Regarding the issue of "whether China is a challenger?" Europe's Germany, France, the Netherlands, and Belgium are all arguing with the United States. Germany is directly opposed to being too confrontational in terms of China-related statements.

Western countries have been particularly busy recently. Following the G7 summit, the NATO summit was also held in Spain. However, the important " and two sessions" in Western countries have been manipulated by the United States and turned into a "political show" targeting China and Russia. In addition to its usual anti-Russian agenda, this time the United States also used the so-called "strategic concept" to slander China as a "systemic challenge" and asked its allies to "work together to deal with it." However, compared to the hot weather, what makes the United States more anxious is the attitude of its allies. Regarding the issue of "whether China is a challenger?", Europe's Germany, France, , the Netherlands, and Belgium are all arguing with the United States. Germany is directly opposed to being too confrontational in terms of China-related statements. Today, it is increasingly difficult for the United States to deceive its allies.

According to reports from " Reference News ", some German media recently revealed that they have questions about "whether China has become a threat to NATO ", "whether China and Russia can be confused", and "how the West should treat China" On the topic, there are still disputes within NATO, especially between the United States and Germany. The German government hopes to continue its previous strategy, that is, "China's growing influence and its international policies may pose challenges, and we must work together as an alliance." "Work together" to prevent its statement on China from being too confrontational, but the United States does not think so.

As a military alliance left over from the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, NATO has gradually become a tool for the United States to implement hegemony. Even before the meeting, the Secretary-General of NATO "let the public know" that this NATO summit is a "transformative" summit that will propose a "new strategic concept" and label China a "systemic challenge" for the first time. All countries are asked to "work together to deal with" China's challenges. However, after seeing the mediocre response from the members, he also said that he did not regard China as an opponent, but was "disappointed by the closer proximity between China and Russia." He tried to bind China and Russia to increase the enthusiasm of allies against China.

It is obvious that the United States wants to create an "imaginary enemy" for its allies in order to achieve its purpose of suppressing its opponents. This is a naked Cold War mentality . However, European countries are obviously not interested in targeting China. Germany, France, the Netherlands, and Belgium have all opposed targeting China, and Germany is still arguing with the United States. So, does China really pose a so-called "systemic challenge" to NATO? Let’s analyze it from three aspects.

First of all, China's initiative for global peaceful development and the development of cooperation on the basis of mutual respect are enough to prove that China does not want to confront other countries in terms of foreign policy. On the contrary, it is the Western countries led by the United States that are really engaging in political confrontation. For example, when targeting China, they have lavished dirty talk on "human rights" and frequently interfered in China's internal affairs on the Taiwan Strait issue. Who has shown political intentions? , clear at a glance.

Secondly, China strives to promote the "Belt and Road" policy and strengthen economic cooperation with various countries in various regions around the world, such as the establishment of the "16+" cooperation mechanism in Central and Eastern Europe, China's partnership with ASEAN , and its recent cooperation with South Pacific island countries. and cooperation with Latin American countries are both welcomed by all countries. However, the United States is either engaged in the "US-UK-Australia-New Zealand Military Partnership" and malicious nuclear proliferation, or it is forming "China groups" such as the "Indo-Pacific Economic Framework" and the "Quadrilateral Dialogue Conference". The so-called challenges of the US are actually it. He is engaging in malicious targeting and serving hegemony.

Finally, China's national defense policy has always been defense-oriented. The Chinese fleet will never trespass into other countries' restricted areas. Even though China now has three aircraft carriers, they only serve the security of its own sea rights. As for the United States, a foreign country in the Asia-Pacific region, its aircraft carriers have been showing off their power in the South China Sea almost all year round. They have also joined forces with Japan to make irresponsible remarks on the South China Sea and Taiwan Strait issues, and have repeatedly sold arms to Taiwan. Isn't this the United States' provoking China and threatening China's territory, sovereignty and dignity? Challenge?

Therefore, the US’s rhetoric without evidence cannot convince its allies.Over the years, China has been the largest trading partner of and the EU, and Sino-German cooperation has become a model for China-EU cooperation. Now, suffering the economic backlash caused by sanctions against Russia, Germany does not want to give up an important economic partner like China because of political factors. The United States' rhetoric of "systemic challenges" may not work for Germany in trouble. Far from being a challenge, China is Germany's "life-saving straw." Germany hopes to gain its own benefits from cooperation with China, but the United States wants its allies to "invest money to contain China." In this case, it is not surprising that there is not much controversy.