The mass line is the lifeline and fundamental work line of our party, and an important heirloom for our party to maintain its youthful vitality and combat effectiveness. Deputy Mayor Yang personally organized water trucks to deliver water to the people in Niuling Community, which

County Heshui Town, no matter how hot it is, the "Party" cannot stop the enthusiasm of the town and village cadres to send summer off. The mass line is the lifeline and fundamental work line of our party, and an important heirloom for our party to maintain its youthful vitality and combat effectiveness. The national leader pointed out: "What do you rely on to maintain the party's advanced nature and purity and consolidate the party's ruling foundation and ruling status ? The most important thing is to adhere to the party's mass line and keep close contact with the masses."

Deputy Mayor Yang said: Delivering water to the masses

Deputy Mayor Yang personally organized water trucks to deliver water to the masses in Niuling Community, which was highly praised by the cadres and the masses. The careful approach of the town comrades such as Liu Jun was very down-to-earth, and the village cadres gave a heartfelt thumbs up He said, "The party and the government are better." The party's cadres are public servants who serve the people wholeheartedly. The eyes of the people are sharp. If cadres do good things for the people, the people will remember them. This is what a good public reputation is. Every drop of it is accumulated.

The day is warm and people are united, and everything is moving . Deputy Mayor Zhenyang informed the group of the current weather conditions: Ankang Meteorological Observatory will continue to issue a high temperature red warning signal at 9:33 on July 15, 2022: It is expected that the maximum temperature in some towns in the following areas will rise to 40 today Degree or above: Hanbin District, Xunyang City , Hanyin County , Shiquan County, Ziyang County , Langao County, Pingli County , Baihe County, please pay attention to precautions. A few simple words are enough to express the excellent style of leading cadres who lead by example, to prove the simple thoughts of party members who think of others first, and to illustrate that the heart-warming work style of coming from the masses to the masses is a strong foundation for one's job. .

Send a car of water and make a village happy. The water truck delivers water, which brings more family ties to the party and the masses, and an atmosphere of heart-to-heart connection between the cadres and the masses. This timely water delivery brings the heart of the party committee and the government. This down-to-earth working method will surely make the masses more supportive. The party's good policies will make friends from the masses respect and cooperate with our daily work from the bottom of their hearts. Although I did not come to the scene, I felt in my heart that the scene was full of joy and joy. The scene in front of me was a living picture of serving the people. The footprints described the summer action group: enthusiastically and fullly implementing the mass line without end. of fearless spirit.

Water delivery site in Niuling Community

(Text/Hanbin District County He Town: Zhang Peng)