According to the "Daily Mail" news on July 1, local time, a mother living in Florida, 39-year-old Sheila O'Leary, was convicted after a week-long trial. The jury found him guilty and he faced life in prison.

According to the " Daily Mail " news on July 1, local time, a mother living in Florida, 39-year-old Sheila O'Leary, was sentenced after a week-long trial. He was later found guilty by a jury and faced life in prison.

Sheila is accused of murdering her 18-month-old son Ezra (Ezra). The boy's short life ended in 2019, and he weighed only 17 pounds (about 15.4 pounds) when he died. The cause of death was nutrition Bad complications . According to the doctor's testimony, the child never had enough to eat in the week before his death.

Sheila and her current husband Ryan have three children together. Because she only eats vegetarian food, all the food she prepares for her three children is vegetarian. html Her 65-year-old and 3-year-old daughters only eat vegetables and fruits. They are also severely malnourished. , the skin is waxy yellow, and one of the children has very bad teeth, which are all black.

Sheila and her ex also have an 11-year-old daughter. This child is relatively lucky. It is reported that because she often visits her father, her health is much better than that of her half-brothers and sisters.

It is reported that Ezra, who died in infancy, was born at home and had never been to the hospital. Even if he had difficulty breathing, his parents did not seek first aid and went to sleep. When he woke up, his son had completely stopped breathing..

According to Sheila, she breastfed her son, but it seemed that she was not producing enough milk herself. According to prosecutors, Ezra was a "gaunt child who cried often," and Sheila, the mother, chose to ignore her son when he cried out from hunger.

It is reported that Sheila’s husband Ryan has also been charged with murder and manslaughter and is currently awaiting the final trial results.

On the same day, the Daily Mail also reported another incident that happened in Dyfed-Powys, South Wales, England. It was the opposite of what happened in Florida, USA, but it was also a crime of parenting. If American parents let their young sons "starve to death", then these British parents let their daughters "die of obesity" .

Two years ago a 16-year-old girl named Kaylea Titford passed away and was found dead in her bed at home. The cause of death was related to her morbid obesity. "A girl with spina bifida and hydrocephalus developed large ulcerated areas on her body due to complications caused by obesity, accompanied by inflammation and infection," 's death certificate said.

Kelia's parents, Alun Titford, 44, and Lloyd-Jones, 39, were soon charged with gross negligence manslaughter in the death of a child or Deaths of vulnerable people.

According to the charges, Allen and Lloyd-Jones failed to ensure that their daughter had a healthy diet for seven months, causing her to be morbidly obese. In addition, as parents, they failed to ensure that their child received adequate exercise. Not even seeking reasonable medical help.

Allen and Lloyd Jones have denied the accusations in court, but now a new criminal investigation has been opened. The police suspect that Kelia may have died unnaturally . Coroner Graeme Hughes said police were carrying out further inquiries which gave him reason to suspect Kellia's death may have been unnatural or that someone was involved to contribute to her death.