But I didn’t expect that when Sri Lanka’s high-level departments were grateful to my country, its domestic scholars angrily denounced my country’s lending behavior and joined forces with Indian scholars to throw dirty water, saying that this was usury and that such a helping hand

So far, Sri Lanka The country can be said to be a mess. All economic industries are in a state of shutdown. The people at the bottom can't even eat. The president of the country has taken the lead in running away. At such a sad and bleak moment, our country has recently provided Sri Lanka with received a loan of US$500 million, plus emergency humanitarian assistance of RMB500 million.

But I didn’t expect that when Sri Lanka’s high-level officials were grateful to my country, its domestic scholars angrily criticized my country’s lending behavior and joined forces with Indian scholars to throw dirty water on it, saying that this was usury and that such a helping hand was threatening their country. Pulling into the abyss, there will never be a day for recovery, and then pointed out some specific cases, such as , Pakistan, , Nepal, etc., and said that such assistance will only make their country's development worse and worse. It is really nonsense. You must know that our country The total amount of loans to Sri Lanka so far only accounts for 10% of Sri Lanka’s external debt. Most of Sri Lanka’s external debt is basically in Western countries.

In the critical moment of their own country, these foreign scholars watched their own people suffer. Because various economic industries were suspended, people wandered aimlessly on the streets of major cities, and even hospitals refused to treat and operate. Within a few months, the people went hungry. There are many people who have died of illness and disease. It is ridiculous that scholars in this country cannot make any contribution to the people, but they jump out to criticize the East for providing help in times of need. At this difficult time when the people of Sri Lanka can't even eat, we provide them with food aid of 10,000 yuan. tons of rice, China's speed is today, Sri Lanka has begun to accept the second batch of rice handover from my country. This kind act can truly solve the urgent needs of the people of Sri Lanka. However, these domestic scholars in Sri Lanka can only use lip service, and in turn condemn this Such an act of assistance is truly breathtaking in its mysterious operation.

But Professor Gao from our country always smiled and calmly faced the Sri Lankan scholars who were seeking grievances everywhere. His magnanimity as a great nation was clearly visible. It was difficult for Professor Gao to remain so patient after listening to all the nonsense uttered by the Sri Lankan scholars. After playing the piano to the cow with a smile and an impassioned speech, the Sri Lankan and Indian scholars were scolded and speechless. While Professor Gao was refuting the scholars from other countries, the top leaders of the Sri Lankan education department had already received the second batch of rice aid. In this way, after receiving Within the next six months, 1.1 million students in 7,900 schools in 9 provinces across Sri Lanka will no longer have to worry about three meals a day, which is of great significance to maintaining the country’s educational order and stabilizing the national mentality.

Why has Sri Lanka fallen to this level? , one day this learning target that Singapore pointed out to catch up with will actually be reduced to such an embarrassing situation that the country declares bankruptcy, the president resigns overnight and flees overseas, and even the people at the bottom are so poor that they can't even afford to eat. This shocked the world. The tragic situation of a country is second to none in history. Some people say that Sri Lanka is so miserable because the domestic economic industry is too single. There are only two largest economic industries in the country, one is the textile industry and the other is tourism. Some people say that Sri Lanka is too dependent on Imports, the country's food and agriculture policies have been stretched, causing farmers to change jobs and change careers, and basic daily necessities such as food are too dependent on imports.

The reason is that Sri Lanka’s high-level corruption has caused the country’s president to destroy his own country. Let’s take a look at how shocking the country’s leader has been with a series of bizarre operations since he came to power. This man is about to become a “celebrity for the ages.” The President of Sri Lanka is named Gotabaya Rajapakse. He took office in November 2019. He has been in power for less than 4 years and has been in power for less than 4 years. What exactly has this great man done in just 4 years is a mystery. This operation turned Sri Lanka, which was once glorious for a while, into the bleak situation it is now, where the people are in dire straits. The answer may be a bit unbelievable. Gotabaya's appointment as president depends entirely on his lies.

His family, the Rajapakse family, is one of the most prominent families in South Asia, rivaling the top wealthy families in India. As the most prestigious member of the family, Gotabaya naturally has no choice but to serve as the president of Sri Lanka, even if he himself He knew nothing about economics, but relying on his family's absolute voice in Sri Lanka, Gotabaya still firmly held the position of president. Before becoming president, Sri Lanka relied on foreign debt to build domestic infrastructure and gradually revitalized a series of domestic economic industries. , tourism, tea, textile and other pillar industries were booming. However, in order to serve as the president at that time, Gotabaya vigorously promoted the policy of tax reduction and actively distributed benefits to the people. Although this move allowed Gotabaya to get his wish and earn a very high salary. However, after taking office as president, Gotabaya actually made great efforts to reduce national taxes and issued a series of welfare policies. Although this made the people of Sri Lanka extremely happy in the short term, it will soon also cause problems for the people of Sri Lanka. My own shortsightedness paid a heavy price.

You must know that the Sri Lankan government’s finances are running deficits every year. In order to stimulate the rise of domestic economic industries, the government is burdened with a huge amount of foreign debt. Originally, various economic industries were booming and it was almost time for the government to harvest, but Gotabaya’s brain As a result, taxes were abolished and benefits were distributed. As a result, government revenue was greatly reduced, and the fiscal deficit became visible to the naked eye. Afterwards, Gotabaya implemented a series of mysterious operations. Sri Lanka's situation was initially stable. The national treasury still has some funds for its operations, and how did Gotabaya destroy the last bit of Sri Lanka's wealth? Until now, it is burdened with tens of billions of US dollars in foreign debt , and has made the country a mess.

Taking stock of the "glorious deeds" done by the runaway President Gotabaya during his tenure, after he promulgated the tax reduction policy, Fitch, one of the three major international rating agencies , immediately reacted to this and put Sri Lanka's sovereignty The credit rating was downgraded from stable s to n, which means negative, because once Sri Lanka enacts tax cuts, the government will lose domestic industry income and be unable to repay foreign debts, and the domestic economy will collapse, so Sri Lankan investors are preparing strategies. "Retreat", Sri Lanka's most popular textile industry and tea industry have been affected, and the fiscal deficit has doubled in 20 years. However, President Gotabaya is still talking about it in the country, saying that he is playing a big game and talking about reducing Taxation is a five-year investment. If this big game is successful, Sri Lanka will be able to soar and change its previous decline.

But now it seems that Lao Ge has not succeeded in this game, and there is not even a draw. He has lost completely, but Sri Lanka can still survive this situation. The last straw that breaks the camel's back is In April 21, April was the peak season for Sri Lanka's planting industry. Gotabaya suddenly announced that he would start fulfilling his promise to let Sri Lankan people eat healthy food. For a time, all chemical fertilizers, pesticides, The import of herbicides was banned, and organic farming began to be fully implemented. Tea farmers were miserable because the cost of organic cultivation was ten times that of normal cultivation. Not only was it unprofitable to grow tea, but it also cost money, and there were no pesticides. , diseases and insect pests are serious, and the yield is only half of traditional cultivation.

As a result, farmers quit their jobs one after another. In addition, after the Russia-Ukraine war, the price of food, oil and natural gas imports around the world soared. Sri Lanka could be said to be at the end of its rope. In such a desperate situation, on July 2 this year, Sri Lanka decided to Myanmar donated 6 million doses of Pfizer vaccine. I really didn’t understand this operation. My country was almost bankrupt, and I still had time to donate supplies to Myanmar. As expected, a few days after the donation, Sri Lanka declared bankruptcy and the president ran away. Domestic Civilians have protested in the presidential house, and Sri Lanka, as the first victim of this international economic situation, is not necessarily the last. Moreover, the price of the euro has plummeted recently and is almost the same as the U.S. dollar. The Federal Reserve has begun to raise interest rates again and to promote the return of the U.S. dollar. , leading to various poor countries unable to make ends meet, and the debt system began to collapse. Where should the world trend develop in the future? , when will we have to wait until common prosperity? , I believe this day will not be too long, let us wait and see