around the world. Applicants who are nominated by the Immigration Bureau will be able to directly apply for Australia’s permanent residence visa, allowing their family to obtain permanent residence in one step.

Australia's Global Talent Excellence Program (GTI) is an immigration program designed to recruit top talents from around the world. Applicants who are nominated by the Immigration Bureau will be able to directly apply for Australia’s permanent residence visa, allowing their famil - DayDayNews

Former Australian GTI projects are prioritized in ten major fields (Target Sectors). It should be noted that each major field contains many subdivisions. If you want to know whether your research field is consistent, you can find an Australian immigration lawyer for a comprehensive evaluation.

If we want to summarize the GTI application requirements in simple words, applicants need to make outstanding contributions and achieve excellent results in ten designated fields. There are no rigid requirements for the applicant's age, language proficiency, assets, etc.

Australia's Global Talent Excellence Program (GTI) is an immigration program designed to recruit top talents from around the world. Applicants who are nominated by the Immigration Bureau will be able to directly apply for Australia’s permanent residence visa, allowing their famil - DayDayNews

In the Australian GTI immigration project, agricultural food and agricultural science and technology are one of the target areas planned to recruit talents. On paper, it seems that this field is relatively niche. In fact, in our daily lives, we have enjoyed the technological achievements in this field in many aspects.

Case 1: Ms. A in Food Technology

Ms. A has been leading the innovation and development of plant-based products at a Fortune 500 consumer goods company for five years, with the company launching more than 10 products in 20 European countries.

Her work drives the development and mass adoption of plant-based products and improves upcycling practices. She also studied at Harvard Business School to further enhance her business acumen and leadership skills.

In Australia, Ms A plans to continue her innovative work in food technology, focusing on plant-based products, alternative proteins and sustainable practices.

Australia's Global Talent Excellence Program (GTI) is an immigration program designed to recruit top talents from around the world. Applicants who are nominated by the Immigration Bureau will be able to directly apply for Australia’s permanent residence visa, allowing their famil - DayDayNews

Case 2: Global Product Executive Ms B

Ms B is applying her R&D and product development expertise to Australia's booming plant-based foods industry. She has won several awards in the field of vegan food and developed internationally competitive products and technologies.

Ms B is now the global product director for an international plant-based food company, where she will manufacture plant-based products in Australia supporting a full vertically integrated business model, from growing plant proteins to milling, manufacturing and finished consumer products.

By the end of 2022, Australia's agricultural output value is expected to be close to A$87 billion. For the industry to achieve this goal and maintain its reputation for high-quality and sustainable products, it will need to significantly increase productivity, increase market access and diversify, which is probably why agri-tech and agri-food are among the ten designated areas of GTI. one.

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