On June 29, on the occasion of July 1st, in order to show the party's care and convey the warmth of the organization, Huang Zhong, member of the Standing Committee of the Yingtan Municipal Party Committee and director of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee,

html On June 29, on the occasion of July 1st, in order to reflect the party’s care and convey the warmth of the organization, Huang Zhong, member of the Standing Committee of the Yingtan Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, visited our city’s veteran party members in need. At the same time, he walked into the Binjiang Town People’s Congress Representative Liaison Station and participated in Binjiang Town voters’ reception activities. Huang Jianjun, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Executive Deputy Mayor of the Municipal Government, Hu Yongsheng, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Director of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, Wang Lirong, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, and Zhang Xiaofeng, Chief Procurator of the Municipal People's Procuratorate, accompanied them respectively.

△Huang Zhong (first from left), member of the Standing Committee of the Yingtan Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee

"Thank you for your contribution to the party." "How is your physical condition?"... In Jiangshui Maojia, Hongtang Village, Binjiang Town and Baijiang Town, Binjiang Town At the home of Li Zhanyuan of the Qiulong Group in Li Village, Huang Zhong had a heart-to-heart talk with two veteran party members in need, learned in detail about their physical condition, living security, daily life and other conditions, sent them condolence money, conveyed the greetings of the party and the government to them, and Ask them to take care of themselves. At the same time, it is hoped that the old party members will give full play to their experience advantages, continue to exert their residual enthusiasm, and play a leading and exemplary role in the reform of changing rural customs.

Huang Zhong then walked into the Binjiang Town People’s Congress Representative Liaison Station, communicated face-to-face with voters from different village groups in Binjiang Town, accepted voters’ suggestions, listened to the public sentiment and public opinion, and collected relevant opinions and suggestions.

△Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee Hu Yongsheng (second from right)

During the event, the voter representatives successively discussed the construction of home care centers, road construction and hardening, construction of leisure pavilions, creation of cultural fitness squares, environmental improvement and other hot spots of public concern. On difficult issues, I put forward my opinions and suggestions to Huang Zhong and other deputies to the National People's Congress present. Huang Zhong patiently listened to the problems reported by the voters, made detailed records and answered them on the spot, and asked the Binjiang Town People's Congress Representative Liaison Station to classify and organize the problems reported by the voters' representatives after the meeting, and formulate a submission form of opinions and suggestions.

Huang Zhong fully affirmed the work of the Binjiang Town People’s Congress Representative Liaison Station. He requested that the National People's Congress should enhance its awareness and serve the people as its purpose and principle. It is necessary to keep close contact with the voters and go among the masses in different forms through the National People's Congress Representative Liaison Station. We must give full play to the role of deputies to the National People's Congress to serve voters and the people. It is necessary to strengthen the awareness of National People's Congress deputies, improve their ability to perform their duties in accordance with the law, promote the innovative development of various key tasks, and truly implement the system of the National People's Congress at the grassroots level.

reporter Hu Jumei